Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 255: The conversation of father and daughter

At the same time, Nanshiro Hiroshi confirmed one thing from the eldest daughter's questioning. This daughter, who has been trying her best to hide her personal feelings since entering the room, was very worried about the boy.

Probably, as she said, the relationship above the friend, but whether the lover is not full, Hong initially reservations.

Well, that's why he mainly came to talk with her today.

"At present, only the ten division masters know... We have decided not to spread the news temporarily, you can rest assured."

What I said intentionally at the end obviously worked.

Mayumi shows a little shake that cannot be ignored.

For Hongyi, this has become further verification rather than fresh information, so I let go of the pursuit.

Mayumi also quickly revived.

"Thank you, Father Dad, for your notice... Is there anything else?"

The envelope that she deliberately took out after she came in had not been mentioned yet, it must have been something... Really Yumi took the initiative to step in the topic to cut off and continue to talk about the matter just now.

But I didn't expect it to be a thing!

"This is the photo taken from the video of the inside law enforcement recorder and the nearby monitoring facilities after the incident."

Hongyi put the envelope flat on the table and pushed forward.

Mayumi walked over to pick it up, and took out three photos... One was Jingyu and Shenxue holding hands to go shopping together; the other was two people picking goods outside the window, and Jingyu could almost be said to hug Shenxue; One is his gentle gesture of helping Shen Xueshun's hair.

Mayumi immediately knew the background information of half of these photos.

Thinking about his relationship with Shenxue is really good, Shenxue's tolerance for him is really great, etc., will ask the other half of them who don't understand: "Why... there will be insider tracking?"

"If you ask him, will he tell you?" Hongyi asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Yumi was surprised. "He still should be."

"Then I can't tell you first..." Hongyi, who said that, opened the drawer again and took out a picture from inside-I believe it was packed in an envelope together.

‘No, it’s wrong... Since there is a recorded video, I’m afraid the father got it. The photos he prepared were shown to me, and they were intentionally taken out in two batches. ’

I don’t know what his idea was, but Yumi’s vigilance increased.

After Hongyi pushed the photo forward again, she picked up the photo... and then glanced at Hongyi in a daze.

"I understand what you are thinking, but it is not synthetic." Hong Yi first explained.

This fourth photo also has Jingyu and Shenxue shopping together. However, on the other side of him there is a tall and relatively mature girl with a braided braid... Really Yumi doesn't know her and hasn't heard Jingyu mention it.

And, ‘I’m going to find another female to accompany Shen Xue when I’m dating. It’s too...’ I just thought that the real beauty here shook his head secretly, ‘No... Is this talent the reason that the insider will follow? ’

She looked at Hongyi.

"As you might imagine, the woman was a student of the University of California who came to travel on the island, but in fact, the new leader of the headless snake, Mei Ling. Richard Sun. He was involved so much that he was detained by the inside. It's going to fall through." "Wait, wait," Zhen Yumei appeared again, "Adult father said, he is shopping with the headless snake leader?"

Didn't he kill the East Japan branch of the headless snake gorgeously not long ago?

Because she thought it was done for her, she was still very happy for a while... at this moment, she was a bit complicated.

"According to intelligence, I don't think they knew each other before. It should have been a chance encounter. He didn't know why, and helped her leave the arrest of the inside story... about this, you can help me confirm with him Really?" Hongyi asked naturally.

"This, this..."

Mayumi wants to confirm herself, but does not want to share information with Hongyi.

She thought about it for a while, "I will try it... he will not necessarily tell me." First tell the premise, if she asks about something private, then she can hide it herself.

"Well, that's it." Hongyi agreed at once. "The other three photos are for you to show you. He may be trying to contact different girls..."

This remark reveals ‘you may be just one of this degree’. After all, it is still two and a half years before Jingyu High School graduates. The possibility of not making a decision at the beginning is very high.

It’s not good to say, it’s the so-called ‘comparison’.

While looking at Shin Yumi, Hongyi revealed a new layer of information, "I heard that Miss Kyushima’s granddaughter, Ms. Fujibayashi, lived in his house..." He said that there was no shaking or surprise in Shin Yumi’s face. She must have known for a long time.

In a sense, this confirms the fact that Yumi mentioned earlier: It is impossible to control how many women the boy chooses.

"Really beautiful, I hope you can hold your balance... unless he clearly shows to the outside world that you are his girlfriend or fiancee, don't let anyone express your opinion to you... Can you promise me?"

"...Adult father, isn't this a matter of course? The daughter also has to face!" Yumi is a little unhappy.

Hongyi's position was for the Seven Cao Family, and she mentioned herself.

The daughter was complaining about him, and Hongyi knew well, but it was impossible to apologize to her for this kind of thing.

"Well, that's good." Hong Yi said: "It's okay, you can go to rest."

"Then, can I borrow this picture?" Shin Yumi revealed the fourth picture.

Hong nodded.

Shin Yumi took the photo and walked out of the study... Now, the photo is in the pocket of Shin Yumi's little suit.

But when she looked at Jingyu, she didn't want to be the leader of the headless snake.

Rather, ‘it’s impossible for him to give up teasing us in public, and if the interested person investigates, he will definitely find clues...just like he and Xue Xue’s sister. I don't want my father or anyone else to get a picture of me holding or hugging him. ’

Or rather, Yumi himself was a little bit reluctant to bring the kind of wonder that he brought shame and her heart accelerated...because this is really in love to her!

However, what his father mentioned was also a problem...especially after seeing him teasing Morley from a bystander's point of view, the real feeling was stronger.

Mayumi couldn’t help but think, ‘Maybe we need to hurry up to make our relationship with him open at any time. ’

At this point, she intends to talk to Mori and Shenxue to discuss with them...because it's not her own thing, she doesn't want to worry about herself... she must pull them into the water.

In addition, if it does not involve her own face, she really wants to leave all the thinking about the solution to him alone... who let him find so many women attentively? She will be careful! ..
