Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 342: Kyoto command

In the Gakuna of the Japanese Liberation Front, a trailer equipped with a burai-changer came to a specific location according to the soldier's guidance. The pilot opened the cabin door, and five knightmares with burai-like appearance appeared.

Chiba and Asahina stood nearby and watched.

Chiba said: "I do not hide from you. These bodies are improved by the Knightmare R&D in charge of the Chinese Federation called Lakshatta. I have tried driving, and the performance of the body is more than sutherland."

Asahina heard that Chiba seemed to be extremely admired by the developer of the Chinese Federation, and he became somewhat dissatisfied because he felt that Chiba deliberately made it clear so that he would not attribute the credit of this development to the Japanese.

Therefore, the face is not as before, facing Chiba with a smile. After seeing Chiba, an original suspicion under him was magnified at this moment.

"Chiba," he asked, "do you still treat Mr. Fujitang as you did?"

Chiba was surprised, but did not expect that he would mention this at such a time when he was facing a war; and he felt embarrassed, and the word ‘treat’ was used, did it imply that she liked Fujitang?

If it were the simple female soldier seven years ago, she might not even hear this meaning. Only later, she was transferred to Kagura, and most of the contacts were women. Listening to them all day long, I came to know how to be a woman.

Her face was red, and after looking around, she said unpleasantly: "Asahina, I have been very respectful to Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang. It used to be that way, and it is still the same now."

"Respect?" Asahina's face sank, and Chiba's face was examined from behind the transparent lens: "Just so?"

"Then what do you think there should be?" Chiba greeted him oppositely.

Asahina saw that there was indeed anger on her face, and her expression was not ashamed, as if she was a fake, and she sighed. He thought that if Chiba, who respected Fujitang, had been with Fujitang for seven years, it would be impossible if he didn't fall in love with him day and night.

Things like emotions can't be forced, Chiba didn't fall in love with Fujido, and Asahina had nothing to blame. It's just that the good marriage is only broken up for seven years, which always makes him feel regretful and unwilling.

It is worth mentioning that this Asahina is different from ordinary men. What she likes is not women but men, it is Fujido. He knew that there was no result with Fujitang, and sincerely hoped that Fujitang could be happy. In his opinion, Chiba is a good candidate.

Therefore, Chiba's attitude was beyond his expectation, which also changed his attitude towards Chiba.

Thinking of'even if it's not you, a good man like Mr. Fujitang will always find a good match', he looks like a stranger, avoids Chiba's rhetorical questions, and uses the usual irony and joking tone Road:

"The Chinese Federation has never given ‘Kyoto’ knightmare technical support, so why is it unusual this time?”

The implication is that the Chinese Federation must have no good intentions.

Chiba snorted lightly, and didn’t think about the matter just now. He replied: "Sire Kagura is the adopted daughter of the Lord of the Dragon Federation of the Chinese Federation. She also has a close relationship with His Majesty, why can't the Chinese Federation help her? 'Kyoto' led by?"

"Adopted daughter?" Asahina sneered. "Can this trick to cheat the little girl believe? And ah, "Kyoto" is not led by her. But it takes the name of the last royal family. What has Japan done?"

In modern times, the Japanese royal family is indeed just a symbol. Kyoto said six, these resistance organizations are naturally known.

Therefore, his words, if heard from others, should be very reasonable.

However, Chiba was even more angry than before. She thought to herself that Lord Kagura Yeh, in a big country like the Chinese Federation, faced the big men with great influence in the world, all received their courtesy, but they were discriminated against in their own country.

What kind of anomaly is this?

In the end, are the big guys in big powers all acting? What do you want for the incomplete Japan?

Furthermore, although Kagura is not very old, it is definitely not covered by the words "little girl". Chiba followed her for seven years, clearly seeing the girl’s growth, knowing the girl’s tenderness and wisdom.

She desperately wanted to distinguish her. However, she knows that there is no justification, and Asahina is the kind of awkward character of ‘the more you say, the more he will refute’, and the debate is endless. She was worried about the sentiment of her former colleagues and was unwilling to tear her face. I also want to face a war like this now, so I can't distract myself from it. sidewalk:

"Asahina, today I want to fight side by side with everyone as the four holy swords under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang. I don't want to quarrel with you.

She didn't have to say anything to Asahina, she walked towards one of the burai-reforms.

Asahina looked at her back, thinking of the two of them and the chunky old man, tall and thin, and called the four holy swords. Under the leadership of Fujido, even with the hardship of the battle, how excited is it.

It is a pity that there is no one in the Four Saints swords, Chao Binai sighed, and did not bother.

The war is imminent, what exactly is burai-reform, he also went to see it in person.

In the corner of Gnaku, the remaining cadres of the Black Knights, including Yucheng and Shanshan, all gathered with the members of the regiment. There were also three trailers next to them. Inside, there were several airframes, including the Red Lotus II, which was left in the cockpit due to appearance. It did not come out to avoid misunderstanding.

On the upper level of this fortress where the Japanese Liberation Front is located, the fan has given Kyoto’s decree to Major General Katase. The latter was looking up and down. For a long time, when the officers behind him felt strangely looking at each other, and felt that ‘commands should not be written and need to be considered’, Major General Katase finally went to see zero from the stationery. There are dozens and dozens of resistance groups in the 11 area, of which the Japanese liberation front is the most powerful. Most of its members are old Japanese soldiers who do not want to go to New Japan. Coupled with the "miracle of Fujido", other resistance organizations who do not use it as the leader.

As its leader, Major General Katase is known as the first person under ‘Kyoto’. Even though he is usually not selfish, the command suddenly said that it would be zero for Zero to command him to listen to Zero’s voice this time. He was a major general and was still an old man. He suddenly asked him to listen to a young man's assignment.

He looked over and over again, just to see if the order was falsified. Fujido did not say when he came that the letter was sent by Chiba, his former subordinate and now the guardian of Kagura, so he had such doubts.

But in fact, this command really did not go through the hands of the whole ‘Kyoto’. It was signed by Kagura Ya. She thought that she belonged to one of the six families in Kyoto. The command she signed was named Kyoto, and it was not a forgery.

In this section, even Chiba didn't know.

When Major Kase's eyes came out, Lulu sneered silently under the helmet, although he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Zero," only after he groaned slightly, he said in an old hoarse voice: "Since there are commands from Kyoto, we can accept the Black Knights in the Japanese Liberation Front. However, the Black Knights must show enough sincerity to put Take off the helmet, zero."

‘Humph, the old traitor. Lulu’s smile is even stronger.

As Katase said, ‘accepting the Black Knights to fight’ instead of ‘helping’ means absolutely different.

‘Participating in the war’ can be said to be against Brittania. No matter how brave the Black Knights are in battle, they will be merciless to the Japanese liberation front. If there is no gratitude, the opponent can ignore the life and death of the Black Knights.

In addition, if zero himself really took off the helmet in order to show sincerity, then it is showing weakness, and the dominant power is naturally in the hands of the other party.

In this moment, our own party is here to help, and the other party even wants to compete for dominance under incompetence, which is really unreasonable.

Even Lulu was even more disappointed. She hadn't seen it yet. What she saw was that Inoue was dissatisfied with it. Fan. She nodded and relieved at the first part of Major General Katase. The second half of Katase's words made him look at Lulu's face helmet, and the movement clearly appeared in his eyes and face.

God! Inoue thought, who agreed to zero as the leader of the group and later joined the black knights established by zero together, weren't these cadres? Fan, what are you thinking about? She can understand the fan's desire to know who is Zero's body, but accuses the fan of being too confused.

In front of other organizations, if the leader's platform is self-defeating, wouldn't it be plain to make people look down upon.

Katase's words made Fujido frown. But he respected Katase, and his thoughts were similar to those of Inoue, and he said nothing.

Lulu said, "Is that written in the order?"

Katase squeezed the letter paper and did not answer.

Lulu was more sure of the speculation in her heart. She stood up, condescending and dismissed:

"Please understand that the Black Knights do not necessarily have to obtain the consent of the Japanese Liberation Front before they can participate in the war. Moreover, if it is not for the gift of the Red Lotus II from the Chinese Federation, and most of the members of the regiment are Japanese , The Black Knights will never risk death to help you liberate the Japanese front."

Her words were obvious, that is: Edict, you can't order me.

Taking into account that the name of Kyoto must not be used in the future, this has not been stated for the time being.

Zero's words made the officers of the Japanese Liberation Front stagnate. Immediately, everyone who felt underestimated was full of anger, and even more yelled.

Katase frowned, and he was afraid that Zero would mention the content of the public edict, so he did not dare to force it too much.

Fan. To see the other party's feelings of indignation and fear in her heart. He whispered:

"Zero, us"

Lulu raised his hand to stop what he wanted to say. She thought to himself that this man was really unreliable at such times. However, she also needs a weak old man like a fan to stay in the organization and help regulate members with different interests, purposes, doctrines, and opinions.

This role of fan can only be seen when the number of members of the organization increases. Now, even Lulu hates him a little.

"If the Japanese Liberation Front does not need our help, then so be it." Lulu flicked his cloak and planned to leave.

"The people on the Japanese Liberation Front looked at each other, and then someone shouted, "Where do you think this is, if you say you want to go, can you go? Stay, let's take the Kawaguchiko incident first, and the death of Lieutenant Colonel Caobi. Make it clear."

Several officers ran to the front, blocking Zero's path.

Inoue knew that zero was Lulu, and that Lulu was weak. She hurried forward and blocked Lulu, fearing that the other party had taken the initiative to dismantle Lulu's identity.

Fan hesitated and fell behind. Looking at Inoue, his mind was a little complicated.

The officers saw that although Inoue was a woman, she had a strong breath, and she dared not look down upon her. In addition, Katase also required an order, so he stood just a few steps away and stopped.
