Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 195: Gradually affect the true Yumi

The contents of the members of the Independent Magic Costume Brigade, from Jingyu and Natasha, quickly passed to the headless snake...Fengma Xuanxin asked before about the improvement of Natasha's strength, in fact, to Make a bedding here.

In recent years, it is said that a "magic amplifier" is prevalent in criminal syndicates.

At present, the magic amplifier has been known to exist. Considering its role in increasing the strength of magicians, it is considered a military threat by quite a few countries.

And it is exactly what the headless snake provides.

"The North American Intelligence Agency asked the insider to provide assistance in this matter. However, the cadre of the Eastern Division of the Headless Snake was completely wiped out, leaving the insider a bit caught off guard for a long time...the intelligence link was completely broken!"

The wind who revealed the news sighed.

Tatsuya wondered if he was thinking whether it would be better if he had to take his own step earlier.

This matter has nothing to do with Dar, so he can stay out of the matter. However, he made a joke unexpectedly...with a blank expression on his face.

"Major, remember that his girlfriend Rensheng Xuejie's father is an insider."

"... Tatsuya, wouldn't you think that the father asked the daughter to borrow the news?"

The question is not the dull wind, but the Tenglin Xiangzi... there is a sense of speechlessness in her eyes, and she is also blamed.

Although, I don’t really like the ‘little boy’ of that sovereign country, the love of innocent girls is involved. Fujibayashi worried that if the used ingredients were brought into love, it might cause the girl's tragic ending to be dumped.

‘In that case, how are you responsible? ’

"That," Tatsuya stared at Tenglin, feeling that in order not to be discriminated against in the future, he decided to explain it a little bit. "The second lieutenant didn't know, but Rensheng Xuejie once said that he can break up with him... but only It’s because another girl might like him."

This made Tenglin stay.

The expression on her face is, will there be such a silly girl?

Instead, "Remember...he didn't break up with this Rensheng now?"

"It's true." Tatsuya thought, was it a bit off topic here? Sneak into the wind.

In any case, as the captain of the wind room, it is impossible to promise anything on the spot. As for whether it would really hint to the friend who worked in the future, Tat would be irresponsible.

And Dar would not know that Tenglin Xiangzi's heart was a little fluctuating.

"I thought I was a pervert, but I didn't take advantage of other girls..."

She felt that she became more and more unclear, what kind of person was he? When I thought that he was like that, there would be other news coming in immediately, making the impression in your mind have to change.

Of course, she mainly doesn't care about his character or the like.

‘If he likes that girl so much, does it mean that my crisis can be lifted? ’

Tenglin slightly curled her lips slightly.

To be honest, before I really want to meet him, even if he is selected, I don't think there is anything. ‘At most it’s like being bitten by a dog’, she even thought about it this way...but since meeting with him, she became more and more unwilling to be selected by him.

I always felt that if he was pressed on him, the smug look on his face would definitely disgust her.

In this part of private thoughts, Tenglin will never speak out to others. However, for the next period of time, unless she was called, she would not take the initiative to speak...

Xiao Yeyao's work efficiency is higher than Jingyu expected. After she passed the news Jingyu requested to disclose to her boss, she was known by a family of the ten divisions with almost no time difference. The family members quickly contacted their daughter at the scene of the Nine School Battle.

What Zhenmi received was encrypted mail... She was alone in a room and finished decoding alone. After seeing the content of the notice of the teacher's meeting, she was very angry.

Fortunately, there is ‘consolation’ after that.

It was a part written by her father to her alone. The general idea was: Natasha was sent back to the night of the Sixteenth Night to kill the Eastern Empire Division of the Headless Snake. I hope she can test the reason for this.

Mayumi thinks he doesn’t need to tempt at all—that’s what he promised to do for her.

She was angry at the previous moment, and she was very happy next second. Anyway, in the room that no one would see, she let her face overflow with happiness as a love girl.

This lasted for a long time, thinking that she had to deal with the previous part. She reluctantly condensed her mind... When she walked out of this room, she couldn't help but think of the things mentioned by her father, even if she knew the reason. It is impossible to answer directly?

‘If I say that, I don’t know how the fox father will use it. ’ It was a father, but Yumi really used a derogatory description. And decided to lie a little on this matter.

Having made up her mind in this way, she unexpectedly saw Jingyu on the way to the Shiwenke people. He sat alone on a bench, eating ice cream lazily.

Originally known as an engineer, he also participated in the Secret Decoding Newcomer Competition, and even dressed up the three-high blood-stained prince... Jingyu is also very popular now.

Those girls who pass by near him can't help but peep at him.

He was not angry about this situation, and occasionally smiled and waved at some girls.

However, no one came close to talk to him. This situation appeared abnormal in the eyes of Zhen Yumei who stopped to observe... Then Jingyu looked at her funny.

Really Yumi has a feeling of being caught, which makes her feel ashamed.

But she was very happy and came to him in a cheerful pace.

Using her little finger to squeeze her hair behind her ears, "Will there be no girls around you. Do Mori and Rensheng have no time together?" She did not sit down immediately, but she looked around with a smile... Look See if the girls are hiding somewhere.

In such a pretentious manner, the joke of him is as high as 90%.

Jingyu raised his eyebrows, "You put Morley here... Did she tell you?" This surprised him.

He didn't mention it. Fortunately, Yumi whitened him.

"Yeah, if she didn't tell me, I didn't even know what I was doing. She was the first to know her. No wonder she treated you like me the night before. It's your responsibility."

"Well, no matter what, I will be responsible for you." Jingyu smiled and gestured to her side, "Stay with me for a while."

"I really miss it." The relationship between the two has been put through, and Yumi really won't tweak. After she sat down, "There are still some things to be busy later, and that's what happened... Since I met, I want to tell you first."

From the relaxed expression at the beginning, it turned serious here.

"It's up to you to apply soundproof magic? It's better not to let me read lips...can do it."

" say it."

Without seeing his movements, he agreed and apparently completed the arrangement... which surprised Yumi Mianlu.

But when she remembered that she had done his locomotive, she was relieved.

After adjusting her face, she said: "The Teachers' Conference just sent a notice to let Ten Characters deliberately show the power of the Ten Masters during the competition..."

She stopped at this point.

There is one more point in the notice that explains the reason for this.

Yumi really wants to see if he can guess.

Jingyu, who saw her thoughts, was willing to cooperate with her and smiled and said: "Everyone in the digital family knows me, then I know that one will lose Huihui. However, ordinary magicians do not know My origin... This notice, the part that shows the power, is for them."

Jin Yumei gave him a thumbs up.

Then she sighed, "I can see that a player probably brought into the position of the two countries during the game. Although I don't think it is necessary to do that in high school students' games, but..."

Jingyu blocked her lips with her fingers.

Such a movement made Jin Yumei stay a while, and began to panic to see if it would be noticed.

The strange thing is that people who walk around always don't seem to see them.

It was only then that she understood what kind of magic he applied here.

His fingers moved away, and Yumi's attention came back, and he looked at his dark, deep eyes.

It was full of tenderness.

He said: "You don't need to have any psychological burden. The world of adults is often more complicated, and you need to consider the gains and losses. In this regard, I can understand...I won't blame them. For me, I often do that. But , There is one aspect, I never take benefits into consideration...that is to treat you."

To get along with your acquaintances and acquaintances, I absolutely do not hold any interest calculations.

This kind of meaning was transmitted to Zhen Yumei's heart, and she couldn't help but produce it, and she was absolutely not allowed to calculate the psychology of what happened by herself... Even if the person who wanted to do that was the father. ..
