Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 76: To make the attraction of girls more nat


Jingyu looked up, looked at the big river channel of Fujimura outside the roof half way through the stairs.

There was a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of appreciation. This puzzled the face of Altolia standing next to him, and always felt that his current expression made her a little annoying. So she came closer and looked up in his eyes.

Fujimura Daihe wore a brown skirt today, covering his knees long below his knees, which fits well with the 1990s. However, even if it is longer, from the bottom, it is also a vacuum and a small white inner. As the girl moves, the silhouette of the hips and the grace of the thighs are all exposed.

Altolia instantly angered, "you" she pushed him away with her teeth clenched, and yelled at him that she was too shameless, and just now clearly excuses to hug her, and now she peeks at other girls. .

Jingyu didn't feel embarrassed, but instead made a shush gesture to her and gestured upward, whispering:

"Dahe doesn't know that if you say it out loud, it will make her embarrassed. Well, anyway, I looked at it a few times and she didn't lose anything."

Altolia was speechless. This does not mean that she can agree with everything in his words, but she doesn't know how to refute him for a while. She thought about it and shouted:

"Da, Dahe, come down quickly, there will be nothing on it."

"Huh?" Fujimura looked down. Because the upper part here is just inside a cylindrical space that is not too wide. Therefore, Jingyu at the bottom can easily see into her skirt, but from here she can only see Jingyu's knee.

However, she saw Altolia and blushed. The girl was obviously able to realize that in her skirt, the blonde girl had all seen through. Fortunately, the other party was also a woman.

"Altolia, why do you know there is nothing on it?" She then asked her doubts.

Altolia stayed for a while. "This" glanced at Jingyu. He couldn't tell the girl above. After he asked, let those mice and bats leave.

Jingyu smiled at her, it was like asking, ‘Do you need help? ’

Altolia gave him a look of ‘help if you wish, even if it didn’t help’ and turned his head stubbornly.

"Dahe, isn't this very simple? It's nearly 50 meters from the ground, and it's the daytime, there will be no bats and mice gathering on it, waiting to be grilled by the sun."

Jingyu answered for her, making Altolia feel a little happy, of course she would not let him know.

"Oh, that's what it is." Fujimura Dahe agreed, and shrugged her shoulders in regret, "Then I'm going down, Altoria, you give it up."

She said, climbing down the reinforced stairs inlaid on the wall. When she was about two meters above the ground, she saw no one underneath. She suddenly loosened and jumped off.

As a result, halfway through, the skirt opened up entirely because of the opposite updraft.

"No, don't watch!"

She shouted in panic, struggling to press down with both hands. The energy was attracted by these two things, and I forgot that after the curved legs cushioned the falling footsteps and contacted the floor, a shock was transmitted, causing her pain to tremble.

However, her attention is still not here. Instead, staring at Jingyu, like an uneasy little animal, with a blushing face, he asked in a low voice, shyly:


"What do you see?" Jingyu lied easily.

This relieved the girl and waved ‘nothing’ again and again; Altolia glared at him complicatedly, as if to blame him for being too good at lying, and as if he was affirming his carelessness of the girl’s face.

The three of them went downstairs together. Jingyu asked the girl to take them to find a suitable restaurant. The pride of the girl readily agreed on the pretext of ‘self and Altolia, who just came from abroad and were unfamiliar with the terrain’.

Soon after, in a family restaurant, Jingyu sat alone on the side, opposite the lively river and the quiet Altolia. They were looking at the menu, while on the side, there was a waiter lady waiting for an order. .

"I want this, this, this" Altolia is like turning anger to appetite, such as fried rice, burgers, and steaks ordered four or five in a row, making Fujimura Oga and the waitress stunned. She didn't react until then, her face was red, and he asked:

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, don't you have enough to order them?" Jingyu wouldn't make fun of her in this respect, smile gently at her, and encourage: "In the afternoon, we are very busy, how can we not eat enough."

"Well." Altolia relieved, and ordered another two or three copies before giving up.

Jingyu told the waiter to leave, and asked her to serve Altolia as much as possible.

After the waitress left, Fujimura Ogawa looked at Altolia in surprise. After being discovered by Altolia and asked, she whispered Altolia whispered.

"Altolia, how do you stay in shape?"

"Stay in shape?" Altolia didn't understand it for a moment. After thinking about it, he replied: "My body is like this, no matter how you eat, it will not change."

What she means is that you will not gain weight if you eat more, and you will not lose weight if you eat less. But the simple Fujimura Dahe obviously didn't think much. She just looked at Altolia with envy, and told her about the troubles that ordinary girls would have. Eat more, and it will be easy to have some soft meat on her body.

The soft meat is undoubtedly the enemy of the girl.

Jingyu listened to them on the side, and couldn't help recalling her daughters and women, they would also have such troubles. Although, after he became a plane manager, he could eliminate the burden on women in this plane, but he had never done so.

He feels that, like Altolia, eating more and eating less will not change the body, not the blessing of God, but the curse.

In the following time, Altolia ‘performed’ for the Fujimura Dahe. What is meant by both eating elegantly and being able to quickly resolve eight servings, the Fujimura Dahe’s share is not over yet.

Jingyu called for Altolia again. She blushed and said that she was full, and she ate the rest without any burden. After all, she still cared a little.

After checking out, the three of them walked out of the restaurant under the surprised eyes of everyone in the restaurant.

"Dahe, let's separate here." Jingyu said to the excited tea-haired girl.

Obviously, the joy on the face of the tea-haired girl has decreased a lot. He couldn't bear it. Even so, who wanted to go to the caster, who knew what the other party would arrange. He wasn't afraid to let the girl know about the extraordinary power of magic, but he didn't want her to have bad memories.

The caster caught the children, and the possibility of using them as a sacrifice was the greatest.

"Well, after we leave, you can continue to search for murderers." Jingyu smiled and handed his mobile phone to Fujimura Dahe. "We will contact each other once an hour to exchange information."

It is now in the 1990s, and mobile phones are not popular. Fujimura Dahe is a little pleased to be able to keep in touch with Jingyu, but he dare not accept his mobile phone.

"This" Fujimura Dahe shook his head and refused.

Jingyu immediately took her little hand and tucked the phone in, but she still held it, "If you don't hold it, how can I find you."

"But what about you?" Dahe asked blushing.

"I'll buy another one later." Jingyu blinked at her. "Take it at ease. After the murder, you can return it to me."

"Is that right?" Dahe finally nodded with a smile, "I will find him first."

She said in a spirit, and after Jingyu let go, she ran to the distance.

Jingyu looked at her back for a few seconds in the same place. As soon as she turned around, Altolia's expression was obviously in a state of war.

He smiled, "I will find it first."

(Group number: 286681049)
