Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 28: Time flies

Natalya's disagreement with Jiuyu Mai, seems to have been doomed when the two called.

Such women, on the second day of their first meeting, in the early morning, in the open space near the castle, they put up several gun targets and made a burst of trial and error, waking Jingyu from his sleep. , Also a bad heart attack, immediately decided to let them act together as a partner in the future.

The pair did not disappoint him in the task, the same expressionless face; after the task, they complained and counted the mistakes made by the other party in the task, and threatened how much they would do if they were themselves.

They almost got tired of Jingyu and others, but they could argue every time. Then go back to the previous path again, to actually compete in shooting, reconnaissance, tracking and fighting.

By this last item, even Jingyu had to interfere.

Although Mai had learned some magic, after all, his talents were limited. Being able to use it as an auxiliary means (such as sending out envoys), but not being able to use it for attacking and defending. That is to say, she cannot use magic power to strengthen her own flesh and do things that exceed human limits.

Jingyu feared that she would suffer a loss, and secretly told Natalya not to use magic power in the fight. This was the part that Natalya was good at as a magician. She would not deliberately show off to the dance.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Natalia, as a woman's little character, rose up and verbally lost to Mai Mai, she would frequently report to him with the expression "You are really eccentric".

Time flies, the time is like a shuttle, Einzbelen, the annex castle that was not originally inhabited, has become an important home for Jingyu before the Holy Grail war. They can do very little. After studying the magic of this world, he carefully arranged different levels of confusion and defensive arrays around the living area, the higher the level.

Because he didn't want this home that held the children's growth memories to be easily destroyed.

That's right, in the third year after check-in, Jingyu's eldest daughter Elias Fir was born.

Seeing that she embraced the petite baby, Alice Phil was tired but full of happiness. Jingyu got a satisfaction as a man. It is certain that this woman sitting on the gorgeous four-poster bed is the same as a normal woman. There is no difference, it is now a real mother.

"Jingyu, thank you." With her cheek rubbing against the baby's skin, Alice Phil lifted her head, her burgundy eyes tearful.

"Thank me for what I do." Jingyu knew what she was thinking.

He smiled and sat by the bed. Press the left hand on the bed, the right hand through her silver hair. Kiss her, kiss their daughter, and then say seriously: "This is my responsibility as a father, and I will not allow others to use my child as a tool."

The Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War actually consists of two parts. One is the "Great Holy Grail" that is responsible for drawing and storing magic power from the underground spirit of Dongmu City; the other is the object of the seven master and servant combinations.

Because in the last holy grail war, the small holy grail (that is, a golden cup) was destroyed in the middle of the war. Einzbelen’s patriarch Ahad learned a lesson and added a survival instinct to the instrument to make it autonomous Avoiding danger This is the reason why the artificial man named Alice Phil was born.

In a sense, she is equivalent to the controlling personality of the Holy Grail.

As a child bred by her, Ahad wanted to impose magic on Ilya even when she was not born, which was of course severely rejected by Jingyu. Not only that, angry, he even concealed Alice Phil and made a major blood exchange for Einz Belen's home.

Since he participated in the holy grail war in Dongmu City, he will let it end in the current session. What is the purpose of reaching the outside world, looking for roots, etc. It is now just a stage for Jingyu to compare with the Hero King.

At the warm moment of a family of three, coughing coughs, Jingyu came from the side to look over, could not help but smiled and gave up the position. Xia Li, Natalia and Wu Mi all got together by the bed and scrambled to hug the new member of the family.

After listening to their whispering words such as ‘so cute’, Jingyu teased: “If you envy, it’s okay to have a baby, and I’m happy to help.”

The three women stayed for a moment, then looked back and gave him three very different expressions.

Wu Mi's eyes shine, and she seems to be asking, ‘Okay? ’

Xia Li shook her small head shyly, ‘Master is really bad. ’

Natalia snorted with a smile, ‘want to be beautiful. ’

Jingyu, who all looked at him, smiled and walked to Aoi who was still standing a few steps away. Surround her waist and touch her protruding belly in front of the three girls. Believe that another daughter will be born soon.

This proud expression of obvious conspicuousness made Kwai embarrassed. It's a pity that she is the one who can't resist her husband after all. He can only be used to stimulate the three infertile women.

In fact, this is very effective. Before and after Rin was born, he took them to bed. "Retreat!"

The stern rebuke came from a red-haired woman with a burning fire. With her left hand on her hips, her slender legs in brown baroque breeches naturally separated the width of her shoulders, her right hand was pressed against her chest, and she said coldly:

"Who do you think I am?"

With such high pressure, it was a meticulous middle-aged man who combed his black hair in an orthodox butler's uniform. He stood in front of the two thick, closed doors, maintaining a humble attitude with a low gaze.

"The old man is resting. Please come again later."

This tone, which is almost the same as usual, still contains the politeness of listening for many years. However, this is how the woman at that time produced a satirical effect sufficient to hurt her dignity.

"You!" She took a bite of her silver teeth, took a step without thinking, waved her right hand and gave the butler a cheek.

Snapped! In the open corridor space, it is very loud.

The woman withdrew her hand and tossed her fiery red hair, a blow without a hand, which caused her to vent a lot of resentment, and even the green bars of her forehead receded. However, she was still staring at the butler with a swollen left cheek:

"Go away!"

The butler was still the humble gesture with his eyes down.

The woman snorted and raised her hand again. Before she hit it, the door behind the housekeeper heard such a sound.

The woman's movements stopped, and the butler's expression changed. He turned first and pushed the two doors halfway inward. Go back to the door again and make a gesture of asking the woman sideways.

"Miss please come in."

The woman's gloomy eyes followed him. After he stood still, she started walking inward, but paused again in front of him.

Pa, slapping again because he ignored her request again. Soon after, the woman who returned to her room did not become relaxed and happy. Especially when she saw the red dress and long skirt on the bed, she simply smashed one of them on the ground and stepped on it several times.

"I don't like him at all, why don't I understand it at all?"

She shouted hysterically, and there were tears in her eyes. If it weren't for the **** skirt that was delivered to her room, she didn't know yet that her father was going to arrange an engagement ceremony for her.

The object is his student, the eldest man in the family of the magician of the ninth generation, who is also a talented woman. However, if she really likes each other a little bit, why should she wait until she is arranged by her father?

No, maybe, the fact that ‘arranged’ itself made her very resistant.

"Aren't there anything that can help me get rid of this nasty thing?"

After the woman vented, she fell on her soft bed and wanted to cry at least. She quickly stood up and put her eyes under the pillow, revealing the corner of the envelope.

This is her room. Isn't she aware of it?

Draw it out doubtfully. Just thinking about calling in the maid, she gave her a lesson about arbitrarily stuffing herself here, so as to vent her anger, a line on the cover attracted her attention:

You may need to change.
