Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 320: Back and forth

Jingyu gave them a restless look, but said something that scared them.

"Elika, Sister Huayin, when did your relationship get so good?"

"Hah?" X2.

The two turned their faces together to release their dissatisfaction towards him.

"Which of your eyes do you think I have a good relationship with this woman?" Erica said first.

"Only this time I agree with you." Huayin glanced at Erica and said to Jingyu: "I have nothing to do with this guy... You came just right in the sixteen nights, just manage to understand this. The eldest lady!"

"Before you control her as you say..." Jingyu was protested here by Erica,'I have no reason to be controlled by you, you just don't listen to that woman's nonsense', he temporarily put it Ignore, "I'll clarify first, I asked her to help."

Huayin blinked his big eyes.

"...It's you again!"

"So I didn't say that?" Erica smirked. "You are the one who doesn't understand people?"

It seems that she said that Jingyu called them, but Huayin didn't believe it as an excuse.

Huayin's cheeks are red now, staring at Jingyu with a little grievance and annoyance. "Go back to the sixteenth night, come with me!" She posed a few meters away from the side of her posture.

Jingyu followed her...the eyes were a little bit tearful when she turned around, and he said ‘er’ in his heart.

"Cough, Sister, don't cry..."

"I didn't cry!"

"Okay, okay, you didn't cry!"

"I really didn't cry!"

It will definitely endlessly continue to entangle this point. Moreover, Huayin's face has become more and more red, and the tears gathered in his eyes are getting bigger and bigger. If you tease it, you will definitely cry.

Jingyu decided to end the topic directly by herself.

"I know it's a bit bad to ask her to come without telling you, but is this not normal? Three of us not only missed the class and caught the piranha."

"...It was because I caught the piranha. You later said that the unknown group had been destroyed. Isn't that the matter is over? So I thought she was fooling around under your guise again, so..."

The more she said, the smaller her voice, and she seemed to realize that she was a little bit wrong in this matter.

It's just that he suddenly raised a small face and glared at him, "Yes, it's all a mistake you didn't tell me in advance, and you embarrassed me again." Occasionally being unreasonable is also a girl's cute, "Last time... Is that to me?"

Scraping the lower lip with shell teeth... If this is not a public place, Jingyu will think that she will definitely hand a small fist to his chest.

His heart felt a little itchy, and he coaxed her softly, "Okay, I'm wrong this time, okay?" In fact, it can be said,'The head of the unknown group, Chen Xiangshan, hasn't even grasped it, can't say that the matter is over Yo, so it's your own food'. But this time it was absolutely a fool to say this.

"It was your fault originally." Huayin's little mouth was full of coquettishness.

Jingyu smiled slightly.

She seemed to realize that there was something wrong with speaking in that charming voice in front of her younger brother. Suddenly clenched his fists and coughed, wanting to put his husband back on the shelf. "In short, in short... I won't pass, you can let Pinghe sisters come over, we will enter directly. The words of the elder are free. But, take her Bring it, you must take responsibility for her. Don’t let her mess around, but also bring her back safely, I believe it is certainly what you can do!”

The last two sentences are really decent as sir.

"Relax, I can support it again when the sky collapses!" Jingyu smiled indifferently and confidently.

Moreover, when Jingyu just left Huanyin's small group, after Erica hummed her nose, she focused her attention on Shenxue's three daughters who came with Jingyu.

She approached Shen Xue's ear with a chuckle expression, "Going to stay at home for sixteen nights, how is he doing to you?"

Deep snow blushed, thinking, why did he even tell her this kind of thing.

Glancing at Sayaka, who shook her head beside Elika, she suddenly realized, ‘Yes, it must have been told to her by Senior Unsheng. ‘Blushing is only for a moment, and the next second becomes calm, with a beautiful smile that can be called to reverse all sentient beings.

"Although you are so interested, I have nothing to tell you."

"What?" Erica was dissatisfied. "Did Xuexue not hear anything? I don't believe it. That big wolf will do nothing when the house is full of young girls... Last time in Shizuku He dares to be right in the villa at home... like me, it must be more pretentious in his own house."

‘You really know him! ’Deep Snow thought of the scene where he suddenly entered the bath last night, which would definitely be regarded as ‘more pretentious’ content. But how could it be possible to say that you were present at the time!

While thinking about how to get rid of the ill-fated Alika, "Sister Chiyoda's face seems to be very red." After hearing the muttering of Suixiang around her, she didn't want to look far away now.

I saw that Mr. Fengji, whose face was half-covered by Jingyu, wasn't it a red face?

Deep snow immediately changed from a troubled girl to a sneering ice queen.

‘Wow! ’Erica seemed to feel a breath of cold air invading, and couldn’t help but took two steps back.

Jingyu then turned and walked over.

As soon as he saw such deep snow, he ‘um? ’Raised his eyebrows, ‘what’s wrong, my highness? 'Send her an inquiry with a voice.

Immediately let her return from the queen to become a girl, covering her red cheeks with her right hand and diverging her small face.

"No, nothing."

He accidentally spoke directly.

When Shizuku and Suixiang looked over in confusion, she was even more cramped. When he made a cover-up in a hurry, the bad guy who caused her embarrassment even dared to laugh...Deep snow stared at him in tears.

"Sister Pinghe, Sister Huayin let you pass." Jingyu conveyed Huayin's words with a half-smiling expression.

Pinghe Xiaochun took her sister to Huayin.

"Let's go in...Although there is still some time before the start, there will be no connected seats when you go late." Jingyu suggested to the rest of the crowd.

When everyone was walking with two people and three people in a row, he stopped at the same place and waited for the deep snow.

Deep snow, who saw his intentions, also intentionally stopped at the same place and did not go forward.

"Come on, my little princess, don't be mad at me." He reached out to Deep Snow... The content was successfully spread to the ears of other people who didn't go a few steps... The most obvious of them It's Erica,'I'm dead,' shouting so softly, I put my arms together.

But someone loves to listen!

Shen Xue even ignored the large number of students from various schools in this hall, as well as the teachers who lead the team, the personnel of research institutions, enterprises, etc. She trot out two or three steps and came to him, holding his hand unattended. ..
