Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 63: Third gamble

"Nonite, you see Marianna had a gambling agreement with me. Connelia now has it. Do you want to make a gambling agreement with me?" Jingyu said with a joke.

Nonite laughed and gave him a white glance: "You want to eat all our sisters together, then you will be reconciled, right?"

Jingyu straightened his chest, and said boldly: "Isn't there a saying, how big a chest is, how big an appetite? Good things, I always refuse to let go."

"I don't know if there is a common saying. But," Nonit said half-facedly: "You don't want to let me go, I'm afraid it's my growth. I have already said to Senior Marianna, if not If anything happens, I will not leave Britannia and switch to another country."

"It seems that some of you underestimated it." Jingyu's smirk on his face also calmed down a little. "Your growth, I already said that I can reach the level of the round table knight. I still think so now. But, Mariana is already here with me, and I don’t care about whether to recruit the subordinates of the Knights of the Round Table."

"Then you" Nonit was surprised, really confused what he thought.

Jingyu shook his head and sighed, leaning closer to her, "You didn't expect that, do I want you like this?"

Nonit stayed.

Jingyu glanced at her chest and continued, "As a woman, you are beautiful enough last time, didn't you say, if I have the courage, just touch it? Actually, I really want to touch it."

Rao is Noni's character and generous, and he is so blessed that he admits so directly. She whispered shyly: "You, I didn't say that."

Jingyu didn't want to quibble, "You said it, you said it with your mouth."

Nonette twisted her head, "You read it wrong, I didn't say it."

"" Jingyu's eyes glanced in the direction of Maria and the other women. When they saw them talking about Zhenghuan, no one looked at it, so they reached out boldly and quickly, crossed Nonit's armpit, and grabbed her on her chest. A handful.

It's soft and pretty, I feel really good!

Nonit almost screamed. After watching all the women present nervously, she turned back to stare at what he saw and made her almost fainted, he was sniffing the evil hand, as if intoxicated by the aftertaste left on it. .

"No more jokes like that, or I will be angry." She blushed softly.

Jingyu lowered his hand, and the pretentious constriction on his face converged. "Relax, such misbehavior will make girls hate me. I just want to prove it to you. I have the courage. I didn’t do that day. You are seen by others."

Nonit stared at him, and after twisting the opening, a smile in her mouth was clearly satisfied with his explanation.

"Nonite, I will not ask you to give up your dream of becoming a knight of the round table and give up your loyalty to the motherland just because I met you a few times. However, you do not have to be loyal to the current emperor, he is not worth it Your allegiance"

His words made the girl turn around and stare at his face again.

"This is an admonition for a man who thinks you are not divided." He said at last.

Once again, Nonit couldn't understand what he was thinking. Knowing that for him, a bad one would cause her misunderstanding, but he still said. Is it really silly, or

Nonite would rather believe that the latter, he wanted to care about her.

The two stared at each other for a while, and Nonette said: "I have also made a gamble with you. If you are right, I will give you a chance to help me become a woman."

Under his gaze, she knew that she was not shy, and she blushed like a ripe apple.

When he showed a happy expression, "but," she repeated to emphasize the effect, "but, if you are not right, I will help Cornelia to win you have questions?"

"This is good news for me." Jingyu smiled with satisfaction, reaching out to her, "Contract established?"

Nonite shook hands with him, "Contract established!"

On the way back to dinner, Cornelia and Nonite took a car because they went to school together.

"I saw you shook hands with him, did you say anything?" Cornelia asked.

"Nothing, just farewell in advance." Nonit replied.

"Farewell don't you go to the airport to see him off?"

When Cornelia asked, she regretted it. Seeing Nonit smiling at herself with ambiguous eyes, she quickly complained: "It is you who can say goodbye to him at that time, why not remind me to do the same."

This just caused Nonite's laughter.

On the morning of the second day, the representatives of the Chinese Federation were boarding at the airport in Pendragon, the capital. Only a few main members, the royal representatives Schneizel and Cornelia, who stayed on the ground and sent Brittania to speak, spoke.

Of course, Gao Nai is opposite Schneizel, and Conelia is opposite Jingyu.

"I'm leaving." Jingyu reached out to her.

In such a public place, Cornelia couldn't refute his face, so she reached out and wanted to hold him. However, just after the two hands touched, she was clenched by him. Pulling forward again, she entered his arms.

"You villain, and finally sexually harassed me at the end. I will never send you again next time." He was forced to hug his back. If there were not reporters taking pictures in the distance, Cornelia would have to forcefully push. Open him.

"I actually want to kiss your cheek and create a scandal for you."

After his arms were relaxed slightly, Cornelia looked down at the depressed expression on his face and realized what was going on. She laughed loudly, and finally felt some pleasure.

"You deserve it!" she let out before releasing her hand completely.

But what she did not expect was that her smile, which intersected his four arms, became the second page headline of the second day newspaper. The major domestic news agencies scrambled to reprint, preaching the Chinese Federation and Brittania. Friendship. There are also entertaining newspapers and magazines, guessing her relationship with him.

By the time Cornelia knew it, it had already spread all over the country. Even some foreign websites are also paying attention to the princess's exotic love.

The thought that he still succeeded in creating a scandal for her Cornelia was absolutely disgusting!
