Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 9: 12 hours of combat

At 6 pm on the same day, at the dinner time of the Britannia Army, the confronting Bangkok outpost suddenly launched a violent attack on the ground with heavy artillery, fighter planes and missiles in the sky, and the Chinese Federation Army, which had already prepared, quickly destroyed the cloth. The defense line of Ritania.

The Chinese Federal Army continued to drive straight in. After hearing this news, the Britannia Army contacted the Air Force Base in Pattaya, the pilots mobilized urgently, and a large number of fighters soon flew into the sky to baptize the Chinese Federation Forces who did not know the heights and heights.

The fighter groups of the two sides met in two thirds of Bangkok to Pattaya and fought fiercely. The side of the Chinese Federation, where the number of fighters is clearly at a disadvantage, can only adopt a roundabout, entangled, non-frontal confrontation strategy.

Even so, after half an hour, there were still more than 20 wreckages of fighters, and they fled in embarrassment.

The Britannia Air Force continued its pursuit. After discovering the ground-based mechanized troops moving by the Chinese EFF, it left behind the fugitive Air Force and bombed towards the tanks and tanks.

The EFF fighters went back and forth, and again spent a few moments with the Britannia army until both sides had to return to the Confederate army because of the amount of fuel. Only half of the fighters sent by the Chinese Federation were left.

In a large tropical forest about 40 kilometers away from Pattaya, a large number of Britannia fighters whistled back, and a young Chinese Federation soldier whistled.

"Master, I really admire you," he said to a young boy standing beside him. "As usual, the protagonists of the battlefield are tanks and planes. You used their sacrifices to cover us today. ."

Jingyu turned around and kicked at the second lieutenant who was giving his thumbs up. "Let's talk nonsense, and inform the teams. The rush march will now start the attack at five in the morning. Army goes."

"Yes." The second lieutenant saluted and ran away fartly, making Lin Zi very busy.

Soon after, about 5,000 people came out of the woods. They arrived in the vicinity by chariots and tanks. When the fighters facing the enemy issued a reminder of encountering the enemy fighter group 25 minutes before they got off the chariots and tanks, they were concealed here.

As for the other 25,000 people, they did not participate in the plan to attack the air base. After the mechanized troops broke through the Britanian defense line, it had been reduced to zero, and scattered in accordance with the team.

Pattaya is 147 km from Bangkok. The Britanian military has never imagined that there is an army of 5,000 men marching towards the air base of your own side inside your own defense line.

In fact, Burundi also held a military meeting that night to study the significance of the Chinese attack tonight. Some people have doubted the location of the Chinese mechanized troops. Unfortunately, no one can think that someone would be so stupid that they sacrificed nearly 50 expensive fighter jets and more than 100 tanks to cover a surprise infantry unit.

Time passed by one minute and one second and flew back to the fighter jet at the Bangkok base. Overnight maintenance was carried out, and full bombs were placed in the cabin. After a few hours of rest, the pilots assembled and received a new bombing mission at 4.30am.

It was 4:55 in the morning, and at 147 kilometers away, Jingyu was on a low slope, using an infrared telescope to observe the air force base 500 meters away. Behind him, the soldiers sat dead dog rubbing their legs.

The second lieutenant who always smiled hippie was the closest to Jingyu. He looked at Jingyu's unbreakable stance, admiring it like a raging river.

How can there be high officials in the world who can endure hardship better than soldiers? Jingyu can be said to subvert his long-standing understanding.

"Mott, call 15 snipers." Jingyu ordered him.

Despite the bitter look on the face, the second lieutenant quickly got up and trot back and forth among the crowd. Three minutes later, fifteen soldiers with sniper rifles appeared behind Jingyu.

Jingyu called one of them, handed him the telescope to see the target to sniper, and called the next one. After all fifteen people had instructed him, he handed the silver pocket watch into Mott's hands.

"You are looking at the watch here, 5:15, let them snipe together."

"Yes." Mott saluted.

He watched Jingyu go downhill, and the soldiers who had been resting stood up, trying not to make a low voice. Although behind Jingyu, with the darkness before dawn, he bowed and moved carefully towards the runway. .

Mott thought about his responsibilities and quickly looked at his watch. It is now 5 o'clock and 15 minutes.

Snipers have installed silencers on the front of the sniper rifle. After sitting one by one and really aiming at the target, they gave thumbs up to Mott, saying ok at any time.

Mott looked at the time, and there were 13 minutes left.

At a distance of 500 meters, if you are running, the soldiers will be there in two minutes. However, that will undoubtedly make the sniper effect disappear. Jingyu spent 14 minutes, with 5,000 people, creeping forward to the nearest runway only 50 meters away from the location where the troops stopped.

At this time, the last minute was over.

"Shoot!" Mott whispered forcefully.

puff! Almost at the same time, 15 snipers who had been waiting for a long time shot. In the camp opposite, the patrol and guard soldiers were shot simultaneously on the runway and on the guardhouse. And Jingyu, he stood up first and led the troops towards the runway.

They did not shoot, they did not throw bombs, they crossed an airstrip, leaving hundreds of people beside the few fighters. More people continued to run forward, to fighter hangars, driver quarters, airport control towers and other locations.

At the same time, formations of bombers and fighters at Bangkok Air Force Base took off and flew towards enemy Pattaya Air Force Base.

At Pattaya Air Force Base, Jingyu held a machine gun and ran with a squad. Not far away, sporadic gunshots suddenly sounded, and I wondered which squad was found. That squad immediately responded, which also kicked off the battle.

Gunshots rang all the time at the entire air force base.

The soldiers left behind the fighters unequivocally sent a grenade to each fighter. The rumbling explosion made a fiery red on the airport runway.

Jingyu and others placed explosives at the gate of the hangar and exploded the gate. For the internally stored fighters, it is also a fighter greet with a grenade.

The soldiers who rushed to the driver's quarters even carried out a unilateral massacre of the soldiers who were being drilled from the bed. The soldiers who were lifting pants and were getting out of bed were all shot mercilessly.

Control tower attacks are relatively slow. However, China is not here to occupy it, but to destroy it. The area defended by the opponent, without exception, threw several grenades and exploded from layer to layer.

The Britannia Army at the air base sought help from the nearby army base in order to restore the decline. However, ten minutes after the war, Jingyu led his troops to retreat from the air base.

When the Britannia Army was wondering, when the waves of bombs were thrown in the air and waiting for the Britannia Army to arrive, the entire base had been turned into flames.

Jingyu, who had ordered the attacking forces to disperse into small groups, smiled at the red sky in the distance.

"This time, I have avenged the tanks and planes, please rest in peace."
