Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 177: Rose's soul pillar

"The devil has never been a threat to the earth!" Jing Yu said "satisfaction".

He also nodded his heart, "People's hearts... The sudden situation can best test the true heart. This is the case with the alien invasion of the earth. The demons are on the earth, and the beliefs of the demons are spreading, but not the soldiers of China. Has it stood the test?"

The demon's invasion of the earth, to put it bluntly, is a kind of soul. Those who stand upright, natural evil does not suppress righteousness. It was irrelevant whether the devil stayed on the earth with the not-forbidden mouth tied.

"The threat to the earth lies in killing people like gluttons, good people and bad people, the same for them. Or, like Hua Ye, who does not treat people as humans. Or, like a triangular body, it will mobilize the Shenhe body. War in shape."

He spread his hands and smiled as if helplessly.

"In short, even if there is no trouble of demons, the earth is still very dangerous, and your responsibility is still very heavy."

"Why not'we'?" Rose asked. She was dissatisfied with his words.

Even if he said, his time is over. Even if he also said that he must give the earth to these young people.

But Rose does not recognize it.

You are also a human on earth, why don't you want to control the earth?

She stared at him coldly, as if looking at a deserter.

Jingyu smiled. He also looked at her.

Rose's eyes are very clear, a single emotion. But he looked away from her, so she avoided her sight. Tofu heart with knife mouth. She is still like that.

She emphasized, "I still don't agree with you."

"I know." Jingyu went forward again. "I only tell you... You said that the known universe, such as the Angel Nebula, the Deno Galaxy, and the Sunburst Galaxy, are all within a universe. However, In addition to this universe, there are other universes. I used to call it "other dimensions" or "other planes." After a while, I have to go to those places. I need to do something to get Some recognition. When I succeed, I can protect a world like that."

He looked at her. She is also watching him. I was surprised, but I didn't believe it.

"Actually, I am in another world, as Long Jingyu, has come to the whole age. I came here, for the sake of convenience, I set my deeds over..."

This is actually not true, because after he experienced the "Qin Shi Ming Yue", under the entire replacement system plane, all the records about the Western Chu Overlord will be named after Long Jingyu.

This is true!

Jingyu once asked Daier, what the **** is going on.

Daier tells him that the development of each dimension, the so-called "plot", is actually the beginning of that dimension. There is no longer history.

However, the future of each dimension can be rewritten and can be seen.

So even if it is the same earth, so many stories can happen, there will be no contradictions.

And the longer the "story" exists, the greater the impact it can have.

For example, Jingyu replaced Xiang Shaoyu, and Jun came to an era. When it came to the face of'Detective Conan', the Dragon family could become a great family. Because history has penetrated...or rather, it has been changed.

For people in the new dimension, only the overall memory has changed, and the plane naturally reflects "shot". Jingyu didn’t want Rose to think she was brainwashed before she said that.

Rose was silent for a while, as if digesting what he said. She knows her ignorance, and even knows that even Liangbing, the **** she has lived for tens of thousands of years, does not dare to say that she knows everything about the universe. Therefore, it is not surprising to have what he said.

In the end, she just asked: "Did you go to those, the dimension, the earth among them, is there any destruction?"

"No." Jingyu smiled in a sunny way. "Because we human beings are great lives. I once promised that as long as human beings can impress me with their efforts, I will guarantee the survival of human beings. Someone can do it. And I have seen it in you too. Rose, come on!"

He clenched his fists and encouraged her.

There is nothing like this that makes this girl feel more powerful and more at ease... The person she is going to consult is a demon leader. Once known, she may be regarded as a traitor to the earth. But he said that the effort he saw from her made him feel that mankind is beautiful and wanted to continue to protect mankind...that was the greatest praise to her.

"Thank you." She looked directly at him, swaying deep in her eyes.

Before he wanted to say anything, she took a step back and entered the wormhole... and escaped shyly.

Jingyu smiled and looked at the place where she disappeared, accessing her channel: ‘I still have a lot of things that I didn’t tell you, for example, how would I ask you to take a long vacation...’

The channel was closed by her.

She had returned to her room, even covering her ears with her hands. There is only a beautiful face, and the red "color" cannot be eliminated.

The next day, Jingyu found Li Feng, and told her to arrange for Rose to go to a place to learn more about wormholes while the earth was temporarily in a battle.

Li Feng naturally asked, where is that.

There is only one **** in the universe that is best at wormholes. She had some friendships with him, which made her vaguely suspicious.

Jingyu only replied, "Can you still believe me?"

Lian Feng asked himself, really looking forward to the return of Rose's studies, and finally made a critique. There is only one requirement. If the earth needs it, Rose must return to the team in time.

On the same day, Rose officially moved into Demon No. 1.

After that, Sky Blade 7 monitored that there is no direct demon activity on the earth... there are still some devil mobs that have changed from people to people. They believed in Moganna, but not Moganna's men. Whether they live or die, Morgana doesn't care. With them, the confusion of the earth is not over. However, they can be digested slowly.

The company has no real enemies inside the earth. Regarding external enemies, try to keep them out as far as possible... War can not be allowed to destroy the earth.

For this reason, relying on more than a dozen people is somewhat stretched. The black "color" Great Wall finally decided to recruit certain ordinary soldiers to inject super genes into their bodies.

The effect of super genes can extend the lifespan of these fighters and strengthen their physical abilities.

This is very similar to Rose's father General Ducao. He is not a super fighter, and he has no super fighter ability. But his life... It is said that he commanded the Deno Galaxy War 10,000 years ago, which was called the war madman at that time. After coming to earth, he has lived from the Tang Dynasty to the present. It is still the appearance of middle-aged people.

The warriors who get the super gene will be stronger than him in physical ability. Only in this way can they help them better adapt to the cosmic environment. With the appropriate exoskeleton, it can exert its combat power that is not inferior to the gluttonous warrior.

With men fighting against gods, and with these soldiers fighting against each other, war can be fought.

The criteria for selecting fighters were carefully formulated after careful consideration. The manuscript was handed over to Jingyu, and he would take full responsibility. The headquarters even gave him a certain degree of freedom based on trust in his vision.

Jingyu is also busy temporarily.

Then a year passed. ..