Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 35: Another banquet

The banquet hall set in the palace is a huge hall with a ceiling so high that no materials are used.

At the end, the national flags of Britannia and the Chinese Federation are flying. Starting from them, below is a platform with only three steps. The straight section from the national flag to the door may have been covered with red carpet. At such banquet time, it is the most suitable area for dancing.

On both sides of it, there are now round tables with white tablecloths. Noble men and women dressed in luxurious costumes stood and talked in twos and threes. From time to time, beautiful women can be seen, holding hands with lace gloves or ladies fans, covering their lips with a reserved smile.

The symphony orchestra played a suitable song for the banquet atmosphere, which disguised the noise caused by people talking.

Cornelia and Nonite are undoubtedly coming a little late. No, Nonet suspected that Cornelia had deliberately said the wrong time to her because the Queen, now wearing a dress that was not suitable for a banquet.

The red slim top has two designs, puff sleeves and dovetails, and the front has a symmetrical golden stripe decoration. The same red pants fit her slender, straight legs like a top. Coupled with white leather boots, this beautiful girl with a beautiful face like a hibiscus and a figure with a bumpy appearance will set off her heroic appearance.

According to Cornelia herself, when she planned to form her army next year, she gave the generals and her own military uniforms that were in line with the style of the Britannia nobility.

Therefore, she did not intend to join Nonite under Cornelia. Even if she pretended, she did not try to wear the same formal dress as Cornelia.

Nonit is not in bad shape. It's just that her eyebrows give a sharp feeling, and she has some manly courage in her character. In this way, even though she is equally beautiful and sexy, there are few men who dare to approach her.

Nonit didn't care about it. In her own very bold words, ‘the guy who can’t even win me, but I want to put pressure on me. ’

After Cornelia heard that, she accused her of being vulgar and shameless, but she couldn't help mourning for her. In this life, she wanted to find a man who was stronger than her and who could see the eyes.

The two girls walked into the banquet hall in a very low-key manner, and each of them took a drink from the servants who walked through the crowd, and stood on the edge of the center completely away.

Talking to the nobles who were on the rise, they did not notice them. This is also in line with the expectations of girls.

"Should that guy come?" Nonit took a sip of red wine and said at an ordinary volume in the symphony: "I think he should be very concerned."

She bet her eyes on the crowded area.

Cornelia nodded, and like Nonit, she first saw her second brother, Schneizel, surrounded by many emperor famous ladies, who were his admirers; then the Chinese Federation Gao Hai, the great eunuch, talked enthusiastically with many middle-aged nobles of the empire.

In addition, there are some imperial nobles around the main members of the Chinese Federation.

The banquet is a place to entertain guests, and it can also provide a lot of information. I believe that after this night, the Empire will have more confidence in the following peace talks.

Connelia thought so, and looked at Nonite unexpectedly. Both women saw accidents and doubts in the eyes of each other. Where is that guy?


‘Brittania’s banquet is more eye-catching than the Chinese Federation’s. ’

At the other end of the corner of the banquet hall, which is almost in line with Cornelia and Nonit, Jingyu standing alone on the edge, looking at the noble ladies and ladies in the crowd One is wearing a low-cut dress.

The plumpness of Westerners and the complexion of Caucasians add to their charm as women.

The Britanian nobles who were near Jingyu naturally noticed his existence early. Moreover, in today's conversations, he will turn his attention to him from time to time.

However, no one has dared to approach him first.

This is not Jingyu's momentum, creating the effect that no one is born. It is completely the fundamental problem of Britannic thinking. When they face other people, they can all display a proud attitude. Even for Gao Hai, it was only because they wanted to get something from him, at least psychologically, they deliberately lowered their attitude slightly, at least psychologically, they were contemptuous.

However, what about Jingyu? This young man who has defeated hundreds of thousands of Britannia and even defeated a round table knight is enough to subvert the existence of the noble descent of Britanians.

Many Britons who are still reluctant to accept the defeat of the Round Table Knights even believe that Jingyu must have the blood of Britannia. Even if his parents are not Britanian, maybe some of his ancestors This must be the case for a generation.

The complex moods of adult Britanians are somewhat difficult to understand for Nonit and Cornelia who have not been exposed to these.

Jingyu stood alone for a while, and knew that if he continued to do so, his position would be embarrassing. He noticed that a beautiful girl of 18 or 9 years old walked to the nearby round table alone to pick up wine, and took the opportunity to walk over.

The girl might have been a little absent-minded, and didn't notice that someone was looking at herself, facing away from the crowd, and she sighed. It was not over yet, and she heard what she said to herself.

"It's rude, can I ask you a question?"

Jingyu's greeted question was originally nothing. However, the timing of the intervention made the distraught girl seem to be frightened, and she quickly turned around to the girl. Then she noticed that she was overreacting. Jingyu blushed slightly under the gaze of Jingyu with a smile.

She sternly looked away and nodded, "You, what do you want to know?"

Jingyu did not speak immediately. He walked to the girl's side two steps and took a cup from the round table. The girl had the fruit wine drink she just drank and gave it to her. After the girl showed her surprise, she said:

"I just glanced casually in the crowd, and I know you are charming. Can you tell me, such you, did not attract the worms?"

"Bug?" The girl froze for a moment, and then smiled gracefully with her lips pursed. "Your statement is really interesting."

She glanced in the direction of the crowd, and it is not difficult to find that many nobles began to quietly observe themselves and this teenager. She gave a bitter smile for this.

If she can, she doesn't want to be so compelling. However, she saw that the teenager was able to give her the wine she had drunk, and clearly observed her for a while. She couldn't get rid of him.

The girl sighed secretly in the heart and gave Jingyu a very complicated look-it was like wanting to blame him, but knowing that she should not be blamed.

Originally it was just for her to resolve her disadvantages, but Jingyu was somewhat interested.

The girl said at this time: "For a woman who is going to marry a woman, men will naturally not pay more attention."

After she finished speaking, she nodded politely, holding the fruit wine glass, and walked back to the position she had just held. But Jingyu stopped her again.

"Since the talk over there is unhappy, why not talk to me."

He looked at the girl with a smile, and obviously gave her the intention she had just guessed.
