Infinite Replacement

v5 Chapter 100: Keep winning

Boundary wall stage area——

The Fire Dragon Birth Festival begins on the second day after the arrival of noname.

In response to the many communities from the festival, after submitting an application to the festival operation headquarters, the battle was held during the free time in the stage area to hold various games.

Here is one of the game venues.

Pieces of merchandise are placed in lines like the surface of a chess board. Five meters away from the surface of the plate, delineate a separation line. Participants holding bamboo rings lined up and stood outside the separation line.

Throw the ring, which product in the ring set, the product belongs to this participant.

Very simple rules.

However, if this is the case, the organizers can only lose money in the innumerable box courts of strange people.

Therefore, the panel set by the organizer can be twitched horizontally and vertically, so as to change the position of the product according to the trajectory of the participant after throwing the circle.

Unilaterally, this seems unfair to the participants. Therefore, two more items were added: a throw can only move the plate once; and, if the plate moves while a certain item falls over, the item belongs to the participant.

The product is not buckled in the plate, but placed on the surface.

The organizer also asked participants who questioned it to test it personally, to the extent that they would fall over if they were not careful.

In addition, a shopping shelf is placed on the side of this game area. The products listed on the shelf are the products on the plate, and the price tag can tell interested people that the prizes on the plate definitely exceed the participation fee.

In this way, it attracts many participants to challenge. However, the scarcity of goods that can be successfully taken away.

No, the person who is challenging just got nothing after throwing out all the bamboo rings. The girl who hosted the game next to me said, ‘It’s a pity, guest. Even I can see it, you have grasped the rules, and a little bit will succeed. After hesitating in front of the girl, he walked toward the long table near the separation line.

"I want to challenge again." He handed out a silver coin.

After receiving the silver coin with a smile, the mustache of the cash register "Thank you for your patronage!" and handed out ten rings at the same time.

The man took the ring and lined it up to the end of the line. It can be seen that he carefully observed the game area from the team, trying to find out the flaws of the controllers of the board.

At this moment, the sigh of "Oh oh!!!" came from the front.

It turned out that the new thrower successfully set a certain item. After the host girl reported the good news aloud, the emotions of the people in the line rose again. Even the guy at the end of the team who had just experienced ten failures also clenched his fists, revealing a firm expression of confidence that I can succeed next time.

And some of the people who are watching on the outside have shakes on their faces. Maybe they are thinking about whether to challenge them.

"The chance of success is high, come in and try it."

"Even if you don't aim, you can win a good prize as long as the controller makes a mistake."

"One of the listed products is a model. The actual value of the product received is one hundred times the participation fee. Even if it is a challenge of 99 times, as long as you can get it, it will be cost-effective."

"By the way, challenge ninety-nine times is not only for ninety-nine times... but nine hundred and ninety times!"


Young boys and girls holding leaflets have a spike like ears of demons. In front of the crowd, a leaflet describing the product details and the rules of the game was issued, and a voice was screamed to attract guests.

Some people went to the long table, and then increased the length of the team.

Then there were the failures of several people, and when the heat of the onlookers began to decrease, someone would succeed.

While repeating this process, two people came to the young girls.

A little earlier was a man with black hair and black eyes. He took a leaflet from the girl and scanned it. He was followed by a beautiful woman with a unilateral horn and a voluptuous figure in a kimono.

This woman has an obvious lack of interest in the game.

Girls who see this point mainly recommend men.

"Guests, if you participate now, you still have a chance to win the biggest prize... that is the proud work of our community, and it is also exhibited at the exhibition."

"A clockwork plough machine? Interestingly, if you take it down, even the children can manipulate it." The man said to himself in response to the girl, "Well, I will challenge it again."

From his words, it is not difficult to hear that he is completely pointing to this biggest award. Even if the young girl doesn’t believe that he can really succeed with only one challenge, she still says, ‘then I wish you success first’ and makes an inward gesture.

"You are waiting for me here." The man said to the accompanying woman, walking inward alone.

The woman seemed suddenly surprised. Then, as if thinking about it, the corners of the lips curled up, looking forward to find an area where you could see the throwing process and stand still.

It was about fifteen minutes before the man's turn came.

He looked at the disc and found the model of the desired product in the center of the penultimate row.

It is close to ten meters away from the isolation line and occupies almost the entire small square. This size and distance make it difficult to be trapped by itself, not to mention the interference of the controllers changing their positions.

Therefore, people who have challenged once, no longer aim at it, and instead focus on those thin, tall and easy-to-use products.

This man should have witnessed the process of several failed challenges, but still tossed the first ring towards the model.

His throwing power is very precise and just right. Under everyone's attention, the ring flew towards the model with an extremely stable parabola.

However, it was also because the flight of the ring was too stable, so that the controller moved the position of the model anxiously.

It is only a few centimeters, and I believe that the ring should touch the protrusion above the model like the previous few times and bounce away.

Several spectators couldn't help but say the pity of regret first.

However, the man smiled.

The ring is settled, and it is now set on the model.

"..." After a short silence, "Huh?" Many people made this sound.

Even the man who manipulated the model's position looked at the model in disbelief... He blinked hard several times to make sure he was not mistaken.

The man smiled at the host girl standing beside him.

The girl also reacted, "Congratulations... Congratulations to this gentleman, who won the biggest prize in the game."

She handed the microphone to the man, "Excuse me, which community are you?"

"The outer door of the Eastern District 2105280, the noname led by Kim Russell." The man, Jingyu, was enough for everyone on the scene to hear the voice.

The host girl repeated this again, "East District 2105380 exterior door, led by Kim Russell... Hey, noname?"

I had thought that the person in front of me must have been from a great big community, but it was noname. The host girl who responded unconsciously used interrogative tone at the end.

The audience is also--

"It turned out to be noname? It must have been pure luck. The one that was thrown actually deviated, but it moved just right."

"Who is Kim Russell, I haven't heard of it."


In short, no one believes, that is really the strength of the thrower.

Jingyu didn't excuse, he smiled, and threw out the remaining nine rings.

The nine rings are obviously fan-shaped. However, all the way round, he turned to the model.

The manipulating the position this time also fought. Pulling the disc surface violently directly moves the model one foot away.

In this way, one-third of the entire column of goods is overturned.

However, that model has a higher value than these commodities.

It is a pity that the nine circles are chased to the top of the model like an automatic chase function. Still stopped here for a while before falling in line.

After the last ring fell, the ten stacked rings almost covered the entire model.

People who witnessed this were shocked and speechless. Even the moustache, who was sitting steadily and collecting money, stood up.

Jingyu touched her chin and asked the host girl, "I don't know if I can get ten copies of the same thing?"

"This, this..." The host girl, or that the organizer didn't expect this to happen at all...she looked back to the mustache who was responsible here.

After thinking about it, Moustache came over and whispered something into the girl's ear.

The girl said: "According to the regulations, the same product in a set cannot be collected repeatedly. However, you can choose any of nine other products on the plate... You can also take over the overturned products."

Jingyu shrugged, "So then."

He walked out of the queue and followed Moustache to collect the prize. Behind it, the voice of discussion reappeared.

"That guy, wouldn't it be a gift to control the air."

"It may also be a gift with a hit effect."

"However, I did not see his process of using gifts."


‘Control the air? Hit effect? 'Bai Xueji looked at Jingyu's back with a serious face.' It's not like that at all... the guy just used his left hand with an invisible speed to make the left and right fans, press down, lift up, push forward and back Pull, so six actions. The vibration of the air in the air changed the flight trajectory of the ring... still so precise, I really felt more and more like a monster. ’

Seeing that he was rewarding the gift card with gifts, Bai Xueji walked over to him. After meeting, the two walked out of the game area for a while and entered the central road.

"Ahra," Oncoming, Asuka and Leticia came over, "It turns out to be you."

Jingyu lowered his head, "What is me?"

"Master," Leticia said: "We were just over there and heard someone mentioned Jin En's full name, so I thought about what happened. Come and see... Since I met the master, I think you made it again. What's the result?"

Jingyu smiled and said, "Is there something I got... What about Asuka? It came out early in the morning, and I think it would have won."

"Humph." Asuka made a brisk nasal noise, and plucked the hairline proudly, reaching out to him: "I need supplies, and give me another hundred ordinary frozen orbs."

"Use it so fast?" Jingyu was surprised, because he gave her the same amount last night. He thought for a while, "Flying birds, wouldn't you be too messy? Even if you want to get a good gift, you can't force yourself too much."

This caring tone made Asuka reveal awkwardness. Who made her such a character? If others show hostility to her, she can cope with it easily, but feels a bitter about good intentions.

In this way, she couldn't bluntly say that because the opponent was a fire dragon, it just happened to be in contact with the frozen, which only went through a bitter battle... She disguised her shyness by showing annoyance.

"It's really wordy, and it's not that I don't give you money, don't care how I use it."

"You can't do it." Jingyu sighed and shook his head. "Here's a lot of people. Let's go forward first, find a place with few people, and get it for you."

So the four went forward together. On the way, Jingyu asked about Yao's situation and learned that he was going to participate in the gift game mentioned on the leaflet Bai Yecha handed to them on the first day of coming to the outside gate.

"The Kasugabe classmate said that today is only a preliminary match. For her, it should be easy. We will wait for tomorrow's final to cheer for her." Asuka said rightfully.

She is now looking down at an unknown food in her hand that Jingyu invited her to eat.

Of course, the other two women who accompanied him also had their share.

Seeing that they were eating with great interest, I was originally concerned about eating birds that would damage the image directly, and tried to take a bite... At the moment of the food entrance, her pair of dark blue eyes lighted up, and her face was straight and lovely. A "really delicious" expression.

However, after feeling Jingyu's gaze from the side, she snorted and turned her face to the other side.

That's how she did it. She saw a little dwarf girl with a slap-sized hat and a pointed hat under the shed of a stall selling delicate carved glasses on the street.

"What's that." Curious asked Asuka to forget shame, stopped, and pulled Jingyu's sleeve.

