Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 353: I will remember in ten thousand years

At the Tokyo Concession International Airport, on the side of the pick-up passage waiting for passengers to leave, there are four young girls standing in one of them with wheat-colored skin, light blond short hair and a lively look. She lowered her head and grabbed the casual clothes she was wearing, muttering:

"I'm not used to wearing such light and flirty clothes after wearing a tight military uniform."

I always feel lack of security.

The girl next to her had most of her hair shawl behind her, and a bunch of twist braids on the left and right. She smiled faintly:

"Dark, bear with me for a while, and we can leave when the person comes."

"But," the distance between the two women was slightly larger, and the blonde and ponytail girl with her arms folded whispered: "It's very strange why we have to wear casual clothes to pick him up at this kind of civilian airport. And, he took It’s still the plane that flies from the Chinese Federation."

Both the short hair and the double braid looked at the tallest woman with black straight hair, who already had the charm of an adult.

"Alice, you have been at school, so I don't know. After our last fight, the colonel thought that Governor Cornelia had doubts about us. This time the pick-up was to hide her and proceed in secret."

She frowned slightly. Without saying anything, he thought, ‘Is it not better to have fewer people for secret missions? Why is even Alice called? ’

This pause was very short, she continued: "The person to be picked up is said to have recently carried out a spying intelligence mission in the Chinese Federation, so he came directly from there. At the same time, he can also avoid the eyes and ears of His Royal Highness Cornelia. "

Alice thought, and nodded slowly, not knowing whether she agreed with the statement.

Just then, on the empty road, passengers getting off the plane began to appear. The four girls cast their sights, showing that the passengers were almost white.

Some days ago, the Chinese Federation sent troops to help eu retreat into the imperial army that occupied Egypt. In recent times, the Chinese Federation has frequently mobilized troops with first-class combat effectiveness to borders with colonies in the 10th empire of the Empire.

Relations between the two countries have entered a new round of tension. Some people staying in each other's territory, fearing that the war between the two countries will cause unnecessary trouble to themselves, have evacuated these people from the other country's country.

I saw that they had a complex look, not only felt relieved to reach the empire, but also a little bit reluctant to leave the Chinese Federation.

The four girls did not pay too much attention to this point, and glanced across the passengers' faces. They don't even know who the person is to pick up. However, since they are members of the Special Honor Foreign Forces, they always know each other. However, until the last passenger left, he did not see a familiar face. The four girls looked at each other.

"Why," or Duck raised his head, "Did that man miss the flight?"

"Impossible, if you miss it, there will be a contact." The woman with straight black hair groaned.

There are two unrelated factors in her heart that have become more and more disturbing. One is that she wonders if the person was found so that she was caught before she left the Chinese Federation; the other is related to Alice here.

‘Colonel should not doubt us? ’She thought.

There are two people standing at the moment on the second floor next to a FRP fence, tens of meters away from the four girls.

One wears a cap and puts the green hair in the cap. He wore a small camel jacket and a black trousers. Protruding from the chest, buttocks are round and round, it is known that she is a woman. The face is as delicate as a doll, with golden eyes and an expressionless face.

The person next to her was taller than she was and more burly. Wearing brown glasses, his hands were inserted into his trouser pockets.

The two were looking at the four daughters Alice and Duck side by side.

The girl in the hat said, "It seems that they haven't waited for the person they want to pick up. So, how do you plan to find each other? Is it male or female, tall or short, humming"

She made a nice nasal sound, seeming to be embarrassed to see him deliberately, and turned to look at him. However, he saw him smile lightly, as if everything was under control. She groaned uncomfortably under her heart, thinking that this is the most annoying thing about this person.

Sure enough, just listen to him: "If you want to find it, it is not necessarily difficult for the other party to have delivered it to you."

He turned and walked sideways, "Come with me."

The girl in the hat looked at his back, and was really curious about how he found the other party, so she followed up and wanted to take a look.

The two walked side by side again. Bypassing a curved corridor with people coming and going, he stepped down the escalator until he left the waiting hall, and he was not stopped. And he walked slowly and slowly. He still walked around, going further and further to a remote place, and he never saw who was following.

The girl finally couldn't help it, "Hey, if you want to take a walk with me, find a better place."

In the current season, the weather is not hot, and you can take some roads without sweating. But near this airport, it's all reinforced concrete. There is nothing to watch, but the noise of the plane taking off and landing is really uncomfortable. Since he didn't explain, the girl didn't want to accompany him here.

"It's always better to find a place with fewer people." He smiled and said: "c.c., don't be angry, go back and invite you to eat delicious pizza."

The temptation of food was really huge, the girl's eyes lit up, and immediately said:

"I still want to eat uneaten flavors this time."

The man replied: "What's so difficult about it, that is, every day, I have a way to satisfy you."

"It's not a big word," c.c. only when he was bragging, "I'm not old and I don't die. One hundred years later, see what you do."

365 days a year, a hundred years is 36500 days, 36500 kinds of pizza, this is really a big project.

However, the man laughed, turned his face and looked at her without hesitation: "It's okay for a thousand years and ten thousand years. If you want, I can do it."

A thousand years and ten thousand years, if you want to eat, you must live c.c., but you know his purpose. She did not want to respond to this, and felt that she could not hold her face without saying anything. He hummed:

"You say that, do you think I am a glutton?"

"" The man's shoulder fell and sighed: "I just want you to stay with me forever, and I also want you to know that the things you like, I will remember and prepare for you for a thousand and ten thousand years ."

What a lovely love story is c.c., and seeing him willing to do this for her always makes her happy.

She reached over and pressed the brim, without smiling on her face, but did not want him to see her expression.

She really didn't say anything this time.

In order to track, Jingyu's listening to the sound of all things has been unfolding. Not intentionally, but also felt that c.c.'s heartbeat has become much faster. He was very pleased and couldn't help feeling better.

It is really not easy to impress this woman who has been floating in the long river of history for hundreds of years. But since she was so excited about it, he would really do it.

He wants this woman to fall in love with him completely.

The two went so far in silence. He stretched his left hand in front of c.c. and motioned for her to stop.
