Infinite Replacement

v6 Chapter 82: Go see

The air in the lungs was squeezed out at once. The force of the epee is too strong, and even makes the girl have the illusion of ‘to be penetrated’, and her heart is afraid.

The Epee took it back. The girl fell to the ground softly and took a sip before her breathing was normal.

At this time, she felt the wind slip across her neck. A blast of cold touched away without causing damage. But the girl knew that her head had been'cut off'... she consciously didn't take part in the war again, and cast a respectful look at the teenager.

In the control room, my dean was surprised and asked unwoven: "Did you turn down the weight of that epee?"

Otherwise, he feels that human beings can't send and receive in such a violent and rapid wave anyway, right?

"No." Unconscious thought, "I know you will be surprised". She proudly brought out the parameter screen of Jingyu's Epee, as if Jingyu was winning glory for her.

This expression made Mu groan more dissatisfiedly, ‘should I be proud? ’

My dean is looking at the parameter of ‘15 kg’ and is silent. He glanced at Rensheng Zhaoxia on the side of his eyes... his starter is a power type. If you sharpen your swordsmanship in the future, you can do it like Jingyu.

However, Jingyu is an ordinary person, not a cursed child.

My dean is wondering about this.

In the training room, the melee team has already lost more than half. In the long-range group, the ammunition is given based on the self-reported data they usually practice here, and it is by no means unlimited. If the melee group was devastated and the long-range group did not have bullets...they could surrender directly.

Therefore, I dare not suppress the shooting for the time being.

The instructions in the communicator are that members of the melee team on both sides retreat to the remote group as soon as possible.

In this case, they still have 28 in number, taking advantage.

Jingyu learned this in advance. He nodded to Yanzhu, and Yanzhu immediately showed the speed of the rabbit-shaped starter, running back and forth between the buildings with a speed that the bullet couldn't catch up with, and seemed to be approaching the long-range group.

In this case, they had to shoot. Otherwise, at the speed of Yanzhu, you can reach them instantly from a distance after being exposed.

They talked about focusing on Yanzhu, and Jingyu was free. He sneaked from one building to another and fired, blocking the four melee groups left on the right, forcing them to return to the remote group.

The remote group divided two more automatic rifles in an attempt to suppress him. However, Jingyu's epee is not just an attack, its role in defense is revealed. He seemed to be able to see clearly all the bullets fired by the machine guns, and he blocked them one by one with his epee.

'monster! "The long-range group that is firing, and after adding a machine gun that still has no merit, the word starts to come to mind. The four melee members were forced to stop and gather together to fight him in order to prevent them from being broken by each.

Seeing a building that cannot be attacked by a remote group, Jingyu single-armed sword, while blocking the frontal slash of two starters and one promoter... In the operating room, my head was shaking his head. . He knew that by this time, the victory or defeat was already known.

Ten minutes later, Jingyu and Yanzhu walked up with a smile. Attentive people looked, he didn't even sweat a sweat.

My dean was saying a few words of politeness, saying that there was something wrong and leading the dejected men to leave. Only then did Yanzhu cheer: "Jingyu, this battle is very interesting today, let's find someone to play next time, okay?"

After solving the melee team on the right, Jingyu entered the auxiliary role. The rest of the people were kicked off by Yan Zhu. So, in terms of number, she still eliminated much, so she rightfully thinks that she is still stronger... even if it is only a little stronger, she is still very happy.

"Yanzhu sauce, you guys who have won my church. In this Tokyo area, no one dares to challenge you anymore." Unwoven had to tell Yanzhu the fact.

"What? Isn't that boring in the future?" Yan Zhu may have no opponents, and her small face collapsed.

"No." Unwoven quickly made up: "The Tokyo area is just the weakest area. In the world, there are many people who are more powerful than Yanzhu sauce. We think that your name is getting higher and higher. After that, they will always meet them in the future."

It is not just this, the Tokyo area is rich in reserves of metal, which will attract the competition of all countries in the world. At that time, it is really a cruel fight...she glanced at Jingyu unexpectedly, worried about him.

"Then, the concubine must become stronger, stronger than them." Yan Zhu, who was just a little complacent, shouted immediately.

To be honest, Jingyu's strength is so strong, it still caused a lot of pressure on her.

I don't know if she heard her anxiety from the girl's shouting. Both Unwoven and Mugen looked at Jingyu.

"Yanzhu, today's contest also made me see progress. I think it's time to tell you something you should know." Jingyu touched Yanzhu's little head and said: "I'll go to Viola with me later One trip, I let you feel the power of sixteen nights."

"She really is stronger than the concubine, right?" Yan Zhu was not surprised, but after all, he was not willing to accept this fact.

Unwoven and Mugen are also the first to hear Jingyu talking about the strength of Sixteen Nights. The two women looked at each other and felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show that they wanted to see each other... They forgot the duel.

Soon after, a Mercedes-Benz, followed by a motorcycle, drove into the campus of Goutian University.

After getting out of the car, Unwoven and Yanzhu walked to Jingyu and wondered: "Is there a battlefield here?"

The same question, Mu Geng actually asked it once when entering the school gate.

"Who said you want to fight?" Jingyu pulled out the car key and casually said: "I am talking about feelings, you know?"

Three girls staying together... The youngest Yanzhu is a proud girl in her own right. Her small face was excited, and she immediately behaved very unhappy. Although he said nothing, he thought:

‘Ah, is it? You let the concubine feel, and the concubine must challenge her later. ’

Sixteen nights heard the familiar motorcycle sound, and Jingyu opened the door for him when he walked to the door of the house. There was a smile on her plain face. But after seeing Yanzhu, who was following in and clearly showing a sense of confrontation, he stayed again.

Asking Jingyu with innocent eyes, he nodded.

Then, sixteen nights understood.

