Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 89: Knight's declaration of war

The scene of the live broadcast of the international wedding was suddenly interrupted. The last remnant image was that Britannia’s military chariot attacked Hi Car. This caused a lot of shock in Brittania and the world.

In the Chinese Federation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs dialed Brittania’s international long distance for the first time.

Directly ordered by the emperor, the call was quickly transferred to Schneizel, where he answered. At this time, he had listened to Cornelia's report, but of course he would not admit that it was Britannia's army. It was only said that he was oversight by a while, and he was taken advantage of by terrorists to take the responsibility on himself, and said that it was due to the lack of experience of young people.

Schneizel is only 19 years old. At such an age, there is no such example except for the Chinese Federation, which is impossible to hold an important position in any country except Brittania, and there is no such example. To refute.

What's more, there are two royals involved in this operation, and it cannot be said that Brittania is not paying attention.

In the end, the Minister of Foreign Affairs could only condemn and protest a few words in a vague manner, and ended the call.

After putting down the phone, Schneizel immediately started operations in his country-he thought that since the enemy's purpose included deliberate destruction of Britannia's reputation, after the attack, it should be propaganda.

The first is the Internet. All keywords related to weddings, attacks, etc. are blocked before and after the attacks. The pictures on the blog are temporarily hidden. The official microblogs of the government and the military immediately came forward to clarify the facts and clarify the purpose of the other party before the terrorists.

Then he appeared in person in front of the reporters who were in charge of the live wedding in the palace and made a short speech. Emphasized that the subjects should be calm, the newlyweds were not injured, and Queen Cornelia broke the enemy in a minute, and so on. And for terrorism, the Empire will never relax its crackdown.

I have to say that Schneizel's quick shot made him take the initiative. Where he uploaded the video and picture, he boldly speculated that it was near the war zone, and once a lot of searchers were dispatched to find the ip address, they rushed in nearby and caught it first.

Then, based on the real information of the attackers and the equipment used during the attack, they searched for people who provided them with convenience.

While Jingyu was waiting for Maria, and personally piloted the helicopter to take Maria to the Cornelia stop near the palace, Schneizel's deployment was basically over.

Next, he just waited for the result.

And Cornelia, the empress of Jingyu, lifted her chin proudly and explained her record with an expression.

Jingyu approached her, and Zheng Se extended her hand to her. Cornelia shook it after hesitating.

"Thank you!" he said.

"Remember to turn off the lights at night." She lowered the volume.

Jingyu nodded knowingly, the two stared at each other, he took Maria and Mi Lei into the new car-this car took them into the palace, and sent Maria and Mi Lei to the bride preparation room, Jingyu went to the main hall to entertain guests at the wedding as a groom.

Most Britannia nobles expressed their condolences to the convoys. Some noble women who have a good relationship with Maria can directly enter the preparation room to meet the bride. They expressed their envy to Maria and praised Jingyu for being a good man and husband in the future.

Maria just thought they were talking politely, but she strongly agreed with their praise, and she was indeed very happy.

Millet knew the truth, and she guessed that these women were also asked to hide from Maria. As a result, she paid attention to the fact that Jingyu was able to fly a helicopter all the way. He is just four years older than her. Why is there such a great ability to let so many people do this?

Mi Lei didn't know, she remembered it firmly. And for the first time, there was a little bit of confession that maybe it would be the best for an aunt to marry him at such a young age.

The same thought, no, the same thing, someone told Jingyu that he was still surprised.

Xia Yingge, the head of the Knights of Michael, also came to the wedding. He stood in front of Jingyu and immediately attracted great attention. Because such behavior is very intriguing in the eyes of people who know what happened before them.

Jingyu raised his eyebrows and looked at his expression, said lightly: "You're not just talking about this."

Xia Yingge looked at the crowd around his eyes and smiled secretly.

"If you can, I don't want to come to you at this time. However, we are privately, as two generals with completely different positions, and have no chance to meet. If what I said next makes you uncomfortable, I am here Apologies first."

He nodded slightly.

Jingyu motioned him to continue.

Xia Yingge showed a thankful expression, and this quickly converged. He said: "In the empire, only a few nobles and high knights like us have seen the duel between Marianna and you. Someone who thinks your victory is there, and I am one of them."

What they called ‘seen’ was actually a battle video recorded by knightmareganymede. In the video, when Jingyu stabbed the sword in Mariana's heart, the screen stopped. As for Mariana's waving sword, what happened in the end, there was no display at all.

I don't know if it was intentional by c.c., but it left a suspense.

However, these high-level knights are very visionary, and naturally think that the possibility of losing both sides is not impossible. However, differences also appeared here.

Some people's considerations, like the misguided Nonite and Cornelia, believed that Mariana insisted on the noble spirit of the knight. Only in that situation, Jingyu would let go of the cloth if she won. The Ritaian soldier is a respect for her chivalry.

Others believe that Mariana will admit defeat, it may be that the other party has used what they did not know after that. The two sides now have their own opinions, which also makes the knights of the empire have different attitudes towards Jingyu.

In addition, others call Mariana an adult because she is a knight of the round table. In some local wars, it has the highest command power beyond the rank of general. However, Xia Yingge did not show this respect. The position of the Knights of Michael in the empire and his own strength can be seen.

"Do you want to challenge me?" Jingyu's expression remained unchanged.

"Even if the opponent is you, it's very tickling, I won't say that kind of disappointment on such a day. However, I will let the Empire fight the Chinese Federation sooner or later. I want you to know that I am determined to be on the battlefield. One who defeated you and saved the glory of the imperial knight."

He said nothing, nodded again to Jingyu, and walked to the three knights not far away. Although they didn't come close, they looked at Jingyu's eyes and could not help expressing the same meaning as Xia Yingge.

Jingyu smiled, ‘I’m completely taken care of, and according to his words, he’s still not alone, humming.’

He raised the glass of red wine in his hand in the direction of the knights. The Yinhong liquor, like the blood Jingyu, happily drank it.
