Infinite Replacement

v8 Chapter 214: Bounty game

Similar, but different. Da She Wan is really passing by, Minger they really just consciously entered the task.

At this moment, in the same arena where the Chinese and Ninja exams are conducted, Ming'er and I Luo are looking at a huge screen in front of them like a movie screen. On it, the following is written in a slightly luminous font:

"Gift Game Name: Awakening of Human Pillar

Participants: Long Minger, I love Luo.

Game background: Before the last game of the China-Ninja exam, Shayin Village did not find Fengying's death. As a result, awakened by the wind shadow disguised by Da She Wan, the Asahi Ninjas, together with Otoru, execute the plan to destroy Konoha.

Game content: As a pillar of Shayin Village, Iero will participate in the battle as the main force. However, due to his unstable state of mind, in the battle with Sasuke, he was once unable to fight. The Sandy Ninja temporarily rescued him so that he could recover. Long Ming'er, the representative of Muye, needs to stop him.

Victory conditions: Achievement of ‘human consciousness’.

Failing conditions: I love Luo Tail Beast and return to the arena to destroy the arena.

Special regulations: Long Ming'er cannot use Vajra chains in this game.

Oath: We will abide by the above rules and hold this gift contest in the name of glory, flag, and game sponsor.

"Long Jingyu" seal! 』

After reading through it, Minger scratched his head. "It means... let me fight you."

I also like the same idea, but the problem is the description of victory conditions and defeat conditions.

There are only two participants, and the two are still in a relationship. It stands to reason that if one side wins the other, the person who wins is considered victorious. However, there is no option for him to win. Instead, if it seems that he won Long Ming'er, even if the game fails.

Going a step further, there is also no clear description of "Long Minger wins and wins."

The awakening of human column force, in the literal sense, has nothing to do with whoever wins on both sides.

I love Luo's arm, not speaking for a while.

Minger didn't expect so much, he already clenched his fists, "Then let's fight."

‘...For the time being, let’s do this first. "I love Luo seeing her eager to try, and really want to frown...if he has eyebrows "hair"... he thought so about Minger without thinking, and he was really dissatisfied. However, when he opened his mouth to say something, he glanced at the part where the representative of Konoha needs to stop him.

He felt that it was not bad to imagine that he would never know what would happen. I just want to raise my hand and pull the plug on the gourd behind.

At this time, the sound of beep, beep, beep sounded slowly... The tattoo just now has disappeared, replaced by the countdown number. After the number is over, does it mean that the game starts, they want to fight?

Minger quickly jumped backwards for a while, and I love Luo was also alert.

Naruto was able to call out Jiuwei, and he knew it later. Both people have tail beasts, and at first, they were unable to use the power of a tailed crane, and I am afraid they would still be disadvantaged.

‘Again, do you immediately use false sleep here? ’

Is it really feasible to summon a tail beast in this venue? When he hesitated, the countdown ended. Naruto has raised her hand to seal, and Iro also urgently summoned Sand to attack first.

The scene in front of them suddenly changed.

Naruto disappeared from the center of the arena. She found herself standing in the player area. Not only were Shizumaru, Temari, Kanjuro, and Naruto Yoshino, but also the audience.

She looked at these players one by one, and then looked at the two left and right towers.

"is that a lie?"

Isn't it exactly the same as the time of the Zhongren exam?

"Ming'er, what are you talking about?" Lu Maru leaned lazily on the fence and twisted her face to ask her.

‘It’s really the same as Lu Maru’s expression. ’Ming's lips twitched, and suddenly pointed to Lu Maru: “I know, you are an illusion!”

She saw Lumaru stupefied... and saw several players around her looking at her sleepily.

"You are all illusions too, and you can't "confuse" or "confuse" me." Minger thought of the game face that he just saw, "How about I love Luo? Hurry up and let him out, I want to fight him."

Lu Maru pointed down, "Are you sure that Sasuke will lose? He is playing well now."

Ming'er turned her face down and looked down... deceptively! She said it again, because at the bottom, I love to condense the sphere with sand to protect itself; and Sasuke used a ninjutsu called Chidori to hit the sand ball.

Judging from the blood stains on the hand he pulled out, he did injure me.

At this point, it was different from what Minger knew... At that time, I was unable to control the appearance of the tail beast without being injured, and then she interfered with the game.

Now, the sphere unwrapped and I Luo appeared, holding his left shoulder.

At about the same time, a loud noise erupted from the stands, and a cloud of white "color" smoke appeared. And the two sands next to it bear under one's tolerance, and even one sand undertook tolerant, jumped into the field and stood next to Iro.

"this is……"

This is obviously the part that was not originally there. Naruto stared at Ronaldo, and suddenly remembered the tattoo, which did say: Ronaldo would temporarily be unable to fight, and was taken away by the Shayin Ninja.

She thought, yes, if I did not leave the arena first, there would be no such failure conditions written-he must tail the beast and return to the arena.

"Anyway, just before that, stop him."

Under the many surprising scenes in front of her, she finally found a little feeling and thumped her right palm into the left palm.

The curvature of her lips and the snow-white teeth "exposed" all show that she is full of energy. Among the three ninjas who saw Shayin, two Ninjas had already jumped up with Iro, and she jumped from this player area.

She was going to catch up... but the sense of crisis appeared in the middle of her jump.

Instinctively leaning her head, her cheeks were cold and painful.

After finally falling into the arena, she "touched" and "touched" her cheek and saw blood. Looking back at the thing that brought her scars, it was clearly a bitter.

Looking back in the direction of Ku Wu's shooting, "Ming'er, be careful." Kakasi said to her with a knocked down Ninja ninja in her left hand. ..