Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 187: Pull the mountain

The nuclear bombardment used by gluttony is to push a bomb at the speed of light to achieve the destruction effect.

It can be seen from the distant Pluto, within an hour, to retreat the bomb to the earth, and the propelling effect of its sub-light speed weapon can be seen.

Reina thought when she saw that even if she could stop it, she would be pushed to the earth with a bomb.

However, there is Jingyu beside her.

She didn't ask if Jingyu could hold it. He said it could be stopped, and she just sent out a beam to counteract the ground attack.

As a result, he was surprisingly relaxed. Not only did she not move in the space without a foothold, she also didn't feel the feeling of'I'm working hard' on her face.

This situation persisted for a while without change.

Rena finally couldn't help but ask curiously: "If you put out your best, what can you do?"

"In the current state, as long as Hua Ye's army does not run away, I can kill all of his million troops alone." Jing Yu said lightly.

The bomb was cracked while speaking like this.

Rena lowered her arm. "Meaning," surprised that she had to pause for a suitable description. "In a war? Do you have a "sexual" assault like me?"

She is full of doomsday! This is the description of the devil queen.

As long as she wants, she can be the strongest attacking unit in the known universe.

However, she is very kind... The goddess of dawn was not born to destroy, but to provide people with sunlight.

Everything can't survive without sunshine.

She likes to have such ability.

She has also been afraid of her offensive ability. Now she is not afraid, because with him, he can help her restrain. So, if he has a powerful killing "sex" attack, who will help him suppress it?

She was very worried.

"It's not as big as yours, at most it's a star rating, but it's not a star rating." Jing Yu smiled and patted the back of her hand so that she shouldn't worry, "I just wanted to tell you that, My energy is unlimited. It’s not that the volume is infinite, but that it can be restored infinitely... My two recovery agencies now work together, so that no matter how much energy I use, I can replenish it instantly. I have encountered enough enemies. I can fight forever!"

Reina felt a pain in her heart.

"I don't want you to fight all the time, then you don't have time to accompany me. If you want to fight someone, say it, I will help you, the male soldiers will also help you, and the angels will definitely...maybe the devil will ."

In this way, why is he so popular?

"You, don't forget us, don't think about carrying it alone!"

"I didn't plan to carry it alone. Just now I just gave an example... Because I didn't plan to carry it alone, I hope you can all grow up. Help me protect humanity together."

Guard those who are willing to work hard and are working hard!

"You have become reliable, and one day I will go somewhere else, and I can rest assured."

Jingyu talked to Rena, but she didn't forget what she was about to do with her and what was urgent. He had contacted Lingxi on the dark communication channel when Rena was about to eliminate this threat. A wormhole opened behind them. He flew in and flew for a few seconds, and came to the orbit of another attack.

Rena "shots" a second beam to resist the same amount of enemy attacks.

In this way, they then came to the front of the third attack.

In the process, Ge Xiaolun has cracked an attack. Later, because he reached the limit, he temporarily returned to Sky Blade 7.

Sky Blade 7 has also moved to the front of another attack, blocking the attack.

Of course, it will inevitably be pushed a distance by the attack.

The engine of Sky Blade 7 continuously generates reverse thrust, gradually dissolving the forced movement.

At this time, Jingyu they cracked the third attack... This has to be said that Lianfeng arranged the benefits of people on Pluto-if no one is over there, relying on the detection function of Sky Blade 7 alone, there are two Ten minutes of delay... Now, these twenty minutes have been made up. They discovered these nuclear strikes issued by the enemy in the first time and responded immediately.

However, at most it can stop an attack. While blocking this attack, it will lose the time to intercept the last two.

So it can't come this way.

Rena could think of this, "Jingyu, what should I do?"

His backhand should come out.

"With a ring, you go back to Sky Blade 7 first!" Jingyu instructed.

Rena knew that time was urgent, so she did it quickly in order not to burden him.

Jingyu launched the wormhole himself... The position he came to was on the middle track of the last three. At this moment, the three attacks were still far away from him. He pushed his hands forward and created ice in the void universe.

The ice expands rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

It becomes longer, thicker and wider.

The main control room of Sky Blade 7 reflects this picture, and everyone is surprised.

Mercy wind is a surprise in a double sense, ‘did he not plan to let the devil help? ’

"Great!" Ge Xiaolun exclaimed directly. "Jingyu's fantasy ability is more modern than my Qiankun and Xiongxin plus one piece to make can't be compared! How much frequency is this? The speed of your engine?"

"I never knew anyone could do this!" Lingxi also exclaimed: "If Jingyu wants to, I think he can make a planet independently and quickly!"

Because the light is just a few minutes before the eyes, the ice in the universe is so large that it can completely block the earth. The thickness has also reached 100 kilometers. And this is not the limit, it is still increasing.

It is equal to a piece of ice whose side length is greater than the diameter of the earth and the thickness is approaching the diameter of the earth.

Once the thickness reaches the diameter of the earth, its total volume exceeds that of the earth.

However, I saw three beams of light about to hit.

"No, it can't be stopped by ice alone!" Lian Feng clenched his fists, which was nervous... If the ice was broken, the earth would still be destroyed. Not only is the threat of the beam of light, the huge ice falling on the earth will only make the earth destroy faster.

The earth faces real life and death, she must not be nervous.

However, her voice just fell, and the huge ice block suddenly changed, from the previous ice blue color to white color.

"This is..." Several people couldn't help making a sound, and the standing people looked at each other.

It was also at this time that the beam of light hit.

The huge ice cube was shaking.

However, it has not been pushed one step!

That sub-light speed weapon, two shots can push a planet as heavy as Earth into orbit, but it can't shake him.

He said he was the Western Chu Overlord.

The Western Chu Overlord is well-known, that sentence: Pull the mountains and the world!

Everyone knows what it is to pull the mountain. ..