Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 180: Shelling to shelling

Whether it is the plane of "Gundam seed" or the plane of "Rebellious Luluxiu", the war tells Jingyu one thing-when invading a different place, what kind of rule can not be accepted by the local people immediately .

Guerrillas, rebels... Involved in such a vortex, in addition to the human and financial resources, there is no benefit to the ruler.

Well, it is better to wait for them to jump out confidently. Then concentrate on one net at a time. At the same time, it can also receive magic-related research that the other party spontaneously improves without any management or investment. And, give the remaining people a great blow, so that they can settle for a period of time.

Why don't you take advantage of such a single action?

However, after contacting Jingyu and their Jingyu, they had to change the initial strategy slightly.

On the one hand, of course, I did not want to make the Americans sad and sad to complain about him; on the other hand, they also found out that they really accepted his'sovereign exchange student' very high...This also reflects that they have no resentment against the overlord. So intense.

To a certain extent, this is probably the idea of ​​the younger generation in Japan.

In this case, ‘Anyway, I will stay in Japan for three years... During this period, I will guide more people like Yumi to stop the rebels from within, and even achieve the purpose of destroying the rebel group. ’

Jingyu can also promise that women such as Mayumi will release the ‘subordination relationship’.

If Japan is ruled by its own woman, it is no different from personal rule.

However, there is still a problem here: that is, young people who do not have strong aversion can not be influenced by the older generation of Japanese... The one in front of him is an example.

As of yesterday, Jingyu saw Jiang Hui, who had a sense of competition against him but had no obvious hostility.

It is different today.

A Jianghui is the third high school, and it's just not in his range of influence for a while... What if this situation suddenly appears to them?

‘It’s hard to resist orders from family, especially parents. ’

In all senses, Jingyu decided to speed up their pursuit of Zhenyoumei. To let these girls thoroughly root his existence, let this'existence' give them the courage to resist.

At the same time, this is also to ensure that if they intervene in their family affairs, they will not cause them trouble.

The people who watched the game full of people would never expect that Jingyu was thinking about some of them at this moment. A courageous expression of Jianghui through murderousness made them squeeze cold sweat for Jingyu.

It was also at this time that Yijiang Hui started to attack again.

At that moment, eight magical forming reactions appeared in the sky. This also means that the magic that was launched by Jiang Hui at this point in time was eight rounds of shelling.

Those who do not understand magic feel nervous and stimulating about the next unfolding; those who understand magic cannot help wondering whether this attack violates the power of the convention.

However, the referee did not raise the red flag.

Eight air bombs were able to shoot out and point to a center.

Jingyu, located in the center, manipulates a translucent, almost white giant snake, circling upward with a spring-like trajectory, rejecting all eight air bombs from the outside.

This was just completed, and a new eight-round air bomb was formed again.

After such three rounds of attack, the white of the giant snake became thinner and thinner. If this continues, I am afraid that there will be two or three more times... Even if Jingyu is finely controlled every time, so that the air bomb is not directly hitting the giant snake, it will still be destroyed.

After Jianghui's rear, Kichijoji Zhenhonglang judged this point, he paid attention to Jingyu from both the screen and the naked eye.

‘So far, the pistol-shaped CAD on his right leg has not revealed any magic other than systemless magic... Is it time to use it? ’

The two were still walking towards each other, and all but the others were still in front of their secret tablets.

There is no time limit for the decoding of the secret tablet... either one of the players loses the ability to continue the game, or they can enter the 500 secret code on the secret tablet into the jury. If one of these two items is not reached, the game will not end. .

This is why Zhen Honglang and others have not participated in the offensive and defensive temporarily. Whether it is one high or three high, the main force is undoubtedly those two... their win or loss can directly affect the victory or defeat of the game.

Zhen Honglang believes that the current situation is beneficial to Jiang Hui. Although he was also puzzled by the referee's leniency towards Jianghui's attack, he understood this as that Jianghui's attack did not actually cause injuries.

It's a lethal level A against humans, but it doesn't count if it's just the "snake".

However, ‘Jianhui, be careful, if you break the serpent, if he does not have strong counter magic... it’s better not to use such a high-power attack. ‘Zhen Honglang is worried about this... Jiang Hui’s condition is different from normal, and he has noticed it, and knows the reason for this.

Now it is in the game, there is no way for Zhenhonglang to call a pause to make a statement and explain the Hui.

Can only take one step at a time.

However, it is necessary to say,'If he can't resist Jianghui's attacking magic, then even if Jianghui will be sentenced to be disqualified from the game, it proves that Jianghui's ability is above him... Jianghui is also completed Mr. Fortitude explained. ’

When Zhen Honglang gradually embraced these two somewhat contradictory thoughts, the offensive and defensive on the field finally changed.

Jingyu pulled the gun!

The muzzle pointed to Jianghui's direction, not his own defense, which seemed to be worrying to others.

Even Zhen Honglang stayed for a while, thinking: ‘Does he still want to shell against Hui? ’

Although shelling is not the best magic at home, for talented magicians such as Hui, it can still be used far more than most high school students.

Zhen Honglang doesn't believe that man's magical ability can be compared with Jianghui's if he maintains a super high level of engineer.

However, the impossible happened.

Twenty-four magical arrays appeared to cover the sky above the sky where Jianghui was.

The sky suddenly darkened, causing Yihui Hui to raise his head uncontrollably.

Then he widened his eyes... The writing between his pupils was clearly shaken.

The referee, who judged whether the magic power was fouled, swallowed nervously and looked at the top committee committee.

"Wait, wait... wait a moment." The senior who came to the referee from the beginning just now and intends to fulfill Kyushima's account personally, the voice also revealed a certain amount of panic. He gritted his teeth. "If 24 simultaneous attacks, he will be immediately fouled."

One side of the game is the eldest son of a family of ten divisions, and the other is the "nameless pawn. Which side should he lean towards? This person has no hesitation in his heart... What makes him panic is that he fears that the direct member of the ten divisions will be hurt.

After all, Jiang Hui is a blood prince with a reputation. Feeling threatened, he immediately strengthened his defense... but this is not the magic of the pistol-type CAD held in his right hand... he wore a wrist-proof general-purpose CAD on the right wrist.

Quickly type in the numbers to launch the defensive magic called ‘Interference Armor’ used in the first game of the semifinals.

This magic is considered by Leo and Gambier as they can't break the defense magic.

When this magical general, Hui, continued to take a step towards Jingyu, three shells fell on the sky.

All the people who felt that Jingyu was able to carry out 24 attacks at a time were stunned by this change.

Jingyu smiled slightly, taking advantage of the time that Hui would use defensive magic to reshape the giant snake formed around the chain sword.

Neither Huihui nor Zhenhonglang looked up at the magic array that hadn’t disappeared.

‘Is it illusion? However, it feels so real...’

The second half of this sigh has not yet surfaced, and the CAD on Jingyu's right hand flashes again. Imagine that the magic array formed by illusion and used to confuse people sent out a new six rounds of shelling.

At the same time, the three magic circles that disappeared after the early attack were filled.

There are still 18 magic arrays that can be attacked at any time in the sky......
