Infinite Replacement

v8 Chapter 161: Disclosed information


This content makes ‘Red’ a little disenchanted.

Could you take advantage of this lover's relationship and take a straight line from the person who should know the beginning and end of the "earth incident"?

He has so many women, which should be more lustful, so the possibility of beauty accounting will be higher.

The only problem is that you must do your best.

Can he tolerate his intimate contact like a lover?

She has no experience in this area. Even if she is willing to give up for the task, she doesn't know if she will show flaws.

She hesitated to stay in the distance.

He smiled and said: "Come here, do you still think I will eat you? Alas, your shy personality likes me again, but there are also brain-damaging areas."

"Red" thinks that today may be her lucky day, "According to this statement, as long as I pretend to be shy... uh, "I am really shy," In short, if you dodge and stop him, it should be regarded as the evening. The normal range that Hong would have done. ’

She reassured her and encouraged herself.

‘It’s not my style to give up halfway! ’

So, she told her by Muren... This woman named Xi Rihong seemed to be a cold type, so she was pretending to be... She almost made a despising nasal voice almost instinctively.

"Your "brain-breaking" place is not worth saying."

She approached him and sat down a foot away.

But immediately, he was pulled and stuck with him, his waist was still hugged.

Such a move made her back straight and tight. It took two seconds of rigidity to realize that no, it should be rejected.

"Don't suddenly be like this again."

"Huh? You're acceptable at this level, what happened today?"

"……It's nothing."

Why should you accept it!

She questioned the beautiful female ninja with red eyes who was not present.

Isn't it that she couldn't refuse this?

She endured the heat of her face climbing and covered her right hand with the left hand so that his hand would not be blamed there. At the same time, it is a decision to speed up the inquiry process in order to avoid prolonging your patience.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked voluntarily.

"I want to hear what you said during the mission...not as a report of the results of the mission that Naruto saw! I want to hear if you are in danger during the mission, and I want to hear how you live these days. "

He said softly.

I don't know if his throat has a soothing effect on women, or something else... She is obviously not red, but feels a little comfortable because of the deep concern in her voice.

When I noticed it, I was shocked and thought it would not work!

‘I’m Sammy, the female ninja of Yunyin! Don't get it wrong! ’

Transfiguration is this trouble. In order to better enter the role state after the transformation, it will repeatedly hint in the heart that he is the transformed ninja.

Samyi emphasized that he distinguished clearly and was careful not to show his feet when speaking.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to continue the topic in front of her... What is the task of Xi Rihong, how could she know.

"My task is generally boring, there is nothing to say. Let's say something else... Yesterday, Yun Yin's female ninja Yu Muren touched Red Bean. I heard Red Bean talk about the content of their conversation. What about soil. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional."

"Oh, probably because...cough, this part, we still..."

He wanted to change his mind halfway.

Sam Yi felt that she couldn't let this opportunity pass... closing her eyes, she decided to get rid of it.

Then she took the initiative to stick his body on him.

"Is there a level of confidentiality that I can't tell you about? There should be none."

The man who was tagged with ‘Lustful’ at the bottom of her heart really lowered his head... His eyes were focused on where they were attached.

"Ah?" He was puzzled. "How come it feels like... getting bigger."

"Woo..." Sam pulled back instinctively and gave him an indignant glare.

"Ah, well, it's me who is not good." He smiled and hugged her back, leaned closer to her ear, and whispered, "It's good, I like it."

‘Asshole! ‘Samyi scolded, ‘you remember for me! ’

She should pay for what she shouldn't pay. If she can't get a return, she will feel so sorry.

"Hurry and talk to me!" she demanded.

"Look at..." His gaze lowered again, "For the sake of good, I said."

Sam Yi really wanted to say something to him, ‘don’t say anything! ’

She tolerated it.

After he looked away, his expression was a little more serious, "I quietly went to meet the next four generations of Thunder Shadow yesterday. Using the thunder gods raid, he took him to a space. There, he saw the soil."

"But didn't Uchiha disappear from the earth eight years ago? Or did you announce it to Naruto?" Sam asked with pretentious curiosity with Yi Xihong's voice.

Jingyu was a little harsher, "What if you don't announce your disappearance? Tell Kakashi and Lin directly that their companions in one class have betrayed the village and even want to attack his teachers and mothers?"

"Yes... such a thing!" Samyi was really surprised this time. "But, I still have a hard time imagining that the soil will do such a thing."

"Yeah, I can't imagine it. It would be nice if the boy hadn't met Uchiha spot. Alas, it was also my negligence. After becoming Naruto, I don't care about them anymore."

Jingyu sighed.

Samyi felt that if he was a lover, he would show concern here... and patted his leg gently.

Instead, "Who is Uchiha Spot? Why haven't I heard of it."

As Yunyin, she has never heard of it.

"That was the man who established Kono together with the first generation. Later, they parted ways with the first generation and fought against them when they turned away from the village. At that time, the first generation won, but the first generation also died shortly after being injured. Unfortunately, Uchiha The spot is not dead. He hides and has been making a plan..."

Speaking of which, Jingyu stopped, as if measuring whether to say more.

He also looked at ‘Xihonghong’ face and watched it for a few seconds.

At that moment, Samyi was very nervous... not only because he was worried about being seen through, but also because he was so close to himself and put on such a serious face-this man has a very cool side.

And Samyi's immunity to cool is very low. ..
