Infinite Replacement

v4 Chapter 106: Walk with the Ranger

That's Jaina, Fina, and Wen Leisha. These girls, who have heard of the knighthood's tactics, are absolutely unable to portray the situation depicted by imagination.

He was powerful, but the battle he showed at this time did not go beyond what they knew human beings could do. Even some people they know are more powerful than he is now.

But why do they have a strange psychology?

They agreed that he was not fighting, but sublimated the battle to the realm of art.

There is no extra action when each knife is handed out, and even the most difficult to cut off the head of the enemy can be completed with the most appropriate force from the most clever angle.

Running with horses in the encircling circle formed by dozens of trolls, but no flaws. The trolls attack from any direction, he does not rely on the knife in his hand to resist, it is completely running, dodge, and counterattack with the horse.

The horse was like his legs and his hands.

One horse! One knife and one knife!

These two concepts appear vaguely in the minds of girls.

In this way, he wiped out all the trolls swiftly and quickly.

Pulling the horse to stop, patted the horse's head gently. The horse responded with loud snoring, riding back one by one.

"You will teach me!" Fenner almost shyly pulled the pants on his thigh and looked up at him.

Can't wait to see from her blue eyes, she really can't wait for him to give her all he knows now...she really wants to fight like him.

Compared to her as a warrior, Jaina wanted to know more about what he could do and how much surprise or surprise he could bring to her.

He is like a bottomless hole.

The closer you are to him, the more he will find the bottom, and the more he wants to get deeper into him.

Jaina found herself almost unable to extricate herself.

"Hahaha..." Jingyu smiled heartily and immediately covered Fenna's head with her big hand. He gently rubbed her hair... At that moment, Fenner felt like a little girl in front of him, and he was like a kind father.

Fenna, who had never felt her father's love since childhood, did not hate this feeling.

"Everything needs to be done step by step. After you have practiced melee, I will teach you something else." He said to her.

Fenner accepted the suggestion inexplicably calmly.

Jaina, who was watching from the side, thought he would be a good father...she then felt incredible for herself thinking that way, and then she was shy.

Jingyu raised his head at this time, "Miss Elf over there, if you see enough, you can come out."

It turned out that he had discovered it earlier... The elven ranger who thought he could not even find the sensitive forest animals after hiding his breath, walked out of the hiding tree after staying for a while. She looked directly at Jingyu and said in a humble and humble tone:

"I am Wen Lei Sha. Windrunner, I am greeted by the order of the Silver Moon Council and escorted you into the Silver Moon City."

"Windrunner?" Fenner loosened Jingyu's pants and surprised: "Are they the sisters of Aurelia Windrunner and Sylvanas Windrunner?"

Aurelia Windrunner was the hero during the second war against the Orcs, and Sylvanas Windrunner is now the Ranger General of Silvermoon City. Fenner had heard of their names and admired them very much.

However, because of her special status as a half-elf, Fenner mainly lived with her mother in Dalaran, so she had not seen them.

She looked at Wen Leisha curiously, as if she wanted to see some traces of her sisters from her.

The elf in front of him had a fit female body. The light armor wrapped around the chest and the pants covering the slender legs are all green with silver patterns in the forest, which is beautiful and practical.

Her face looked very young, and her jade-like eyes already had the heroism that a warrior should have.

Fenner nodded her head, thinking that the elf should be no worse than herself.

Wen Leisha is not happy because of her ‘identity’. But she also knows that she shouldn't have a dispute with the guests she should greet.

"Let's go." She turned and walked in the direction of Yongge Forest.

Fenna froze and frowned... Wen Leisha's coldness made her think that the other party looked down on her identity as a half-elf.

"Is she really Aurelia Windrunner's sister?" She could not help whispering discontentedly.

Aurelia. Windrunner is famous not only for her performance in the war, but also for her initiative to join the human army, which is an attitude of friendship with humanity.

Aurelia naturally has no objection to the union of elves and humans.

It is said that she seems to have fallen in love with a human... Fenner thought maliciously, looking at your half-elf niece or niece, what expression do you face him or her.

She made a wrinkled face with a small nose at Wen Lisha's back.

Jingyu and Tyrande were the first to ride up with Wen Leisha, and Jaina and Fenner were behind them... After walking for a while, they entered the Yongge Forest. Jingyu saw that Wen Leisha was still walking, so she rode and joined her. Qi, asked her:

"Did you not ride a horse when you came?"

"I'm a ranger, I don't need horses..." Wen Leisha originally wanted to say, "No need for the kind of cumbersome horses." However, since she had seen the battle Jingjing previously showed, she said that she was incorrect. She thought about it and asked curiously, "Did you create your own strategy for manipulating horses?"

"No... However, any horse can be controlled like that, but only me." Jingyu said with a smile.

Wen Leisha frowned, "It's not your own creation, why haven't I heard of it?"

During the second war against the orcs, the high elves joined the alliance and fought side by side with humans. If there is such a tactic on the human side, it is impossible not to spread it among the elves.

‘Of course it’s because it’s not a skill that has appeared in this world. 'The real answer is so, Jingyu said: "It seems that you grew up just staying in the Silver Moon City... How can you see more and hear more without going out and taking a look? The world is very Large."

Wen Leisha thought about it and agreed with his words. She nodded and said:

"When you are sent to Silvermoon City, I will take the initiative to accept the task of hunting the remaining orcs. Once the task is given, I will be able to leave Silvermoon City and go outside."

It seems that she is looking forward to it.

"Such..." Jingyu said lightly. He thought to myself, then I have to find a way to pull you into my team. On his lips, he said: "I heard Fenner mentioned Aurelia Windrunner and Sylvanas Windrunner, can you tell me about them? I came from another continent, and the situation here I don't understand."

One person and one elf started the usual chat.

Behind them, Fenner pulled Rajanna's arm.

"Look at him, go hooking up with beautiful women again... It's true, he's good, but that's a headache. Jaina, you have more control over him in the future."

Jaina smiled bitterly, "They just talk, can't talk about it?"

"Then why didn't he come to talk to us?" Fenna pouted.

"I think it's because he watched us fight, and he was tired. I hope we rest more." Jaina said. She didn't know about Fenner's situation. She was exhausted because of her magic power, but there was a lingering emptiness in her body.

"Jaina, do you really think so?" Fenner looked at her with a look at the strange creature. Seeing Jaina astonished, she gave her a look of ‘you’re really struggling’ and sighed, “Ah, it seems that I’m worried.”

‘What the **** are you doing! 'Jaina glared at her angrily, thinking, he should be more intimate between you and you, giving you a magic sword without saying, pointing you to combat skills, and touching your head intimately... You idiot, who lacks nerves, doesn't know how jealous it has made me.

The other party is her half-sister, which is where she suffers from being unable to speak.

But Fina who did not notice, "No, I have to separate them." Embracing the kindness of helping the sister, the horse was inserted between Jingyu and Wen Leisha...

"Ah..." Jaina sighed and thought, she didn't expect what she helped, just hope she didn't get stuck in it.

