Infinite Replacement

v4 Chapter 13: Little Goddess Blessing

Jingyu took the two girls back to the outer wall door, folded their wings, and walked with them on the way back to the base, allowing them to appreciate the humanities of the alien city. Waving flags, fantasy-style European buildings, especially those with animal ears or tails, have attracted their attention.

When the sky changed from orange to dark blue, the three men came to the base of the twin kings. At the gate, I saw two cute girls who seemed to have been waiting here for a while and looked similar.

They do not know why, each carrying their hands behind their backs.

"Dad." Even though he was called so sweetly, he ran to him with a smile, but still did not reach out.

Jingyu touched their cheeks and was about to introduce them to Marianna and c.c., and heard the ridicule of the two women.

"It turns out there is another daughter here."

"I'm also surprised. It's been ten years, so frequent, so many women, but only one daughter had once wondered if there was a problem with his kind of things, now it's better."

"Good you!" Jingyu glared at Mariana. Under the red puffs of the two little girls who seemed to understand, he was embarrassed and couldn't catch fire. I had to cough and tried to ignore the laughter of the two women and introduced: "The aunt here is Marianna and the sister here is c.c."

Fina and Leia also adjusted quickly. The former came to Mariana, while the latter faced c.c.

"I'm Dad's daughter Fina (Leiya), welcome you."

Their little hands behind them came forward, each holding a handmade petal bracelet.

"Hey, it's so beautiful." Marianna held out her hand and gently smiled: "Can you put it on for me?"

c.c. took the bracelet and took a look at it. The flowers on the bracelet are the same size, the distance between the flowers is the same, and the thin green stems are also entangled flexibly, which is quite strong. These are enough to show the effort and thoughts of the two girls on the bracelet.

"It's a waste to treat such a clever child as his daughter." She murmured half jealously.

Fina wore a bracelet for Mariana, but Reya didn’t know how to respond to the cc sentence-they were praised by her, although it seemed to ridicule her father, and the relationship between the two could be regarded as the other. A kind of flirting with my father couldn't turn back.

She had no choice but to look at her father.

Jingyu ignored the poison tongue of c.c. However, in order to make the two women who don't know the goods realize the practical value of the bracelet, he explained:

"The mothers of these two children are goddesses, and they are innate gods. Although they are still very young, one day they will become the new goddess' bracelets made by them, blessing them with blessings."

Fina and Leia are his children, yes, but mainly the offspring of the unisex breeding of the goddess, similar to their own copy. The different part lies in him, as well as the role of Altoria and Gilgamesh in it.

He said it is not wrong for them to have a natural body. However, they are different from the natural gods as the strongest species. Those born gods are basically mature bodies as soon as they are born, and they possess extraordinary divine power and understand their priesthood.

Since the two goddesses of Fina and Leia are still alive, they do not have the inherent priesthood. If one day, the two goddesses die, Fina and Leia will inherit their priesthood and protect the plane. This is why the two goddesses gave Fina and Leia to Jingyu.

However, there is no unilateral use of it, and what is absolutely necessary is mutual benefit.

As long as Jingyu can help the two goddesses to resist foreign enemies, and they have been alive, Fina and Leia do not have to inherit their priesthood and are bound in that plane. At the same time, Fina and Leiya also possess the growth of elementary living bodies and can become goddesses through their own growth, which in turn helps Jingyu.

This is the relationship.

Of course, as a father, he would not think about how to use his daughter.

After telling Mariana and c.c. how he felt, he grabbed the shoulder of a daughter with one hand and said softly:

"Come and tell your aunt and sister what kind of blessings you have given them."

Fina and Leia were looked at by three people and blushed embarrassedly. However, being encouraged by my dad made them very happy.

Leiya is a bit more lively. She first said: "Listening to sister Angel, c.c. has the ability to be physically immortal, but it will still be hurt and painful, and we want her to be less hurt."

She looked at Fina, who continued: "Sister Angel said that Aunt Mariana is very good at fighting and she is an amazing knight. We hope she can fight more easily."

Whether it is less injured or fighting more easily, it is just a very vague concept. Mariana and c.c. Even through the power displayed by Jingyu, I believe his judgment is still not very clear about this so-called ‘blessing’ contained on the bracelet.

What's more, the bracelet constructed by plants will wither within a few days.

So, what role can this blessing play?

The two women couldn't help but doubt this, only to show the girls a smile in order not to disappoint the girls.

Seeing this, Jingyu added two girls with a natural tone: "Well, I believe that the bracelet can keep its current form of cc bracelet unless it is maliciously damaged unless it is maliciously damaged. , Mariana, you give it a try. I think you will know the effect immediately."

Mariana's expression remained the same but she was doubtful. She thought, looking at a guard standing on the side of the gate wearing a helmet, wearing little armor covering her shoulders, chest, hips, long sword hanging from her waist, and a spear attached to her hand.

Cold weapon, do not know if there is that skill?

I also want to know what effect my degree can achieve in this world. Her blue squint squints and shoots out the breathtaking sternness. The light lifting of the skirt has already determined the content of the test.

The guard used to guard the main entrance of the base area is not only the facade, but also has the ability to deter the young. However, he only heard the sound of Ding Ding Ding's high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground continuously. When he turned his head, the sword at his waist was already out of the sheath, and was resting on his neck.

A **** murderous spirit made him afraid to move his head in cold sweat.

Marianna giggled and said to the guard standing on the other side: "Hey, I'm going to attack myself."

She deliberately gave the guard time to react, posing with a sword in both hands. After the guard pointed the spear at this side, she attacked. The blade was originally on the right side of her body, and the guards mainly defended this way. However, Marianna dexterously jumped to the left, waving a sword from left to right.

"What?" The guard hurriedly defended in shock, and the tip of the spear was cut off.

The guard quickly dropped the spear handle and tried to draw the sword. The cold sword touched the skin on his neck.

What's even more surprising is that it wasn't the sword Mariana had started with, but the one hanging around his waist.

I don't know when Marianna holds a sword in each hand.

Mariana closed her sword and looked at the bracelet on her left wrist with satisfaction: "It's really good, my speed has increased?" She used questions, and then asked herself: "No, it seems that the resistance of the air has changed. It's too small."

In short, the result is that she becomes faster.

"The answer is correct." Jingyu walked over, took the sword, and threw them to the two guards with shame on their faces, and said, "This Marianna is my wife, who was in the world where she was born. He is an invincible round table knight in the battlefield."

The two guards stayed for a while, looking at the beautiful woman in a flirty, flirtatious dress with a surprised look.

The latter smiled softly, "Ahra, if someone didn't cheat, I could be invincible there now."

The implied meaning naturally means that Jingyu has such a high strength, but he pretends to be a duel with her.

However, she did not ask Jingyu to explain that she was not dissatisfied with the woman who had made him now. She ran across him with the skirt, took Fina and Leia's hands, and smiled:

"Thank you guys, I like it very much."

c.c. also nodded sincerely.

Both girls laughed happily.

A group of five people walked towards the main building of the base area in such a good atmosphere, preparing to enjoy the dinner.
