Infinite Replacement

v8 Chapter 162: Under Samyi's intelligence

Samyi turned into a red sun, then one of the three girls who had left the hotel at first was pretended to be... The shadow figure of the wooden man transformed by the tail beast can make up for Chakra consumption Made by oneself.

This shadow avatar has a duration. Samyi’s transformation is the same, as long as she is still transformed, she will continue to consume her Chakra. Therefore, they must return to the hotel before the end of the spell's duration.

Before leaving, the three girls confronted each other at the right time and knew when the other party would return.

If you don’t return after this ‘time’, you’re more likely to be caught ‘transformation failed.

The Muren and Mabuyi came back earlier, basically close to the time they planned.

However, the two women waited and waited, and Samui never returned.

It's far longer than Samy himself said. When Mu Ren and Abu Yi were even prepared for Sam Yi's failure to be caught, Sam Yi returned.

Sam Yi, who opened the sliding door and walked into the hotel room, still looked expressionless and frosty as usual from Yu Muren and Abu Buyi. However, both of them also found the same.

I always felt that she seemed more glamorous than when she left. Like a flower in full bloom, full of attractive charm.

It's hard to think that they are both women, so they think so.

And think of it this way, as women, ‘mostly it’s an illusion. ’

However, this does not prevent them from expressing their concern...always performing the same task and staying in this remote place will naturally rely on each other and be regarded as companions.

"How are you?"

"Not found?"


Samyi's answer was half a beat slow, but the tone was very certain.

And, "I set out some secrets." She said words that surprised Yu Muren and Abu Buyi.

"So, did our plan succeed? That's great!" Youren really admired.

Abubu also exhaled a long breath, "Samyi, this time it was really hard for you."

Samyi shook her head... in Mabuyi's eyes, she didn't know why she was not feeling emotional.

Just listening to this, she said: "I will tell you what you have heard now. Abu Buyi, I still have to trouble you to make records, and send the information back to the village with the technique of heaven."

"No problem." Azabu replied.

Doubting Samyi's emotions was no match for the task at hand, and Abu Bouy decided to proceed first. After that, find another opportunity to ask Sam Yi if he has encountered anything.

Sam said: "First of all, the reason why Uchiha disappeared with the soil is because he did something to attack Mrs. Naruto... I heard that it was Jiu Xinnai on the day of childbirth. Naruto took care of the card The feelings of the two students, Cassie and Lynn, did not disclose things. Secondly, Uchiha would do this with the soil and was bewitched by a person named Uchiha Spot. The latter seemed to be in the same period as the first generation of Naruto People, and the strength should be comparable to the first generation of Naruto. This person intends to..."

"Wait, wait!" You Muren couldn't help but stop.

She really didn't know the name of the spot, but Erao knew it. Nio told her what that name meant.

The wooden man looked at Samyi with surprise and doubt, "Is this all asked from...the hand washing red beans?"

The big hand-washed red bean looks like that, can you know this?

"...No." Sam replied after a little hesitation, but, "Where did you ask, what does it matter, as long as the information is true."

"Can you make sure it is true?" Yu Muren asked again. She always felt very concerned about Samy's concealment.

"Of course you can be sure, you thought I..." Samyi, who was agitated for a moment, said that when she stopped suddenly halfway, her cheeks turned a little red. After that, she avoided the line of sight and said: "In short, the source of the intelligence is absolutely no problem. If there is no opinion, I will talk down."

Youren looked at her expression like this, ‘shouldn’t it be him. But why did she blush? 'Can't help but open his mouth, want to try it out.

This was stopped by Azabu's eyes.

"Please speak down." Azabu said.

Sam added, "Uchiha Spot is making a plan called the Eye of the Moon. I heard that it is possible to use the moon to apply illusions to the entire earth. All humans and animals are controlled by him and live in illusions. In a false world."

"This..." Abu-Yi and Youmu can be surprised in each other's eyes. The former asks: "Is this possible? How big is the chakra needed to use the illusion on the whole earth...No Maybe someone can do it."

"But what if we can gather nine tailed beasts?" Samyi asked.

Abu Say... Everyone knows that Chakra of the Tail Beast is usually far above humans. Such a chakra stack of nine tailed beasts, how big and how big can it be done, she cannot imagine.

Yu Muren is different. "I think even then, the amount of Chakra will not be enough."

But there is a tail beast in her body.

She has a good relationship with the tail beast, knowing that the chakra of the tail beast is not infinite, but infinite-because she can extract Chakra from nature for her own use, and can replenish consumption in time, making the Chakra amount of The reduction is negligible.

Sam still insisted on saying, "You don't know that in ancient times, there were not nine tailed beasts, but a ten tailed. Six Daoxian defeated and sealed ten tails, extracted its Chakra and divided it into nine parts, that is, It became a nine-tailed beast. After collecting the nine-tailed beasts, fuse them together, and then release the ten-tailed seal... No, it should be said that the ten-tailed beast is re-sealed into his own body and becomes the tenth person's pillar. By then, there will be an infinitely large Chakra that can be used, and it will become possible to display the "Eye of the Moon"."

She was famous for her little words, and sighed after saying such a big paragraph in one breath.

"I don't want to believe it either, but this is very logical. The person also told me that the first stage of the spot plan is to start from collecting tail beasts...that is, to work **** the people in each village."

She glanced at Yu Muren.

"We Yunyin have two pillars, we must not wait for the enemy to come to the door."

Yu Muren's eyes widened, but he said nothing.

Azabuy looked at Samyi in a complicated way and asked, "These things don't really sound like fake..."

"It's true!" You Muren said suddenly. After the companions looked at her, she smiled bitterly and said: "The brigade told me again, at least the part about the ten tails is true. The six-road fairy was once the ten-strength column force. For the six-road fairy, it can indeed be done. The effect of the aforementioned Moon Eye."

"..." Abu Buyi's lips opened for a few seconds and turned to look at Samyi, "Are you sure you haven't been found?"

"If it was found, I wouldn't..." Sam Yi closed his eyes. "In short, that's all." She stood up. "I'm going to take a shower and let myself stay for a while."

She didn't wait to be stopped by the wooden man and Abu Bouyi, and left the room.

The remaining two women stared blankly at the closed door.

After a while, "She heard from Huo Ying."

To say that the entire Konoha, who knows the most about these things, it is undoubtedly the contemporary Naruto.

The wooden man nodded in agreement, "Huoying regards her as Xirihong, then..." She stroked her forehead. "I have a great responsibility for this matter."

Is that relationship between Xirihong and Huoying?

If Yi Xirihong's appearance meets Naruto, and you don't want to be disassembled, you can only try to cooperate.

Thinking of Sam's failure to even refuse, Yu Muren couldn't help but sigh.

"Anyway, this matter, no one will say after we go back." Abu said.

"Of course!" You Mu Ren firmly said.

Azabu began to sort out the scrolls, and soon afterwards, a white light sent the scrolls away from Konoha.

Jingyu, who was already sitting under her corridor at this time, showed a slight smile...
