Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 139: Advantages of modern magic

One time can be called accidental, two times... Ai Li can only believe his feelings.

Moreover, unlike the first fleeting moment, the trembling imposed on the skin by the invisible hand lingered after the girl appeared.

Ai Li instinctively adopted a psychological defensive posture-crossed his hands like arms around his chest.

Her arms were trembling faintly.

Unlike the enthusiasm in the audience for the beauty of deep snow, regardless of men and women, although in the middle, she only had fear in her heart. And, ‘Dragon Leaf Deep Snow, who the **** are you,’ such a deep doubt.

This reaction... It's a bit too much to say.

Deep Snow possesses a strong ability to change things. Even small mood swings can cause freezing air around. In order to prevent this situation from being judged by the referee as "sneaking," Deep Snow gently stroked her heart and restrained herself with a long breath.

What she exuded all over her body was not the breathtaking atmosphere, but the serenity and harmony of that dress. It can even give the audience a feeling of being in a quiet forest.

He never released any hostility against anyone... and it was impossible to point his thoughts to Ai Li in the audience.

Deep Snow is very innocent.

However, Ai Li is by no means a personality that is more cowardly than other audiences to fear. With her unique magic, it is like animals with wild instincts, and she feels the terrifying power of deep snow with her body.

If it were really animals, in front of that huge power, he had already turned his head and fled.

Ai Li is not an animal, let alone run away.

She is also restraining herself.

Sitting beside her were two friends who often acted together, Seventeen Night Castanopsis and Forty-nine Yard.

The project that Minzi participated in is surfing, and there will be semi-finals and finals tomorrow; Shizu is the same project as Shenxue, and is currently in the state of passing the preliminaries and preparing for the second round.

Ai Li didn't want them to find her strange, so as not to affect their game.

The deep snow game started at this time.

The moment the semaphore turned blue, the intense radiance of the son wanted to cover the entire field regardless of the enemy. Immediately afterwards, the casting range filled with 24 icicles was completely eroded by the poles of ice and fire.

What caused this phenomenon is actually just a kind of magic.

‘Bingyan Hell’ cast in deep snow.

While lowering the temperature to protect your position, all the energy changes when the temperature was lowered were transferred to the enemy position. The extra energy heated the temperature of the enemy formation, turning it into a burning hell.

It is said that this follows the law of conservation of energy.

Jingyu, who is in the player's preparation room, is smiling and accepting the eyes from the side... Really Yumi and Mori because the school girl easily used the magic that was used as a test question for the A-level magician in the competition. Looking at Jingyu in surprise... In fact, he thought of something else in his heart.

‘There is something interesting about the so-called modern magic in this world. ’

One of the most important things is the clever use of the'Physical Law'.

Take the freezing magic that Jingyu usually uses, it is to directly eliminate the energy that causes molecular movement. The essence of exerting the means of'elimination' is that he has filled in his own strength.

If he didn’t ‘eliminate’, but instead, as Deep Snow did, he would use the reduced temperature in the form of energy transfer to exert the heat effect elsewhere... would it be more efficient?

How much burning space can the ice enough to freeze the sea create?

When Jingyu learned modern magic, she just thought that she would not ask one question or three questions while talking to the girls. But the more you learn, the more you feel that some of them also feel wonderful, and can even be used as a reference.

Interested, unconsciously, he has learned magic far beyond the scope of high school students.

The magic light flashed on the field, and Jingyu thought back to the learning process... all in just half a minute. Deep snow ended the game and defeated the opponent. Jingyu also recovered.

He looked at her across the window, smiling calmly and applauding her victory.

After that, after saying a few words with Deep Snow who returned from the game, Jingyu left here and went to meet with Anglo-American... Deep Snow's game is the last game of the preliminaries, and the players who passed the preliminaries will have to play the second round of the game Too.

When he found Anglo-American, Anglo-American had changed the rider uniform again.

She didn't know what she was thinking. In the corridor without others, she just put her arms out, one-way forward, and closed her left eyes.

This was seen by Jingyu.

I thought she might be in her own world, Jingyu stopped a few meters away from her front.

Yingmei's open right eye apparently found Jingyu in the direction of her finger.

You can see her body startling. The handsome look from before turned into a panic.

"Then, that... I'm not pointing at you or blinking at you." From under the brim of the black rider's cap, she stared at Jingyu tightly with her small mouth.

She was more slender than she was on the outside, but she was really worried about what he might misunderstand.

Jingyu walked in front of her with a smile, "It seems quite effective to take a nap, and I'm in good spirits."

"Ah, hi, hi..." Anglo-American saw him just making fun of her, and nothing else, so he felt relieved... and began to be shy about being seen in his posture.

She gave a smirk of laughter and scratched her horse hat childishly.

"It's okay in the morning. It's okay now. It's always the place where you see the embarrassment of sixteen nights."

"'Morning'... Ah, that, I just don't know the truth yet, let's continue to discuss how?"

Jingyu smirked to the innocent girl.

"No, no, the topic has expired, let alone fouls." Anglo-American secretly scolded him for being stupid, why did he mention it... protesting with blushing.

Not to mention whether the topic is really time-sensitive like the news, Jingyu didn't follow through.

He motioned Anglo-American to walk towards the preparation room arranged for her. On the way, she was told about the competition of the players from various schools while she was sleeping.

"In the third round, I guess you will encounter the three-high 17-night player... I want to remind you that don't think that you have taken it lightly when fighting with her in the speed shooting runner-up."

"The third round..." Anglo-American looked at Jingyu sideways. "In the second round, it's not as good as... Sixteen Nights."

"That's because you have that kind of strength." Jingyu said with a smile: "Even if you are facing the seventeenth night player in complete condition, as long as you are willing to go all out, I think it will be you who win."

Anglo-American keenly noticed the strange place in Jingyu's words, "I have to go all out every time, right?"

She is so energetic and full of energy, she really gives such an impression.

However, Jingyu acts as her technical supporter, plus his vision, how can he not see... Usually, she will be suppressed in terms of casting.

I don't know what the reason is, but if you do not know how to suppress the effort when you are playing against the Seventeen Night Castellation, it will definitely be quite disadvantageous.

"Then..." Jingyu did not pierce the question of Anglo-American, but raised a finger, "When you think you will lose, give me all the strength to completely ignore."

When attracting British and American eyes to his finger in such a posture, he pointed her finger on her forehead.

With a serious expression... Anglo-American nodded inexplicably. ..
