Infinite Replacement

v4 Chapter 101: Sword, debate

Until he said, "You try..."

At the first look of Fenner, the metal was missing, and the silver bright and clean sword had a dark and rough surface.

Did he put the missing piece into the sword without using any container?

This absurd thought made her awake a lot.

After receiving the sword, she looked more closely. She found that the current sword had no blade, only a preliminary shape. After fusing the unknown metals, they did not appear in a specific location. As if it had been evenly distributed with the original steel.

She temporarily suppressed this curiosity and asked him, "What shall I do?"

"Just wave it for me to see." He answered.

Fenna did so suspiciously, and as soon as he waved, he was about to leave the sword... This time Fenner looked closely, and saw that the sword had a subtle change as soon as it entered his hand-silver metal He used his hand to "suck" a part of it, and the unknown strange metal was part of it on the sword. Then he handed it to her again to make her wave...

After repeated three times, when the sword entered his hand again, the blade finally appeared.

He even focused on the blade with some miraculous technique that Fenner could not see, and carved beautiful lines.

Then, smiled confidently at her.

"I promise you will be satisfied this time."

Fina took over the sword again, and she felt an inexplicable wonder in her heart. She did not swing the sword this time, but stroked the sword gently. The smooth dark silver sword body and beautiful lines make her extremely fond of it.

She knew that this was the most suitable size and weight for her.

"Thank you," she said sincerely.

When she was about to assassinate him, she used a venomous poison; when he was beaten'there', she wished to stab him with thousands of swords... Now, a heat is brewing in her chest, making her uncomfortable Too. Embarrassed to bear.

After pursing her lips, she thought that she must use this sword lovingly and never let him down.

Just about to insert the sword solemnly back into the sheath--

"Wait, the sword is not finished yet!" he smiled and said: "You are really anxious."

"Not finished yet?" Fenner looked at the sword again. As far as she was concerned, she felt it was perfect no matter where she was from.

But Jingyu took back the sword.

His eyes turned back to black again, as deep as the night sky, and a shining starlight flashed again.

He held the hilt in one hand and slid slowly across the body with two fingers... Fenner saw that wherever the **** passed, it turned blue and silver like moonlight.

She found that she liked the sword more.

Jingyu gasped when she finished the last step. He glanced at the two wine glasses on the table, and suddenly a sword swept out.

The sword cut across the table silently.

Fenner stood up in horror, but nodded in satisfaction.

What happened?

She looked at the glass and saw that the liquid in the glass had solidified!

Surprised, she reached out and froze to make her quickly shrink her fingers... Blowing towards her fingers, she looked at the sword and asked:

"Is it its effect?"

Jingyu nodded, "The metal I added is called gold steel, it is a kind of magical metal called the gift of the star. Its biggest feature is not only its hardness, but its ability to absorb and attach to it. And store it and use it again."

He asked Fenah to sit down again, pointing at the remaining half of the gold and steel: "It can be used to make artifacts... So, in order not to make you coveted, I just used a small part of gold and steel , Mixed in this sword. The added ice is not too strong. Fenner, when you become stronger in the future, I will definitely help you rebuild a sword."

He handed the sword to her, "Give it a name, you are its owner."

Fenner didn't take it this time, "Such a weapon should be very powerful, can you give me... is it okay?"

"As if I destroyed your bow." Jingyu said: "I still have a lot of gold and steel." It’s just not much to bring around...he said in his heart. Looking at the rest, I was already thinking about making Tyrande a bow.

Fina finally hesitated to take over the sword.

"When you arrive at Nanhai Town, when you are riding a horse, you can practice how to make better use of its strength in the camp. Of course..." Jingyu will reach out and pinch the upper part of a wine glass and gently take it Get up, "If you want to learn from me how to use a sword, I won't be stingy."

It turned out that the sword he had just cut through the center of the wine glass... that was not the effect that the sharpness of the sword itself could cause. Fenner, who understood this, took the upper part of the other glass and gently touched the fracture, and nodded solemnly:

"Please guide me strictly!"

She bowed to Jingyu and walked out of the room... Then, she saw Jaina in front of her door, hesitating whether to knock on the door. The latter looked over when he heard the voice, because suddenly she saw her, and her awkward face turned red.

"Let's talk about it." Jaina avoided her gaze.

"Well." Fenner hurried over and opened her door.

This talk between the two sisters came to noon. At lunch, Jingyu saw that they were able to talk as easily as before. It's just that Jaina didn't call Sister Fenner... the relationship between the two was more like a close friend who didn't say anything.

The passenger ship arrived at Nanhai Town on the next morning on time. After the four persons disembarked, they went to the lord's palace to ask about the light messenger Uther... They learned that he had left the unhealed Prince Arthas and they left I can only give up my intention to ask him for a'certificate' letter.

It took a week to ride horses from Nanhai to Laran, as Jaina told Jingyu before.

At the entrance to Dalaran, Tyrande showed anger.

"Ten thousand years ago, it has been proven that magic will attract the Burning Legion, but it hasn't learned a lesson... Alas, the elves here are really degenerate! Not only are they using magic, but they have spread it to humans. No wonder this era They will also face the threat of burning legions."

It should be noted that although Fiskey on Kalimdor's continent also uses magic, this magic is not derived from the system of the Well of Eternity... Her magic is learned from Jingyu, and Jingyu has been in it for a long time. In time to study the druid's natural spells, shamanic spells and other methods created after the original. It has nothing to do with the Well of Eternity, so it will not attract the Burning Legion.

Fenner's mother is also an elf here, so she is dissatisfied with the statement that Tyrande killed him with a stick.

"Quelsalas has been around for thousands of years. Isn't it enough to prove that the enchantment it has set up is enough to protect the breath of magic research from leaking to the Burning Legion? Invasion and magic research are two different things!"

"Yes!" Jaina did not want to give up the study and research of magic, echoed: "I also think that the Burning Legion is unwilling to this world and has nothing to do with the study of magic. They already know this world, whether we study magic or not , Will try to come here to destroy here. What we should do is not to give up the magic, but to research the magic that can overcome them."

Tyrande's stubbornness made her unable to accept the words of the girls.

"The magic of defeating the Burning Legion? Haha... Saying such arrogant words, is it because you don’t know who the master behind the Burning Legion is... I don’t know that he is one of the members of the Titans who created the whole world, fallen Titan Sargeras? Do you think you can develop the same power as creating the world?"

The girls could not give an affirmative answer, but they were reluctant to ‘lost’ on this, and they all looked up to the Jingyu who seemed to be watching. Even Tyrande followed.

'Uh...' Jingyu felt very embarrassed. He thought that studying magic was not completely wrong. The words of Jaina and Fenna made sense...When the enemy is doomed, we can naturally strengthen ourselves. .

Conversely, Tyrande's concerns are not wrong. Even if human beings have been studying for a long time, and they can research enough power to create the world, then they don't know how many thousand years later.

At least, elves didn't do it 10,000 years ago. Now, after 10,000 years, humans and elves are still not good.

But he couldn't agree with both sides like mud.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, "Tyland, I think, you should also know what happened in 10,000 years...The life here has no equal power to create the world, and it still prevented the Burning Legion twice. Invasion."

He looked at Fenner and Jaina again, hoping they would listen.

"I think the key is not how strong the power is, but whether the various races here can unite to fight the invasion of the Burning Legion... Unfortunately, people (including all races) will always forget that there are A terrible enemy like the Burning Legion is trying to engage in various internal struggles."

"Jingyu, do you mean that the elves and our humans should unite with the orcs?" Jaina asked.

She and Fenner glanced at each other with some embarrassment...the orcs they knew were the accomplices of the Burning Legion, they invaded the world from another world, and brought endless painful enemies to the people of this world.

Although Tyrande had not been in contact with the orcs, but listening to her race with the word ‘beast’, it gave her a savage impression... Karare, the predecessor of the night elves, had established a highly civilized country.

Elegant and noble like her, even unwilling to imagine what an orc is.

"Is there not only a lot of problems with the orcs, humans, humans and elves?"

Jingyu raised this point, but did not speak down in detail. He knew that nowadays, all races still have their surplus, and it is not feasible to reason with them. Only when they are forced to the brink of life and death, talking to them about union, will they be regarded as a way to live.

He just hoped that the three women in front of him would be able to leave the road that could be united in his heart first.

I hope they will play a certain role in promoting the inevitable union in the future.

