Infinite Replacement

v3 Chapter 95: See you second lady

On the way back to the military division from the airport, Maria looked out through the window of the extended car. This is where his husband was born and grew up. She wanted to take a good look with her own eyes.

Jingyu, who was sitting next to her, took her hand and smiled and said, "Are you disappointed? Compared with the capital of Brittania, Luoyang City is also the capital, but the buildings are much lower. "

What I saw in Brittania, except for the palace and the residence of the nobility, is completely a modern product of reinforced concrete. Dozens of high-rise buildings, wide and flat streets, and bustling pedestrian metropolis in fashionable fashion are just like that.

Luoyang City is different. Take the street that Jingyu's convoy is passing through now. The old buildings on both sides will give people the illusion of returning to the old China era 50 years ago. Because of the relationship between road patrol and motorcycles, there are also pedestrians standing on both sides of the street-seeing them, you can understand what the term "civilian people" means.

Maria looked back at Jingyu and shook her head very seriously.

"Here, my motherland is here and now. How much my husband loves it, I will be like a husband."

Her expression quickly softened, and she relaxed her shoulders, begging: "Jingyu, at the airport, I heard you talking with the adult Gao Hai, using Chinese, so please find me Teacher, I want to learn Chinese as soon as possible."

There is also a sentence behind: to fulfill his responsibilities as a hostess. Maria didn't mean to say it.

"It's no problem, there is a relatively free woman in the house, let her teach you." Jingyu leaned on the chair, "Maria, don't push yourself too tight, our family will not There will be too many guests."

Maria was born as a noble lady, and she immediately understood what Jingyu said. But she couldn't understand why. Considering her future identity, she said:

"I heard that the eunuchs are the real power holders of the Chinese Federation. They seem to respect you too, Jingyu. Tell me about it. I want to know a few things about you so as not to make mistakes."

"Alright, you are my true wife." Jingyu thought about it, "Well, let's start with the position of the military division I held. The eunuch's position is Jianguo. Then, the military division is the "Jianjun", China The federal army is under my "jurisdiction." However, in fact, I did not manage to have one soldier and one soldier."

Jingyu smiled playfully and raised a finger, "The problem is here!"

Maria sided her head, resisting the urge to say something, and quietly waiting for Jingyu's following.

Just listen to him: "Once a war occurs, and the war is not smooth, how large-scale war, I will command a large-scale army. But this is temporary, it does not mean what I need to do, is to let the commander of the army , Willingly give their army command to my hands."

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Maria showed Jingyu a sad look.

"Is it difficult? To be honest, I haven't tried it. Step by step, starting from scratch, and finally grasping everything, what it feels like." Jingyu said: "Maria, you remember, when I master half of the country's army At that moment, it is the moment when I want to eliminate the **** group. This is my relationship with them."

Maria covered her lips in surprise, looked at Jingyu's bright eyes, and nodded slowly.

Two open patrol motorcycles, one black extended car, and two **** cars, this is Jingyu's convoy.

At three in the afternoon, it reached the gate of the military division. Jingyu and Maria got off the bus and took her to the steps in front of the gate. When she crossed the Zhuqi gate, he waved his hand.

"This is home! We will live here for a while."

Under the steps in the gate, four little girls in the inner courtyard, six front courtyard nursing homes, and fifteen male and female servants and cooks are arranged in two rows, either bowing or Wanfu Road:

"Congratulations to the young master returning to the house, and to the young lady Wan An."

Maria couldn't understand, but could understand that they were greeting, and that she should be included. She looked at Jingjingyu Jingyu nodded and walked to the edge of the steps and said loudly:

"The young lady rewards you and doubles your salary this month. In addition, you set down three tables in the front yard tonight. I allow you to put down things after seven o'clock and drink and eat meat without asking."

All the servants of the ring were overjoyed, and they all thanked Maria and bowed to Jingyu.

Jingyu waved her hand and pulled Maria with a slight smile down the steps. The crowd gave way to both sides of the road, showing the rear, and c.c. and Ma Xiaoling standing in front of the lobby of the main house.

Maria looked at the young girl in Western Europe with a delicate face and noble temperament. Even if she was a princess or a queen, someone believed it; the oriental woman with black hair and long legs in white clothes was able to dazzle people's eyes.

They stood side by side, with a playful smile on one face and the other with their arms folded.

Maria guessed that the "relaxed" woman mentioned by Jingyu should be the Cuifa girl. She wore the Chinese Federation costume. In contrast, black-haired women should be more orthodox.

Will it be Jingyu's sister?

Jingyu has taken her to stand in front of the two women, taking care of Maria who does not understand Chinese. He smiled and said to the black-haired woman in English: "I said, do you still look like my secretary? See me Now, don’t stand beside me, do you want to be deducted from my salary?"

Ma Xiaoling grinned humorously, "Mrs. Young Lady's favor, me standing here, this month's salary is also twice? After you deduct a little, I can't eat it."

"Who said that favor was against you?" Jingyu rolled her eyes to her. "You are my subordinate, not this family."

Ma Xiaoling smiled deeper, "It's not coincidentally, although it's not my intention, Sister Marianna is going to live in the Zhu Forbidden City. Her east wing is now my room. I'm here, I just want to tell you, don't go at night The wrong door."

"Uh" Jingyu's mouth twitched a few times. Glancing at Maria, she saw that from Ma Xiaoling's words, she heard the ambiguity between him and Marianna.

He glared at Ma Xiaoling, and while introducing her to Maria, he thought: ‘Marianna knows my heart! Ma Xiaoling, live in my house, you can still run away, I will call you sister. ’

After finding comfort, he ignored Ma Xiaoling for a while and turned to c.c.

"You don't want to trip me, too?"

"If you look forward to that, I can satisfy you." c.c. gave him a charming look. She didn't wait for Jingyu to introduce her, and took the initiative to walk to Maria's side, "Hello, I am his second wife c.c.."

Jingyu stumbled.

He never imagined that the name he used to play with c.c. had been pitted by her in reverse today. Looking at Maria quickly, he was not afraid of Maria being jealous, but she hadn't told her before, and if she heard it suddenly, she might think she had deceived her.

However, "Hey, did Jingyu already have two wives?" Maria crossed her hands and showed a reassuring expression, "It's great, it's so good. He is happy, there is you"

The dumbfounded c.c. interrupted her by saying, "Okay, I was just kidding, please forget."

"Mrs. Er, don't say that." Jingyu laughed happily.

"You shut up!" c.c. glanced back angrily at him.

Maria later learned about the complicated relationship between the two, and she really couldn't cry or laugh.
