Infinite Replacement

v8 Chapter 232: The role of Jingyu

Kakashi tried to persuade Minger with great conscience, Jingyu didn't know. However, when they were ready to go and appeared in front of the refreshing Jingyu again, Kakashi's disgruntled eyes made Jingyu want to blow him away.

After suppressing his own psychology like evil thoughts, Jingyu clenched his fists and coughed, attracting everyone's attention to the situation of making words.

In front of him is Kakashiban.

His demeanor is more serious, "Your combat power is enough in my opinion, the question is how much you can play in the next battle. Even now, I can't read the battle. Situation. But..."

He looked especially at Ming'er.

"I can foresee that you are the biggest element of unrest!"

Naruto stagnate for a moment... and even squinted Sasuke angrily after hearing Sasuke's hum.

"Dad, I'm very strong! Stronger than Sasuke over there!"

"But what happens when you see the state of the injured Iero? Can you ensure that you still pay attention to the situation around you and don't run away?"

Jingyu stared at her eyes seriously.

Ming Er's eyes shook with his eyesight. Although she immediately wanted to show her determination, he raised her hand to stop her.

"I told you, you can be angry, but you can't lose your sobriety. The more you are angry, the more you can wake up, which may trigger extraordinary combat power. You can't do it now, so don't be brave in this regard. You want Remember one thing, when someone tells you'you want to be calm', you must understand in your heart-you have entered a state of anger! If you do not control it well, it will not only bring you into danger, but also harm Your don’t want to hurt your teammates?"

Some people need a long period of time to grow. But some people, even if she is still immature, put her into the battle, she will grow up in the battle.

Minger belongs to this latter category.

Appropriate pressure can make her grow faster.

The most important thing in her heart is her companion, so let her be her pressure.

Right now, she shook her head.

"Dad, I know!" She looked at him seriously.

"Now you are more reliable." Jingyu nodded with satisfaction and looked over to Kakashi. "Then, commanding the battle, you still have to give it to you as the squad leader. When you are ready, just..."

"Wait a minute!" Garrow stopped.

She stood behind Jingyu's side. Accompanying her, there are Temari, Maki, Kanjuro... the latter three looked at her puzzled.

Just listen to her: "It is to rescue our shadow in Shayin Village, how can Shayin Village not send a ninja at all?"

She walked a few steps forward, and looked like she was going out.

"Mom!" Teju was a little anxious and stepped forward: "Compared to you, let me go."

In order to raise her, her mother has left the mission for many years. Although Ninjutsu did not let go, Temari was still very worried.

"Are you going to the other side of the border?" Jia Lu Luo smiled and stroked the top of her head. "Relax, mother's fighting experience is much richer than you. But this battle will largely be Test battle experience...especially against puppet masters like Scorpions!"

"Speaking of puppet masters," another person intervened in the conversation, and the voice was very old, an old "women" woman, "I'm better at being an old lady. I teach the puppet technique of scorpion!"

Looking around, I saw the old lady in the treatment room standing at the top of a nearby house.

"Chiyo mother-in-law!" Teju called out.

Seeing this mother-in-law carrying a bag on her shoulders, she seemed to be going out.

"Are you thinking..."

She hadn't asked a word, and Chiyo jumped off the roof.

That surprised everyone except Jingyu.

The same age as the three generations of Naruto, but different from the three generations of Naruto being active as a ninja, the thousand generations of mother-in-law have long ignored the world. She gave the impression that she was really an old woman who was just about to die... Who can imagine such an old woman who can still act like a ninja? All worried that she would fall.

However, Chiyo has landed steadily, showing that he still possesses extraordinary skills to everyone present.

And she also put forward a reason why everyone present could not object.

She is going to see her grandson... One of the people who took me away is her grandson.

So, with her, a group of five people went on the road.

Jingyu, Kaluo Luo and Temari sent them out of Shayin Village. Then, Temari took a few teams of ninjas, said goodbye to Jingyu and Galuo, and went towards the national border. All the ninja villages were buried with spies in other ninja villages, and the wind and shadow of Shayin village were taken away. I am afraid that the news has been sent out, and it is necessary to consolidate the national border and let other ninja villages have no chance.

Temari's work is very important.

As a result, there are not many ninjas in the village of Shayin Village.

Kalu Luo is instead one of the village's reliance at this time.

She can't be with Jingyu all the time, she must be in charge of the village defense.

"Then I will... go somewhere." Jingyu squeezed her eyes at her.

He didn't say where to go... Garowo was also surprised that he didn't go directly to Konoha. But, I didn’t ask, I just smiled and said, ‘It’s yours, there’s no danger wherever you go’. When he nodded, she could relax and say to him, "Let's go."

Jingyu disappeared in front of her.

At the same time, Jingyu's figure appeared in Xiaonan's room in Yuyin Village. And as soon as he appeared, he released a huge sense of perception.

And this perception was once again perceived by the long door hidden deep underground.

Jingyu did not leave Xiaonan's home this time. He waited for about half an hour, the door opened, and Xiao Nan walked in.

"You really are here." She said so at the door. "Nagato told me." She was a little curious. "The last time you came suddenly, you were shocked because the teacher told you about Zilai. It’s about the organization... What will it be this time?"

While talking, he closed the door, changed his indoor shoes, and walked onto the floor.

Jingyu handed her a "Mao" towel to her... Yuyin Village was raining again. In order to return as soon as possible, she did not hold an umbrella and got wet from the rain. She smiled and took the "hair" towel to wipe her hair, but still looked at him.

Jingyu said: "The wind shadow of Shayin Village was captured. They sent us a letter of help from Muye. I heard that it was a person wearing a black cloud pattern, and the one who used it used a blasting method."

"...It's Xiao." Xiaonan Road. She sighed, "It seems to be for the end." After a pause, "Then are you here this time?"

"Contain Nagato!" Jingyu squeezed her eyes, "I have sent a supporting ninja from the village, but I am worried that Nagato uses space ninjutsu to meet the two members. So, I came by myself. I will Use the perception from time to time! I think that the Nagato should not leave."

He smiled... In Xiao Nan's eyes, he laughed like a fox. ..