Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 311: The beginning of the anti-war alliance

The only time to repair is now, fortunate that Ellie is stuck away from the main house. Otherwise, she was questioned so loudly that she didn’t know anything about it?

"Erica, calm down." He lowered his voice and persuaded his sister to look behind him... Even if no one was nearby, the quietness of the night was easy for the sound to spread, "Let's go ahead and talk in the house."

"No, just say it here!" Erica put her arm out and blocked the door. "Senior Brother Xiuji also thinks that it's not worth seeing. Then hurry to correct your attitude and stop thinking about the woman."

"It's not like that." Xiuci defended: "This time has nothing to do with Morley. I just want to know if what the elder brother said is true... You have been on the scene and you must have seen it more than the elder brother said. Be precise and detailed."

Erica didn't believe Xiuci's words, but she thought it was an opportunity for her disgruntled brother to let go of her obsession.

"I did see it clearly! When I played against the piranha on the 16th night, I was more than three meters away. It was just an attack and defense that caught the piranha on the 16th night, so, instead In the face of sixteen nights, Brother Xiuci will only be like this!"

This is similar to what Shouhe told Xiuji. Of course, Shouhe's wording is not as hurtful as Erica.

Shuji understood why Elika said that, maybe it was because she was upset when she was hit. In short, she finally showed a bit of annoyance.

"How do you know if you haven't tried that kind of thing?" He increased the volume. "Even if Lu Ganghu may be careless or underestimate the enemy, he will win the trick... or he will study Lu Ganghu thoroughly to win.

"Hah? Brother Xiuji, is this an excuse for the enemy's failure?" In the words of Erica, this kind of brother is really becoming more and more ridiculous.

Xiuci actually just wanted to say that I don't necessarily lose. But Erica said that, but didn't explain it at all.

Instead, "Lv Ganghu is the enemy, isn't he? Who is it that helps the enemy speak?"

The space fell silent.

Erica looked at Shuji incredulously.

Xiuji almost flinched under that gaze, but he felt he was right, and he held it up.

"Erica, you should also be a little sober, and know that he is an exchange student from the suzerain... The suzerain has forced our country to become a subordinate hegemonic country, even Mori, because of that hegemon..."

‘Is it,’ Erica finally understood, ‘It’s the sacred thing that my father and I just revealed to me. It’s the last straw that Brother Xiuji is holding tightly. ’

Is it true that Mori Watanabe was forced to dislike repairs because of the decree, and Erica didn’t know the truth, so she didn’t want to say anything in this regard.

"Senior Brother Xiuji will join the National Defense Force in the future, and she will also go to sea for nautical training in a few," she pointed out sharply: "It is the mainstream thinking of the National Defense Force to regard the sovereign state as an enemy country? It is for this reason that Sixteen Nights is regarded as an enemy to be defeated in the future, right?"

She clearly believed that the repair was influenced by the National Defense Forces.

But Xiuji said: "You are wrong! As a boy, he is throwing blood for the independence of the country, shouldn't he?"

"That kind of thing, I'm a girl, I don't understand and don't know!" Erica said firmly. "In short, I have already said what Brother Xiuji wants to know. Please come back."

She first walked into the house herself and closed the door with a brush... and locked it... she was not locked normally.

She changed her shoes and returned to her room... She didn't use all the rooms here as her own... Erica didn't even change her clothes, so she was lying on the bed tiredly.

After a while, she rolled over, staring straight at the ceiling with her eyes open and not blinking."Brother Shouhe told me to stay away from Sixteen Nights, and Brother Xiuji suddenly said that Sixteen Nights is an enemy...but I already like him, what do you let me do? do?"

If there is a war between the two countries in the future, Brother Xiuji will probably play against him on the battlefield.

Erica dare not think about what happened.

She crossed her arms to block her upper face, "Man are stupid!"

The next day in the classroom, her seat was behind Jingyu, and the two could not ignore each other... Jingyu waved to her when she came, but she pretended to tilt her face to the window without seeing it.

The obvious performance led him to ask, "Isn't it okay yesterday? Who provokes you?" It's just that the casual tone really makes Erica a little unbalanced.

Why am I worrying all night?

She turned to stare at him, but she didn't tell him.

Then, "I want to see your memory." He was threatened.

Erica was smirked. "Don't watch it!" But he was afraid that he really peeked and stopped quickly.

Jingyu smiled softly, "Then tell me by myself, I listen."

Erica was a little cured by the smile. She pursed her lips, her eyes flashed weakly, and finally nodded.

"You come with me."

Disregarding the preparation bell ringing, walked outside the classroom.

After leaving the classroom under the watch of the whole class, the two came to a remote wood outside the teaching building. Erica told Jingyu what happened at home yesterday.

Finally, "Sixteen nights," she looked at him helplessly, with tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. "You said, what if our country is really fighting?"

Jingyu pulled her over and hugged her into her arms. "Idiot, isn't this a simple matter? If you are afraid of fighting and embarrassing each other, then don't let the war happen."

Erica blinked her eyes in his arms, and when she lifted her small face, there were tears hanging on her pale white face, and the long lashes also shone brightly.

"Don't let the war happen... is it simple?"

That's a big event at the national level. She simply can't imagine how she can participate in it.

Jingyu patted her back gently, "It's just that you and I, of course, seem thin for the two countries. However, if we find more like-minded people, everyone will form an alliance to prevent war... The people who want to provoke war are our enemies, shouldn’t it be difficult to defeat them only?"

Erica thought for a while, ‘whoever wants to provoke a war means that my family and him will be involved in the war, and it will make me stand against him...’

Her eyes gradually returned from the weak girl to the awe-inspiring female swordsman.

Chong Jingyu nodded emphatically.

He also said, "I will listen to you in this regard."
