Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 330: Jingyu's Magic

Jingyu and Zhenyou Mei came to the door of a high-preparation room and were encountering Lingyin, Mori, and Sayaka.

"You came just right." Lingyin said to him: "Sister Pinghe is guarded by Chiyoda student sister and deep snow, Ishiri student is guarded by Xicheng student and Yoshida student, my side is Mori and Sayaka... Everyone scattered to delete The materials in the preparation room of other schools will also be requisitioned by you."

"Then I will accompany the sixteen nights." Zhen Yumei immediately recommended herself.

"With his strength, I believe that only you two will be safe. But..." Lingyin and Mori had already walked past them, and Lingyin said alone when he entered him: "Sixteen nights, don't because of the two When you are alone, you do strange things to need to distinguish the occasion!"

"Wait, wait, Sister Ling, what are you saying is weird?" Yumi blushed.

The ringing sound is usually low volume, but Yumi is almost shouting... making the four girls who are going to stay indoors walk to the door.

When she saw them, Yumi worried that the ringtone would really answer her.

Lingyin glanced back at her, and voted ‘I’m obviously doing it for you, or did you want him to do strange things? ’Such a sight.

Let Yume really be ashamed and bitter.

"Cough," seeing Erica and Shizuku's eyes have become strange, Jingyu coughed, "Sister Xue, let's go too." Hurry to take the real Yumi away.

The two came to the five-high preparation room. When Jingyu was operating the display machine, "so," Yumi hesitated. "You usually...what did you say to Lingmei?"

"Nothing." Jingyu said.

Mayumi looks at her with the expression "Who are you cheating", "Then, how can she tell me that?"

"Oh, it's probably her own association." Jingyu didn't raise her head this time.

Yumi opened her mouth half-way, surprised and looked at the door with dementia... No, she was not looking at the door for anyone, but looking at the direction of the ringing sound.

After holding on for a while, she smiled, and she moved closer to Jingyu, looking like a thief.

"Then what did you do to her that made her so hostile?"

Jingyu looked at her funny, "You don't want to be said, but you like to talk about others."

"What's wrong," Yumi really lowered her lip, and her burgundy eyes slyly turned around. "You can also take the opportunity to show off your record."

"Then I will show off your record to Sister Lingyin next time." Jingyu finished deleting the data in this preparation room, and took the lead to the next room.

"How do you do that?" Zhen Yumei chased behind him. "You must promise me that you must not tell me what to do with me."

"I told Morley."

"Not even better!"

All have entered the preparation room of Hachiko, and Yumi is still chattering, trying to change his plan. And he, who originally enjoyed teasing her with a smiley expression, suddenly looked sideways.

Really slowed down by Yumi to discover his abnormality... In fact, she also enjoyed playing with him like this.

In the direction of his line of sight, really Yumi launched'multiple observations'. The field of vision penetrates a layer of walls to see the corridor. Continue outward without any abnormalities, but still not. She had to push her vision forward again, and then passed through a conference room, a lounge, and arrived at the lobby.

Not here yet.

Really Yumi let the field of vision pass through the empty and unmanned hall and went outside the convention center. It was also here that I saw a large truck that just turned and rammed towards the main entrance of the convention center.

If it is just such a car, its collision effect is also limited.

Mayumi fears that there may be explosives in the car... This is most likely a suicide attack!

To be honest, if what she saw was not a kind of truck that had deliberately added armor plates, or a physical enemy, she could use magical blows against the other party from here.

The synonym of the Fairy Sniper is not covered.

But even if the driver is killed now, the high-speed truck will not stop.

Mayumi dare not take her eyes away, praying that Jingyu, who discovered earlier, could do something.

Then, she saw the truck... the accelerator was stepped to the bottom, and the truck that was going to perform a crazy impact and detonate, ignoring the existence of speed and the abnormality of weight-claimed to be able to freeze everything!

Strange magic that can freeze even non-physical particles like Shunzi, and block all speed and inertia!

That kind of exaggerated phenomenon interference force, and the end effect that can be achieved by a kind of magic alone, makes Yumi feel... the rating of the existing magician is pale in front of him!

‘Honestly, I know he’s out of abilities. But every time I actually see it, I still feel incredible. ’

I wonder, how can there be such magic in the world?

Mayumi even suddenly wondered what kind of change he could achieve when he exerted this magic with all his might.

Looking at the ice sculpture truck, she did not immediately recover multiple observations, and then saw the scene of the small missile group attack. But this time she was not as nervous as when she saw the truck crashing... obviously this time it was more dangerous.

The result is not Jingyu.

There is a sonic boom from the side of the missile group, which completely envelopes the missile group and detonates. The aftermath of the explosion was also blocked by the magical defense wall constructed by the Shizike people, so that the building was not affected at all.

Mayumi takes back her vision, "Sixteen nights," looking at the lover in front of her, "Which one destroyed the missile just now?"

"The military people are here." Jingyu finished his job at hand.

It was only then that Yumi discovered that his position had changed...not standing in front of his vision, but standing in front of the display.

‘He deleted the truck while freezing the truck...and he could see what happened outside like me. ’

"Sixteen nights, are you also capable of watching outside?" she asked curiously.

"It's mental power... you think my mental power is exceptionally strong. Like a magician who can more or less grasp the dimension of the intelligence body, I can directly use mental power to grasp the situation around us."

Jingyu's spiritual power is naturally not so strong. He was just too strong, and his mental strength became stronger. But this kind of thing cannot be explained to her now, so he said so.

Really Yumi agreed, and thought: ‘Yes, he can read others’ memories or make people dream with just one glance, and of course his mental power is stronger! ’..
