Infinite Replacement

v4 Chapter 3: Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh and Jingyu sat first on both sides of the conference table. She said arrogantly: "As the leader of the community, I didn't need to explain why I accepted the other's gift game. But since you are here"

She paused, "The community is called "Chaos Nebula", the base is at the outer gate of 335621, and we are also in this Eastern District. It was also unknown a year ago, and it has developed rapidly in the past year and moved from seven digits to six. The number of digits, and is competing for the strongest title in the lower level of the Eastern District."

Well, she said that, including Jingyu, Angel and Monet, the two little girls knew why she would accept the gift game launched by the community. Lorella nodded even more in agreement, and apparently also thought that the strongest title could not be conceded.

Jingyu smiled secretly and asked, "Apart from flags and titles, have you written any other conditions in the contract?"

"No." Gilgamesh answered very simply, "I don't look down on them."

Jingyu raised her eyebrows, thinking that the community has been established for three years, and has not seen how many people joined. How big is the role of this attitude in it? Have you not realized it?

He also knew she couldn't change it, but he didn't want to blame her for it. He only said:

"Well, I will start in a while, and will stay in Hak Ting for a long time. Let us work together during this period to elevate our community to the fifth floor."

"You are willing to contribute to the community, and I have no reason to refuse. However," Gilgamesh looked at him with a scrutiny. "You don't want to express that because you are here, the community can develop rapidly."

Jingyu gave her a white look, "How to say, it also has you and everyone who worked hard for three years to lay the foundation. Furthermore, I will work with you to do it, if you can't upgrade its level in a shorter time than before, then What other face do we have to call'The King of the World'?"

Gilgamesh was stagnant and knew what he said made sense, but he didn't want to admit to him that he thought too much, so he turned away and vaguely said: "Well, the two of us joined together, there really shouldn't be something we can't do."

Jingyu did not continue to pursue her, and instead said: "I came here today suddenly, I don't know that the community is fighting with outsiders, just because there are two other people who want to summon the world to wait for the dawn, I plan to go to the'summoning' 'Eye', let Bai Yecha prepare two invitations for me."

Gilgamesh was a little surprised. She nodded and asked, "Are those two also strong?"

"At your level, their strength is not worth mentioning." Jingyu looked at her seriously: "I just think that they have the potential to become strong, and it is worth being brought here."

If he pointed out this, he told Gilgamesh not to use the current strength as a criterion for recruiting members. The development of the community depends on how far you want to go in the long run.

Gilgamesh was also extremely intelligent, and immediately understood his meaning. She snorted irresponsibly, leaving a sentence "Everyone is tired after a fight, go back to rest" and left the conference room ignoring him.

Jingyu chatted with the remaining women and girls separately, and after an hour, knocked on Gilgamesh's door.

She had replaced her gold armor, wearing a Cuban Babylonian white dress with no underwear, and lying lazily on a couch and drinking red wine. The slightly runny hair means that she has just bathed. The radiant skin of Bai Li is indescribably bright.

This woman is always majestic and majestic. But when you dare to boldly pay attention to her, you can find out how beautiful she is.

Jingyu stood by the door and looked at her.

Gilgamesh naturally knew that he had come in. She did not speak, nor looked at him.

Jingyu Jing walked to this sofa and sat down next to her slender legs like curdled white jade. Bending over from the short table, he picked up another golden cup that had been poured with wine and took a sip.

"It's really good wine." He praised, gently shaking the liquid in the glass. "Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not so stingy." She said so on her mouth, but snorted from Na Yao's nose.

Jingyu smiled slightly and proudly said: "Do not be arrogant and do something prince." He attracted her **** eyes in one sentence, "This is what you said, just like your own portrayal. You are a king, I am also a king, but I am You are not a person after all, we are different kings, and I cannot be as arrogant as you are. You don’t need to envy me, you don’t need to follow me in your style as a king, and likewise, I won’t imitate you.”

He turned his face to her, letting her jewel-like eyes reflect his gentle face. Can't help but, from her temple side, inserted her fingers into her golden hair, slightly closer to her.

His voice became deep and magnetic, full of his sincerity and affection.

"Do you know? Since I met you, I often feel fortunate because of your pride and make mistakes. I feel that I am valuable by your side. I am glad that I can make up for you when you make mistakes, and when you are alone Let you rely on. Gilgamesh can, despite her arrogance, Long Jingyu never let her be bullied."

Disregarding everything, the noble oldest king, the pupil finally appeared to fluctuate.

He knew he had touched her.

The gaze from her shortened the distance, he kissed her lips, they were soft, with a light mellow wine and flower-like aroma, he was intoxicated by it, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know how long it took him. After waking up, he withdrew his body backwards and drank the liquid in the golden wine glass.

He stood up, turned around and took a step, and suddenly found something tugging on his pants legs.

Turning his head, he saw a crystal-clear foot, and the thumb and index finger were sandwiching the cloth around his knee.

"Ben Ben Wang allows you to stay in bed tonight." I don't know how talented she is, she can interpret such a contradiction-obviously a pretty face is red and shameless, but she is proudly carrying Wang Wangjiao. Chin.

The voice was trembling.

The eyes were drooping and dodge.

He looked crazy.

Without hearing his answer, she couldn't help raising her head. Seeing his expression, her face flashed with pride and calmed down.

"Stay." she said. The toes were clamped firmly, and the legs were gently closed, pulling him towards her.

It was impossible for that force to pull him, but he followed her leg forward. First, slowly, the eyes of the two kept looking at each other, he saw the desire in her eyes, because he was so eager. He finally took the initiative into his hands impatiently
