Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 318: Although not talented, please take care

A mermaid-like white statue pours milky liquid from a bottle in his hand. It fell in the pool where it was nearly two meters below, but it didn't splash any water.

This alone will become a peculiar view of this bathroom.

When the girls enter the bath, they will inevitably bet their eyes first. Then I asked Xiangzi, one of the guests, what was going on... The Xiangzi could only smile bitterly because she asked Jingyu when she checked in but was sold.

To say that the second strange place is that liquid.

There is a sense of 氤氲 on the pool. But when I reached out to touch it, I didn't feel how hot the pool water was. Some people think that the white color is because the pool water is milk... The milk bath is very good for the skin! The girls were interested in scooping up the pool water and sniffing it, but there was no milk at all.

Thanks to this time, there is one person whose blood can be traced back to the fame of the Shinto system.

In spite of everyone's surprise, the forty-nine courtyard ladles even scooped up the pool water and took a sip.

"Well, that's right."

She looked at Chishui with a shocked expression and seemed confused to herself, "How did it happen? Impossible, there is no such water in this area."

"Hanzi, what are you talking about?" Ai Li didn't want her to be regarded as a heresy by the girls of Yi Gao, hoping she could explain it.

Minzi didn't understand her meaning, "Ai Li, the water in this pond is divine. It's too luxurious to drink, and it's actually regarded as a bathing pond? It's too violent!"

She couldn't hold back her expression, "Even in my hometown, I have never seen water of this degree of divinity. No, I must ask him to ask." .

When Aishi saw her, she wanted to go out with only a bath towel around her. Where could she really be like this?

"Don't be in a hurry to ask, we took a shower before going to him."

She quickly grabbed the ladle.

After seventeen nights of help and persuasion, he finally appeased the lad.

When everyone started to clean their bodies in the shower area, "Classmates of the Forty-ninth School, what do you mean by divine nature, what do you mean?" Zhen Yumei deliberately asked her next to the ladle.

When this question came out, the other girls even looked at Xiangzi.

Sitting on a small stool, the ladle scrubbing his arms stopped, thinking for a while and saying, "This has something to do with the word "Lingzi" Aura"... the magician can feel the activated Lingzi, But I can’t actually see it or know what it does."

She looked over to the milky white pool, "It's almost like materializing the spirit sons that belong to non-physical particles! You don't feel strange, just because those spirit sons are not activated. Once activated, then The aura produced by this kind of dense spirit can be refreshed with just a sip. Ordinary people can drink such water for a long time, and they can live longer without diseases and prolong life..."

When she said this, she couldn't help saying ‘too violently.’

Really smiled and thought, ‘It’s not yours, you don’t have to feel sorry for it all the time. ‘But also from the reaction of the taro, I can understand the preciousness of the pool water in the bath.

Jingyu, who really doesn't think that Hanzi can find, doesn't know. He knew that if he didn't cherish it, he must have his own ideas.

For example, "What's the benefit if a girl soaks?" she asked expectantly.

"It's definitely good for the skin...the milk bath can't be compared to it." As Hanzi said, the eyes of the women in the room lit up...

Jingyu waited for a long time outside. The first thing that came out was not the loud son who often used the bath, but the made him a little surprised.

The bangs' long hair, which was almost dragged on the floor, carried water vapor. The adhesion of the hairline not only didn't reduce her charm, but made her too petite to be a little charming.

She ran straight in front of Jingyu, and he bent down to watch TV while lying on the boring side of the elbow on the sofa.

"How did you do it?" She said anxiously: "Don't try to lie to me, I know it must be you! I've detected it with elves, and the nearby water veins can't produce that kind of divinity at all... that The divinity of the water in the pool is formed the day after tomorrow, please tell me."

She wore a long T-shirt covering her hips, and the hem completely covered the shorts. As a result, from Jingyu's perspective, it seemed that she had nothing on her lower body. His eyes couldn't help but was attracted to the slender legs along the bottom of the T-shirt, and he even wanted to explore upward.

‘The universe that Bai Yecha said! ’

Jingyu suddenly thought of this funny point, and did not express this on his face. "You also know where I came from? Just ask me about the secret of magic, can you?"

"Woo..." Minzai's childish face appeared, and the child's expression did not get the promise of the adult and grumbled. But she was not really a child after all, even though she whispered in his heart that he was really stingy, she never asked again.

When he was about to leave with a regretful expression, "I gave up this way." I heard him say this.

He looked at him with a smile when he looked at it in surprise.

"You, would you like to say it?" asked the digger carefully.

"You are my wife, we are a family, I can tell you myself." Jingyu was originally meant to be a joke, intended to pave the way for what will be said next. Who knows, Minzi suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his hands in his hands.

"Although it's not good, I'll ask you to take care of it in the future!" Bending to him and bowing, when finished, "Okay, I am now your wife, please tell me."

"Hey!" Jingyu could not help but knocked her forehead.

Minzi felt aggrieved and rubbed the knocked place, "I am serious."

"That's why I was annoyed!" Jingyu felt like she was being perfunctory... she gave her a white glance and lay on her side from the side to her knees, "Forget it, I really saw the place where you are not talented." I will forgive you in the future. I can teach you the method of gathering spirits. You can come to my place often in the future."

He meant to say that you come to my side to study...Hanzi understands as ‘come to live with me’.

"True color," she murmured slightly, her cheeks flushed.

Jingyu tapped her forehead again.

While the other girls hadn't come out, he cheered Zhenfugang on the naughty new wife. Make it clear that you want to listen to me, for example, I want you to bring Yishi Aili over, you can't come empty-handed.

When Minzi heard this, he finally blinked his big eyes and reacted a little.

"Shouldn't it, as long as I can always bring Ai Li to you, even if I don't give you a wife?"

"Who made you bear it?" Jingyu gave her no sympathy, "I only accept the goods here, and I won't refund them!"

‘It’s like saying that people like flowers are like jade! "Zanzi pursed his lips, and when he stood up and walked in the direction of the bathroom, he couldn’t help but put a few fists on his back to protest...

When Ari got up the next day, he felt no pain. Yesterday's practice match seemed to have happened in the distant past. It really didn't affect the body at all.

‘Is this all the effect of that bath? ’

What I thought for a moment is not how good it is for the skin, but - if you can have it around, then no matter how you train, you must be able to become stronger quickly.

If Jingyu wants to know her thoughts, he will definitely say: You are the real thing! ..
