Infinite Replacement

v7 Chapter 81: Contact Mayumi

August 1st.

After Shinyami said goodbye to her father, he ran out of the Seven Cao Family.

The reason why I used to run is because I was late... Today is the day when the No. 1 High School starts the battle of the nine schools. Obviously, the departure time was set a few days ago, and I explained it to my family. However, my father temporarily notified that there was something wrong, so he had to give priority to the seven grass family.

Before Yumi went out, she confirmed the time with the attendant's maid. Even if I try to catch up like this, I am afraid that I will be an hour late.

Now that I’m sure that I’m late, there is actually no need to desperately try to do it again...if you are not in the world, waiting for those high-level students to start together.

This year is the third year for third graders like Yumi to participate in the Nine School Battle. If there is no accident, the first high school will still be the champion... For their students this year, maintaining three consecutive championships is the real victory.


The third graders will insist on asking to wait for her, it is not incomprehensible.

Because of this, the true high school life of Yumi will become perfect.

When sitting in her own car, Yumi thought back to the familiar faces, and put a warm smile on her lips.

The car drove out of the private land of Qi Caojia, and Yumi told the driver to drive at the fastest speed... She just did this, perhaps because she was doing it instead of thinking about things, so she could look outside the car with her eyes. Happening.

In short, she immediately stopped again.

Under the contradictory double instructions, the driver still faithfully performed his duties and stopped the car steadily.

Jinmi quickly opened the door and looked towards the rear.

Mumbling... The sound of the motor sounded almost at the same time. A black racing motorcycle, under the control of a knight with bare arms, drove to the side of the car, in front of Yumi.

If you don’t look at the knight’s face, the knight’s arm is strong enough to make him understand that he has extraordinary control over the car.

It can already be said to be the body of an adult... No, even if most of the adult can't reach his body.

Even if Yumi feels that she is not so reserved, she can’t help but put her eyes on his bare arms and the outline of the chest muscles revealed by wearing tights.

That body will not only allow women to fully feel what male charm is, but it will not cause physical disgust.

‘It’s long been known that Sixteen Nights is a master of Kendo, and Mori also said that he may still have a high level of martial arts... But, when Sixteen Nights was originally wearing clothes, he couldn’t see the actual body type. ’

The person in front of the clothes, because of the face, will make people think that he is between a teenager and a man.

It can be said that he is mature and calm, but also that he is young and naughty.

Young girls can find his brother's feelings in him, older women will treat him like a brother, and younger women will secretly treat him as a lover.

‘No wonder everyone went to see him while in the mall. ’

Mayumi is a part of understanding the qualities of the person in front of you.

However, this is not the focus of analysis.

The point is, "Sixteen nights, why are you here?" Yumi really said in surprise. As a CAD engineer at the No. 1 High School of the Nine Schools, shouldn’t he join the school and wait for the departure with the school bus?

"I think you will want to arrive earlier," Jingyu smiled and patted the rear seat, "300 kilometers per hour!"

Yumi opened her mouth blankly.

The driver half said what she was thinking, "How, how can you drive a speed of 300 kilometers?"

How can you open it?

The current vehicles are basically equipped with a smart driving system, beyond a certain speed it is impossible to achieve... let alone exceed 3 times.

The motorcycle in front of me was definitely illegally modified.

Mayumi didn’t care what the driver looked at her, so she obviously hoped she would ignore the lunatics in front of her. He laughed and looked at the pure face without any sense of violation.

"Did you do that when you came?" she asked.

Jingyu gave her a thumbs-up, "I promise you will like it... Come on quickly. The time squeezed out by the speed, don't waste it on talking."

Mayumi is definitely a type that likes to make trouble. Therefore, she didn't think about it at all and agreed with Jingyu's proposal.

She looked at the driver and said undoubtedly: "Go back and tell my father, my school's younger brother "returned to sixteen nights" came to pick me up, there is no reason to refuse."

Not waiting for the driver's response, she sat lightly on the side and sat on the back seat of Jingyu's locomotive.

"I don't have a helmet." She thought about it...if he was soaring 300 kilometers, her hair must have been out of sight when she arrived.

How much is really troubled by the inability to maintain the beautiful image of the student president.

Then, it was a joke.

"Isn't it enough to use magic? You are still the Big Three." You are really welcome.

That's illegal... using magic without a valid reason is a criminal act that violates criminal laws in Japan.

"I don't want to be caught." Zhenyu smiled slyly, "You use it."

"Okay, sit tight." Jingyu turned the handle and the motorcycle drove out.

At the beginning, the speed was not too fast. The majestic wind blows the really beautiful hair, and also eliminates the summer heat for her, bringing coolness, so that she really has a sense of comfort.

Really, in the past 17 years of life, no such experience... This is the sorrow of the big lady of the big family.

When the driver couldn't see them, "Hey, hug me." Jingyu gave the order.

‘He’s going to speed up. 'You really think of it, and put the same bare arm around his waist.

"Ah, that's right..." He said suddenly, "I just didn't say that there are outsiders present... Your dress today is different from the past."

Even though he couldn't see it, Zhen Yumei still gave him a glance...and did not respond verbally.

‘Really, what does it mean to have an outsider present? It seems to be saying that I am the same as you. ’..
