Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 268: The first day of escort

Association of associations, as the name implies, is an organization that manages all associations.

For example, the sword club where Tong Yuan is located, the Kendo Department where Sayaka is the minister, the tennis club named by Erica, the art department where Mizuki participates...etc., whether it is magic-related or traditional, it almost covers the whole school. Therefore, it can be combined with the Student Union and the Discipline Inspection Commission as three major institutions.

There are disputes over funding of activities, disputes over venues, disputes among members, etc. between clubs, but they are definitely not peaceful coexistence.

Once in the whirlpool of group struggle, it’s easy to be involuntarily, hot-headed, or more capable than others... it’s common for collective quarrels to become group fights. Words of containment!

Jingyu once said to Huayin that places like gymnasiums and playgrounds are in principle under the jurisdiction of the Association of Associations... The Commission for Discipline Inspection actually rarely handles disputes of the nature of a group, and the role of the Association of Associations in this can be seen.

And the association of associations is used to curb those teenagers who are overheated and bloody, relying on the executive department.

During the period of the Croats before the Ministry of Service, it was said that several people were selected from various classes to form a security force. This method has been changed by the Ministry of Service. He currently leads the executive department with 20 men and women, and is on a permanent basis.

In terms of the number of people, it is more than the Student Union and the Discipline Inspection Commission, which is the biggest force in the school.

Therefore, to provide protection for girls, Kirahara did not go to the service department to make a decision on the spot.

After the discussion was completed, there was no reason for the three guards to stay together... No one would be so stupid that they would choose everyone's time to carry out the attack... It was Huayin and Tongyuan who thought so, Xiang Shili and Qi Pinghe After confirming the time of leaving school, leave together first.

After that, Taya who finished the ‘things being done’ also politely said goodbye.

Fifty Li Qi and Pinghe Xiaochun continued to guide Pinghe Qianqiu. The former uttered "Hey, it was completed in one go. It's really amazing", which attracted Jingyu's eyes.

"That kid has a lot of competition for Brother Sibo, but she has worked very hard recently... She is indeed very talented in hardware." Her eyes were staring at the screen and only the ringing of the eyes moved up and down. Jingyu, who was sitting beside her, said: "This is still your credit."

Did not hear the irony in her words... Ringtone thought he deliberately pretended not to hear it.

He said: "You don't have to thank or praise me for the same thing all the time."

"...Not like that." Ling Yin turned her face this time, "I was much that you stimulated the child last time, making her hold back if she made a contribution in the preparation of the paper. To give Sibo a younger brother is equivalent to her sister losing to you... Do you understand?"

"You can still think so." Jingyu looked to Pinghe Qianqiu, who showed a double expression of shyness and happiness under the gaze of her sister's smile, "You didn't tell this to Tatsuya? The guy might say what he said. Lost to her on purpose."

"It turns out that the relationship between you and Brother Sibo has gradually been grasped." Ling Yin stared at the screen again.

"Doesn't it bother you if we chat?" Jingyu asked.

"I didn't chat with you." The ringtone that answered this seems to forget that she opened the head first, "However, don't you have to go with your girlfriend or really Yumi? I won't leave here for a while, there are a lot of things to see To write, it is impossible to say anything more to can come back in an hour and a half."

"No, I decided to accompany you today."

Jingyu noticed that the ringing tone of her ear shivered.

However, "Is it." responded noncommittally. She seemed to really want to carry out what she had said to write very busy words and did not say anything to him. However, some half an hour later got up and poured a cup of tea for him. There was another refill afterwards... After an hour and a half, the outside turned to sunset, and she stopped and stretched her lower arm. At this time, only she and Jingyu are in the room.

Jingyu wearing headphones and listening to music and browsing files, put down the terminal device in her hand and walked behind her.

Without asking whether she allowed it, she reached out and pressed it gently on her shoulder.

Ringtone stiffened for a moment, and didn't relax until he realized that he hadn't behaved indecently. Sitting like that, closing his eyes and enjoying his massage... His technique seemed so brilliant to Ringtone that she almost fell asleep for a while.

I know that this will not least not because of him, her self-esteem is not allowed.

The ringing stopped, and he picked up.

It's mid-October now, and it's darker than summer, and the two begin to darken when they walk out of the school.

"Let's have dinner together?" Jingyu suggested to her.

"...Yes." Ling Yin agreed with a little thought, but, "You can't go too far and don't want to eat too much time-consuming food. It's better not to detour."

"Uh, this," Jingyu stroked his forehead in distress, "I don't know if the store meets the conditions you'll lead the way?"

The ringtone with a harsh face and a twisted face to whiten him more powerfully than ordinary girls.

"I'm a little skeptical. If you usually take Yumi and them out, won't you always go to the same store?"

"It's rude, how could I be so stupid! There are more than a dozen candidate stores, all of which I think taste good."

That kind of place must be very high-end! Ling Yin remembered the cost he spent on ‘dating’ with him last time. On the one hand, he wanted to avoid this situation. On the one hand, he really didn’t want to spend time on food and driving.

"Since you have taken someone to a place where you think it tastes good, I should have no problem doing the same thing?"

The two had arrived at the station, and the night wind blew the ringing hair.

When she hooked it back to her ear with her little finger, "I invite you."

"Okay," he said with a lip curl and words after he promised, "Take the opportunity to understand your food preferences. I'll have a date with you later. I also have a reference." Ling Yin felt speechless .

Can't you stop me from embarrassing me by saying this?

From knowing him to now, even if he has already emphasized to him that ‘you have girlfriends and really beautiful women’, it’s plural...he still doesn’t seem to die.

Even he can take the initiative to speak out... In this respect, he can only admire him.

After stopping an electric car and sitting in the car, she thought, would it be the relaxation of her temporary love affair with him during the last ‘date’ that caused him to be active now?

If so, would she regret it... a little bit unsolved. ..
