Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 4: Fire God Kagura

"What?" Tomioka Yoshioka's expressionless face showed obvious surprise. "Take the ghost dance Tsutsuji without misfortune...this child?"

He stared at Jingyu's face and looked up and down again.

Indeed he found that Jingyu is different from others... The little children waiting outside at home, the only adult woman, had uneasy and terrified faces. None of these can be seen in Jingyu.

"Breathing," Tomioka said courageously, "What genre do you use?"

"Before today, I didn't know the so-called "breathing method." Jingyu tilted his head, "I learned from the late adoptive father Zamen Shijuro, called the God of Fire Kagura, which is the generation of the Zamon family. From generation to generation, pray to Lord Vulcan for a peaceful dance."

"Since it's a dance, why can it be used to fight." Tomioka Tomoka wanted to observe whether Jingyu lied through his breath.

But can't tell.

This is rarely encountered, and this aspect can also explain the unusualness of the child in front of me.

"Because of her." Jingyu pointed to the ring tone. "The breathing rhythm when she hit the ghost inspired me."

Tomioka volunteered silently, he could not find the flaw.

Ling Yin said at this time: "Tomioka, Ninja, come with me."

She started walking in the direction of leaving the house, and forbearance followed.

Tomioka Yuu was a little hesitant...what if he was worried that if he got away, the ghost suddenly attacked? But when I thought of Jingyu, since I could take the two tricks of the ghost dance Tsuji, there is no need to subdue an ordinary ghost.

He finally started.

Their departure left the children on the side of Jingyu and Youdouzi.

"Brother, sister, is she all right?" Takeo asked. He was slightly older and knew more, and he heard that the other party seemed to regard his sister as a ghost.

"It's okay for a while, and it won't be a problem in the future." Jingyu said.

"Brother said so, then it must be no problem!" Takeo said confidently.

Hanako and Mao also nodded together.

Jingyu "touched" Huazi's cheeks and found it very iced, only to think that they had stayed outside for a long time. It's a big night, the snowy weather is at the top of the mountain, and the cold is quite heavy.

"Come into the house quickly. Youdouzi." called the oldest sister, let her greet the children. He walked up to the adult woman himself. After hesitating, he still called "Mother" and took the youngest child from her back, "Liu Tai is asleep."

"Yeah." The woman named Kwai Chi smiled amiably, glancing at the three people in the distance, and whispered, "Jingyu, are they discussing how to dispose of Youdouzi? If not, you quietly Let's take your beans away."

"I think," Jingyu said: "They are discussing to take our family. The mother said what the ghost said before leaving. If he still lives here, he will definitely kill him again. Ghost killing The team should find a hidden place to settle us."

He looked around. "Will my mother be uncomfortable if he wants to leave this place where he has lived for a long time?" The woman smiled, "I am very satisfied with you children. I can go anywhere!"

"Then it's okay." Jingyu said: "Mother go in quickly, it's not good to be sick."

"Yeah." the woman said. Being sick means spending more money, which is absolutely not enough.

The family entered the room and thrived on the charcoal fire... There is nothing else in the family worthwhile, but the most important thing is charcoal. So we can live on the top of the mountain in such cold weather.

On the other side, the three ringtones stood still.

Ling Yin said: "Although he said it was the **** of fire and dance, but I'm pretty sure that it is a breathing method. And, I am afraid that it is the "sexual" breathing method of fire. But this is not what I want to say the most. Yes, Ghost Dance Tsuji no misfortune seems to be afraid of this breathing method! What do you mean?"

"Must protect their family!" Ninja said.

Tomioka said courageously: "It is necessary to transfer them, and that breathing method should also be sent back to the headquarters for investigation." After a pause, "If the two of you will be here, is it the order of the'prince and master'? He is Don’t you already know? Did you say anything to you?"

"I'm going to live up to your expectations." Ling Yin said: "I met the child in a town under the mountain during the day. Isn't it strange that a young kid who sells charcoal can breathe? It was only after I came up that I met Ghost Dance Tsuji without misfortune."

She looked at forbearance... She didn't even intend to help tolerate the situation.

Ninja said: "I'm investigating. If I can turn a person into a ghost, it must be a ghost dance. There is no misfortune. So I took the person nearby. The crow that saw the bell flew away to find support, and then I took the person. Coming to the mountain."

She said that she was still pretending to be a grudge here.

"If I had known that she was playing Ghost Dance Tsuji without misfortune, I wouldn't have come."

"Do you think I will lose?"

Ring tone "lu" anger "color".

If the strength on the side of One Piece can be brought in, ten ghost dances are not bad enough for her to fight.

"Well, you have done a good job. Really." Ninja said.

Ringing was not comforted at all, and his forehead jumped out of the blue tendon.

If it weren’t for the owner, she wasn’t sure she would actually pull the fight, so she could know how powerful she was.

Fukuoka Yoshio frowned, "That is to say, the protagonist doesn't know yet. It's too late to wait for the letter to be transferred. It's too late for thousands of nights. Just because you brought a lot of people, it's still up to you to transfer the stove door. . In addition, Emperor Wu, I have a mission. I just passed by here. I still need to perform the mission. Please **** them."

"What about the test?" Ling Yin asked him.

"It's better to do this," Ninja suddenly said: "The kid can break the two tricks of the ghost dance at a very young age, which shows that he has the talent of a swordsman. Send him to a nurturer's place... The place itself is very secret, enough to hide their family."

She pointed at Tomioka Yoshioka.

"Ringyin has no trusted nurturer, but Mr. Litaki on your side is the predecessor of "Water Column", and his strength is guaranteed. Moreover, he is also trusted by you. He can be trusted. You can also believe it."

"..." Yoshioka Tomoka nodded and looked in the direction of the wooden house. "If he can really become a great swordsman, threaten the ghosts of Tsukiji, no, just beat it directly...the best Alright!"