Infinite Replacement

v4 Chapter 124: A further relationship with Jaina

This process is extremely short, and even Jingyu, who is still unfamiliar, will complete it within three seconds.

The immersive female elf was surprised, and the onlookers widened their eyes.

Jingyu also didn't explain it. After a slight pause, he felt that the breastplate did add the ability he wanted to join, and then moved the ore to the female elf's shoulder armor and plastron, and completed the operation at the same time.

"Okay." He smiled slightly at the female elf. "You can find a companion next to test the effect, and then tell me how you feel... Tyrande, you let them line up, I want to speed up."

Can it be faster?

Tyrande and the elves thought so, even the first female elf whose armor was transformed was also doubtful, and hurried to the side to take a female elf to test... using a thin sword to cut into three transformed places .

The other female elves looked at the test nervously while lining up. They saw that as soon as the thin sword approached the armor, the original purple armor would automatically turn black. After the sword touched the helmet, the sword was rebounded with a ping-pong sound.

The female elf wielding the sword froze for a while, chopping with a heavier force and feeling a heavier rebound.

She was overjoyed and said to the elves: "I feel that it can resist stronger power... With it, we will be able to get real protection." She looked at Jingyu and praised sincerely, "You are really Amazing."

Jingyu shook his head, "I hope you don’t rely too much on the protection of armor. I don’t have much ore here, and there are very few to be distributed to each elf. The added power is not strong. Take it as the last life-saving means. Right."

"That's also worthy of our gratitude." said the first female elf who was transformed into armor.

This time Jingyu smiled without saying anything... Three rows of 99 female elves had gathered in front of him. He walked to the first, and touched the female elf's breastplate with the large volleyball ore in his hand... This ore weighed ten kilograms. When he stood in front of the 67th female elf, the ore was as small as his thumb. .

The focused Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief when holding it close to the female elf's chest again, and thought, according to this usage rate, two tons is enough to transform the armor for 12,000 elves, and there will be about two hundred kilograms remaining... Then simply make Tyrande a pure diamond bow.

With such a distraction, he suddenly felt quiet around him.

No, I clearly felt a lot of breath... Holding this idea, his hand stopped an inch in front of the female elf's chest. Looking at the left, there are hundreds of female elves; looking at the right, there are also hundreds of female elves.

It's estimated to be later, all staring at him with silver eyes.

‘Uh...’ Jingyu glanced at the female elf in front of her... her breastplate was the same as the 66 elves in the front, with half of her full chest exposed at the top. The ore in Jingyu's hand is too small, and it will continue to decrease as the diamond is sent into the armor. He estimated that the ore would be used up directly, and his hand would inevitably touch the female elf's breastplate.

Being watched by so many elves, even if he doesn't have that sloppy heart, he can't help being embarrassed.

Seeing him stop, the female elf looked at him sideways.

Jingyu shook her hand back because of the need to replace the ore... but this made the female elf anxious. She grabbed Jingyu's hand and pressed it on her chest.

"No, no, you mustn't be thin."

In a rather aggrieved tone.

Jingyu couldn't help crying and laughing. While pulling back, he tried to avoid causing some kind of depression to cause attention; while explaining:

"I didn't say I won't help you rebuild it, I just want to replace the ore and let go."



The female elf had to let go of her hands after going through this process.

Jingyu turned around without squinting, reaching out to Jaina, who was following him.

Jaina whispered in his ear when he put the new ore in his hand:

"Very comfortable."

‘What’s so comfortable, I’m so nervous. 'Jingyu would like to say this. If he had been misunderstood just now, his image among the night elf women would be ruined... Then his plan to establish a'guard team' of all-female elves would be blocked. Ground.

He saw Jaina's jealous look before swallowing this sentence. Telling her with a sound of nature:

‘I want to touch you more. ’

Jaina was ashamed and embarrassed, but on such occasions, she couldn't do some girl-like stomping, twisting, etc. actions to resolve this embarrassment, which really made her feel uncomfortable.

In this way, she cast a fierce blow to Jingyu, saying with mouth:

‘Just not let you touch. ’

Jingyu's lips turned up a bad arc obviously. He turned to transform the armor for the female elf in a serious manner, but Jaina saw his expression in her eyes. Knowing his character, he knows his plan. So at a later time, she has been despised.

There was something in her heart, he, if he really touched it, would he stop it?

In two and a half days, Jingyu created uniform armor for the female elves. Then, he built a black bow for Tyrande... as long as the bow is pulled apart, it can absorb the moisture in the air and condense into ice, which is exactly the same as the one Tyrande saw after ten thousand years. .

Tyrande readily accepted.

And Jaina, she is now a little bit distressed. Because she was entangled in when Jingyu would sneak on her, Jingyu seemed to forget this. It was also because Fenner, the elves, and Tyrande all got what he gave, but she didn't.

She also knew that she was a magician, and she didn't need armor, weapons, etc... The method of transforming armor should not be suitable for transforming the staff, she should not be unhappy about it.

However, she is also a woman, hoping that the man she likes can remember that she can't say it's wrong.

Such Jaina would sigh when she was alone. It was like now, sitting alone on the rock by the stream, she sighed... as she sighed down her shoulder, she was suddenly photographed.

That scared her.

Looking back to see him, she quickly put away the decadence on her face, so as not to be seen by him.

"Tomorrow is going, why not go to bed." He asked her, with a hand behind his back strangely.

"I can't sleep." Jaina asked, "What about you?"

"I'm looking for you." Jingyu smiled and took out the hand behind his back, "Give it to you."

The white armor was handed over. Like the type of white vest she has been wearing, it is not hard to hold in his hand. It looks very soft in texture, but has a silver metallic luster.

Very beautiful, Jaina fell in love with it at a glance.

But compared to this-

"Send... to me?" She was shocked and delighted, looking at him dumbly and incredulously.

"I have been worried about where to find the metal doping in order to turn it into this white color. Oh, the elves' equipment is biased towards dark colors, should I say that it is the night elf afterwards?" Jingyu shrugged.

After he exaggerated, he took her hand and put the armor up. "Go to the tree and show it to me. I added a little bit of auto-contractable magic iron in it, it won't affect it. You grow up there again."

Jaina still looked at him with that expression, and she didn't even listen to his obscene words.

Then, clenching her armor, she made a decision.

"You help me change it!"

For a moment, his cheeks turned red.

That night, the two kissed by the stream.

