Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 43: Emperor Charles

The double-leaf door slowly opened inwards, allowing Mariana to walk in with curiosity. But after only a glance, "what, this is the original place." Then a dull expression with lack of interest.

This is the palace where she met Emperor Charles and received the decree when she was a knight of the round table.

The top is supported by a bilaterally symmetrical square pillar; in the center of the pillar, it is the Yemi district; from it forward, it is provided to the hall as a light source, like the moonlight ice blue ground; further forward, it is a pile of ten steps High platform.

Mariana thought for a while and went to the Yemi District.

Before long, heavy footsteps heard from the platform. Wearing a Britannia emperor's costume and a blue-violet cloak, Charles was tall, thick and tall, and under the sun's rays, it seemed like a **** to worship.

He walked to the edge of the platform, his head still on his back, but his eyes were down, gazing at Mariana with dignity.

He has been in power for more than fifty years, especially in recent years. He has often conquered the world, making the Britannia Empire, which was originally only a corner of North America, occupying two continents, North America and South America, and has been eyeing the whole world. It has blocked its invasion of the Chinese Federation, and the Indochina Peninsula in Asia has also become a colony in Britannia.

In the world of fate, Charles will undoubtedly become an emperor-level hero. And his merits will be far above that of Altria. From the perspective of being a ‘king’, Altria’s achievements in King Arthur are completely incomparable to him.

Charles has accumulated a breath of emperor. Ordinary people just look at him, they will not be able to bear the tremendous oppression, bow down and kneel in fear.

However, Marianna looked up at the emperor very flatly. She pulled on her skirt and walked gracefully as a lady.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I haven't seen you for more than a month.

Charles' eyebrows twitched slightly insignificantly, loud enough to resound through the vicissitudes of the whole palace:

"Mariana, are you no longer willing to salute me?"

Mariana stood straight, her lips and lips smiled and said, "Isn't your majesty asking this for a reason? Or is it a child's play to declare the declaration I made in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers?"

"I do think so!" Charles said rightfully: "You are my round table knight and swear allegiance to me. Do you think you can return the round table knight's title without my consent?"

The final question was suddenly changed from a calm tone to a scolding, like a thunder exploding from the clear sky, terrifying.

"It's a pity!" Marianna chuckled unmovedly. "The sixth round table empire of the Empire, the shiny Mariana has died? Even if you need your consent from your majesty, the round table knight can return the title and die The Round Table Knights are still in the past."

Not hearing a satisfactory answer, Charles looked at Mariana with a striking look.

Mariana also looked up without fear.

After a very brief moment, "Hum, I played a word game with me. Isn't that 13-year-old kid so worthy of your allegiance? Or, just follow him for just a month. You forgot, have you been my round table knight for more than ten years."

Charles' voice was still loud, but his tone was calm. It's just that the content I asked this time, because it involves Jingyu, makes the atmosphere more dangerous. Undoubtedly, Charles personally built the current Britannia Empire. The view of the blood of the Britanians is also spread by many of his public speeches in recent years. This is true of his subjects, and his emperor is even more proud of his blood.

It is conceivable that he cannot accept it-the Mao child that Marianna is following now is more worthy of allegiance than him.

Marianna has no doubt that if she answers ‘Yes’, Jingyu will become a nail in Charles’ eyes.

Naturally, a month's time is not enough for Mariana to understand Jingyu. On the other hand, even Jingyu, for a month alone, the object was Marianna, who had an unpredictable personality, and he did not trust her enough.

The two are just working in this direction.

Therefore, Marianna believes that even if Jingyu becomes the actual ruler of the Chinese Federation in the future, what she does may not be stronger than Charles. She really thinks so now. only--

"It's more interesting to insist," she replied with an innocent expression, tapping her chin lightly with her index finger. "Following you for ten years also marks my life unchanged for ten years. And, now The Britannia Empire is strong enough, and I will not change much if it is too weak. However, he is different, he needs me, he is only me”

Marianna is here. Such as they will start to develop forces, recruit powerful men, and gradually master the military power through the foreign war. She knows from Jingyu, and she has not disclosed it to Charles at all.

Marianna's character is tripped. She followed her feelings, and when she said the last words, she couldn't help thinking. After a few decades, Jingyu didn't know if she would also put on a stinky shelf like the emperor.

She glanced at Charles again, and almost couldn't help laughing because of the funny imagination in her mind.

‘Really, it’s obviously not here, and I want to tease me. She lowered her head and blamed the teenager in her mind.

Charles didn't know what Mariana was thinking, he just made a guess based on Mariana's words. After hesitating, he said:

"If I can provide you with "interesting" things, if I need you, will your decision remain the same?"

Mariana stayed for a while, looked up at Charles in surprise, and frowned for the first time. She did not understand that she was just a round table knight. Why should Charles be stubborn to her?

"Your Majesty, if you are just robbed of a round table knight and feel a little unwilling, I don’t think you need to do that. And I’ve made an agreement with him before I win him. It’s up to me that I’ve been fighting for you for ten years. Please respect me!"

Mariana’s saying is to tell Charles, ‘My allegiance to you is nothing more than a mercenary contract that has expired and I have no responsibility or obligation to you. I do the same with the new owner. But within the contract period, I still loyal to him. ’

This can be said to take care of the face of Charles as emperor.

And, from another aspect, it is also the maintenance of Jingyu. She didn't actually want Jingyu to get into Charles' eyes too soon. In other words, she did not think of it herself. Charles will see her at this time and want to regain her allegiance.

How could this happen?

For now, one is a military division with no real power and no name, and the other is that the emperor who controls a superpower in the world has no contrast at all!

Mariana's expression remained unchanged, but she was puzzled.
