Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 158: Universe and Void Particles

Jingyu rolled his eyes, "I have always cherished women, do you feel so strange?"

Rena glanced at Jingyu and Lianfeng's faces, "Got it!"

"Don't understand!" Lian Feng said quickly: "I have nothing to do with him, don't listen to him talking nonsense."

"You give up." Jingyu said with a smile.

"What?" Lian Feng didn't understand.

But Jingyu didn't explain. He looked up and drank the rest of the drinks in one breath, and stood up.

Rena turned with him and walked out, but quietly connected to the channel of Lianfeng: ‘mean, you give up struggling... The woman whom he fancy seems to be able to escape. ’

Lian Feng couldn't help crying and laughing, ‘as he has already gotten his hands, don’t you care about him? ’

‘It doesn’t matter, I can live a long time anyway. ‘Rena’s voice is as childlike as naive, ‘even if you follow him, it’s impossible to be tired of tens of thousands or tens of thousands of years. For us, tens of centuries can be described as'ephemeral'. We are tired of staying together, apart for a few tens of hundreds of years, and can still keep a fresh life for love. ’

With that time, it was enough for him to accompany other women.

Reina feels that as a god, she can get more time together than ordinary people, so there is no need to force anything.

Should I say, is this open-minded by God?

Rao Shilifeng lived longer than Jingyu, and did not know what to return to, so he smiled and watched them leave.

In the two days after that, along with the time it took to find a suitable star, Jingyu made a large clock with a low configuration near a purple rhyme star. And successfully used Zi Yunxing as an energy source to connect with the device.

However, also at this time, Jingyu suddenly received a message from Liang Bing.

‘Dad, are you convenient? ’

That was when Liang Bing joined the channel for a long time.

‘Yes... you’re done over there? 'Jingyu replied while looking at the golden "color" cosmic tree model scattered from the low-profile big clock with Reina and Zhixin.

‘Done’ means that Karl is about to explode the black hole experiment.

‘Well, it’s done. Carl’s guy got five copies of the void particles, my father’s copy, I’ve got it for you. But the big clock, Carl’s guy said he would let go when he left... you see? ’

Liang Bing was hesitant and didn't know what to do?

‘Is he going to another universe? Asked Jingyu.

'Roughly the same. ‘Liang Bing thought about how to say, ‘On Earth, the known universe is called three-dimensional space. Above this, there is a space with a higher dimension, that is, a six-dimensional space...He intends to go there, saying that he wants to pursue higher wisdom. ’

‘Hum, this doesn’t matter to him, as long as my girl doesn’t go. Jingyu smiled.

This also reveals that he has no intention of "forcing" Karl to hand over the big clock.

‘I’m not going if there’s Dad here. After listening, Liang Bing was relieved and said in a delicate voice: ‘Then, Dad, when will you get the Void Particles? I have returned to Demon No. 1. ’

‘Let’s go now. "Jingyu thought about it, "You didn't plan to study that thing? ’ ‘I’m only starting now, I’m already behind. I plan to start something else, already... cough. 'Liang Bing almost talked about it.

Jingyu's lips twitched, thinking, the child kept secret from him... Seeing her care about Rose's attitude so much, he could not guess her thoughts. What she studied was either related to rose, or intended to be used on rose.

I believe that is not a bad thing, and, ‘Oh, Rose recently asked me to ask you. You don't go to her, she seems a bit lonely. ’

'is it? ‘Liang Bing looks a little happy,’ ‘Now I have time, Dad, I’ll give you something? See rose by the way. ’

‘No, I’m meeting you somewhere else. At the entrance of Big Worm Bridge! You give me something there, I’m going to pass Da Chong Bridge and send it to your sister Keisha...’

When Liang Bing heard it, he pouted a little bit unhappy.

‘Dad, I thought what you wanted for the Void Particles, they don’t want to give you anymore... They want to swallow it! ’

‘Don’t mess around! You don’t study, I don’t study, only your sister knows more about the void... Dad’s sun authority, and the labor that my baby girl has put in, can’t be in vain. ’

‘You’re all at this point, okay. ’

Despite her unwillingness, she compromised.

Jingyu temporarily ended her communication with her. The two women here looked at him...the expression on his face inevitably changed when he chatted.

"There is something wrong with me, you study it first."

"You don't want to be lazy."

Rena was suspicious.

"Even if I'm here, I'm doing it with enthusiasm and I'm only responsible for watching... What's so lazy?" Jingyu gave her a white look.

Zhixin obediently said, "Well, I am willing to do all the work for Jingyu."

"You..." Reina really couldn't take her at first. After Jingyu left, she said to Zhixin: "Hey, aren't you curious who contacted him? Follow my conversation process and ask."

"That's okay." Zhixin said: "Who does Jingyu want to see, no need to tell us."

"But think about it," Rena said: "The angel knows what he is busy, and the wind also knows...that means the soldiers won't even come directly to him, and there is nothing wrong with the soldiers, It’s impossible to skip me. Who else besides them? And the most important thing is that he doesn’t say it, maybe he can’t.”

Think about it carefully, think about it.

With such a hurried gesture, she couldn't help but really think about it.


It seems that only this conclusion can be drawn! Scorching eyes widened.

"Right." Rena pointed at her. "Have you regretted it?"

"I regret it." Zhixin is really honest. "So, what now?"

Rena shrugged. "Whatever you do is useless, who can stop him? Fortunately, Moganna must have taken him wrong, so don't worry about his safety. Come on, let's play with this thing in front of us...say yes Can I get the data of the earth, right? Jingyu joined the Xiongbing Company, is it okay? I want to see!"

The two girls, who were both childish, pulled out images of the earth and the city of Juxia, intending to peek at Jingyu's past life.

However, nothing. ..