Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 368: Lulu will always regret the failure

Listening to the sound of the waves, smelling the smell of the sea water, Lulu slowly followed behind Jingyu. Because he did not walk thoughtfully, her fatigue did not increase. Also, there is a strange feeling, as if the two did not come here to **** the knightmare of Brittania, but came for an outing adventure.

It's just too leisurely.

Turning over a low slope, the sound of water hitting the stone came from afar. ‘Maybe there is a waterfall’, Lulu just thought, after a few trees hugging each other, the water pool in front of him made the air cool.

He walked in without saying a word. She stood behind her without any fear and faded her diving suit shamelessly. He stood under the rapids of the waterfall, and the running water washed his flying hair and his tall body.

Jingyu lifted her hands and lifted her hair up from the face. When she noticed Lulu's eyes, she turned her head and asked:

"what happened?"

Lulu noticed that he had been staring at his back. With a red cheek, she barely suppressed the panic, so don't start:

"Nothing but thinking, will you peep when I wash?"

Wa Jingyu laughed, "Peek? It's only you and me here, what can I do, do I need to peek?"

Lulu's shyness immediately turned angry. Hear what he said, as if he really left him at his mercy-he didn't bully her, but he kindly didn't move the thought, it wasn't something she made him worry about.

Lulu turned back immediately, intending to sneer. However, what she saw was the body he had turned around, the front was so different that she almost exclaimed.

"You, you are too shameless!" she blushed and scolded, turning her back completely.

Jingyu still smiled, "It's you who want to see it, even saying that I am shameless, how can there be such a thing in the world, by the way, later I can see your words, you can say I am shameless, I live ."

Lulu shivered with anger. Her perseverance made her immediately dispel shyness, turned around, and stared at his eyes without hesitation to start the gease in his left eye.

"Ordered in the name of Brittany: Without my permission, you are not allowed to do indecent things to me!"

Such an order shows that she has not completely lost her mind. Now that she knows what she is thinking about, there must always be a result with him. If he can't do anything to her at all, she thinks she will be troubled too.

The red geare icon vibrated its wings in her eyes. It flew out of her eyes, and indeed flew into his eyes.

Those dark eyes were immediately wrapped in red light until Lulu saw this, and Lulu was convinced that she did control him, and she could not help showing a smug expression.

After using it many times, she knew that before and after the release of the gease, the applied person will have short-term amnesia. Therefore, the moment she controlled him, her mind was unprecedentedly relaxed.

All vigilance and all guarding were thrown aside by her. From the moment he saw him to the present, all the failures he encountered were nothing, and it was her who finally laughed. Even if he may not remember it later, as long as she knows in her heart that she has already won him once, this is enough.

"Really, why haven't I done this before?" Lulu said regretfully, but his tone was relaxed and happy.

She also didn't untie his gease and took off her wetsuit without scruples. Her white and immaculate body was presented in nature in the most primitive form. She stretched her feet and tried the water temperature. It was a little cold, which caused goose bumps on her skin. She got used to it a little bit before it really stepped into the water.

Out of the female's restraint, she still blocked the lower chest with several arms on his front. She walked up to his eyes, and even leaned forward, and looked closely at his dark eyes with red light.

They are coated with a color that does not belong to them, but they are still very beautiful.

That's the beauty that she never denied when she was a bad person or enemy even when she was young. But she never let anyone know this, this is her eternal secret. Even now, she doesn't have to say anything.

She thought to herself, those eyes finally belonged to her.

Unbearably, she raised her hands, supported his cheeks, pulled him towards himself, tipped her feet, and gently kissed each of his eyes with a hard heart. The described intoxication suddenly appeared and quickly escaped to her body.

‘This, it’s really’ she restrained the groaning of pleasure she wanted to make, wondering, ‘No wonder he always wanted to treat me like this. It turned out that the active party would be so comfortable. ’

She remembered the feeling of humiliation every time she was passive, and changed her hand holding his cheeks to ‘pinch’.

"Let you bully me, you bastard!" She whispered to him in a whisper, venting, and squeezing his cheeks to red before she stopped. Afterwards, I felt a little bit distressed and guilty. When I gently rubbed him halfway, I felt that I was still too soft to him and forced myself to harden my heart.

Such a contradictory psychological change appeared in her always cold, but it is really rare.

When she was aware of it, she took a step back from the distance that was almost close to him and stroked her forehead weakly.

"I'm doing something like a nympho." After she dropped her hand, she glanced at his face again, and there were some moments in her heart that he would have no memory for, and it would never appear again in the future, but She walked past him and came to the waterfall to pick up the water from her body.

The discomfort in her hair was removed, and she closed her eyes as he did, and her heart was very calm when her hands rolled from her face through her forehead.

If she is not like this, even if she is not like this, it is impossible to perceive if he wants to do it.

Jingyu turned silently behind her. Facing her direction, there was still a hint of red light in his eyes, and the smile that shook his head slightly, with an endless spoil for her.

He really is too precious. Surprisingly seeing her childish side will become a jewel in his memory.

He stared at her silently-Lulu, who was completely relaxed, the graceful gesture of bathing, was a beautiful painting that could not be copied. He couldn't even bear the heart to speak out to destroy this natural skill.

He appreciates that this is his right, and his scenery.

Ten minutes later, Lulu stood on the shore and fastened the last button on the collar. She lifted the gease in her eyes, allowing him to wake up.

She still stood in the same position as before, but the clothes on her body have obviously changed from diving suits to zero costumes. She believed that he must know what was happening. She waited for him to be angry with herself.

When something unexpected happened to her, when he recovered his eyes and looked at her, he let her heart beat

It became so fast. Because there was no blame and anger that she had predicted, but compassion.

She couldn't help panicking, "Why, why look at me that much?"

"Who knows?" Jingyu walked to the shore and picked up the prepared clothes to wear.

Lulu kept looking at him. She asked herself if her gease should not have the effect of "eliminating his anger and increasing his love for her." After thinking about it, she finally thought of a possibility. The kind of'probably' disturbed her and made her shy. She asked suspiciously in a low voice with a slightly trembling voice:

"You, have you really been under my control?"

"Will your gease fail?" Jingyu asked her back.

She stayed for a while, ‘yes too. 'In retrospect, I didn't see contact lenses that blocked the pupil color in his eyes. Those are his real eyes, otherwise they will not be so charming. His real eyes were facing her geare, and she could not miss unless he was someone like c.c.

No, Lulu denied this possibility again, because she did see the red light in the eyes of the talented person in his eyes. The eyes of c.c. will not have that kind of red light.

Therefore, the conclusion is that he did control him just now.

"Then why are you not angry?" She finally couldn't help asking.

"Because" Jingyu touched her cheek and felt that she should'reward her', "Because my people are working on a device to remove the gease, I heard that there has been progress, I believe it will not take long, you give me the next Will be lifted."

Lulu's eyes widened, and he thought that if he was relieved, he would know what he had done to him.

She would never allow this to happen, and secretly made up her mind to control the release device.

Jingyu knew what she was thinking without looking at her face. But he doesn’t mind ‘playing’ with her. After putting on his clothes, he glanced towards the top of the mountain and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"The goal is finally here."
