Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 46: Split action

It stands to reason that the more you go to a higher level, the slower your level improvement should be. However, Jingyu went up to another level during the period of leading them to practice.

From the end of the final test of joining the team, it has only been more than a month today, Jingyu has reached the apex of ten levels.

Shan Yi soon let himself give up surprise after knowing it.

The strange swordsman heard that it was Grade A, and he took it for granted, and nodded, "No wonder it's so strong. If it's you, it should be useful."

His tone was still uncertain, and... looked at Inosuke and Zenizu. I also glanced at You Douzi, and after flashing through the sleepy "confusion", he still said:

"The other three, it's better not to go in. Those who are not strong enough to go in now will only add chaos to their teammates."

"What did you say?" Inosuke yelled and tried to rush over.

Shan Yi quickly caught him.

"How dare you say that this uncle is a "chaotic" role, look at this uncle to fix you now!" Inosuke struggled hard and said words that made the strange swordsman feel speechless.

‘It’s nothing more than the people here. They can get Grade A. Although they look very young, I believe they should be my seniors. But you two, obviously juniors, don't respect me at all. The level of the strange swordsman is higher than that of Gui, he wonders, how could the ghost killing team recruit such a swordsman who doesn't know the superiority and inferiority?

The system of rating swordsmen exists, on the one hand, is to make people understand the glory of swordsmen. The higher the level, the more ghosts to be killed, and the more powerful ghosts among them.

On the other hand, it is the superior. When the mission is together, everyone shows the level, the higher level command the lower level. The latter must obey!

It was not the first time that the strange swordsman teamed up with others, so I was puzzled by Inosuke's attitude.

"Okay, Inosuke, the stronger the ghosts here, the better. If you defeat them, your level will increase." Jingyu said lightly.

These words made Inosuke stop the noise and look expectantly at Nada Spider Mountain.

"You, do you really want to let Gui's rank in?" the strange swordsman asked in surprise. He believes that after listening to his description, the other party should be aware of the danger here... Gui's level is to die, there is no reason to let them go.

Jingyu smiled, "Level is just a temporary stage that a swordsman is in. It can't be taken too seriously. Inosuke and Zenizu, in my opinion, now have the strength of Level B. They just killed them. The number of ghosts is small, and the level has not improved..."

He turned towards the spider mountain.

"Do you know? They have been fighting the ghosts of Part Six recently. They are really strong for many rounds with such ghosts."

He is very strong! Inosuke also admired this strength very much. Therefore, saying ‘they are already strong’ from his mouth can make...even Shanyi feel a comfortable heat flow in his body, and he can’t wait to prove that he is really strong.

Inosuke even snorted again and again.

"Last String Six..." The strange swordsman was a little sluggish.

"By the way," You Douzi said with a smile: "The sixth of the last string was captured by my brother alive on our side."

Shanyi saw the strange swordsman after these words, "exposed" an expression that looked like a horror, like an unbelief, and thought: "That's right, ordinary, it should be this kind of reaction. ’

He looked at Jingyu and Inosuke again.

‘The two here are absolutely abnormal. ’

And then I thought that even I had played the Sixth of the Last Days for so many days... Maybe I started to move on this abnormal road.

‘I really don’t want to be like them in the end. ’

However, seeing Jingyu and Inosuke already running forward, the emotion of "not wanting to be left" brewing in Shanyi's heart, he also ran after him.****

Natian Spider Mountain is a mountain higher than the surrounding mountains.

I don’t know when it was rumored to enter this mountain and never get out. And this rumor attracted the attention of the ghost killing team. After Yin's investigation and confirmation that there were traces of ghosts here, the crusade team was finally dispatched.

It is the ‘Team of Ten’ mentioned by the strange swordsman.

However, the crusade failed...The crocodile who asked for help returned to the headquarters of the ghost killing team after all the hard work, and reported the seriousness of the situation dying.

At this time, Jingyu and the others had arrived at that Tian Spider Mountain.

In fact, they are not to support, but to participate in the crusade. He doesn't know the situation of the vanguard.

But, it doesn't matter.

Jingyu doesn't care how strong the ghost is here. The only uncomfortable thing is that after walking into the mountain, there are spider silk everywhere. Spider silk often pounced on his face, and the uncomfortable touch made him frown many times. The ability that hadn't been used even when fighting a ghost was used.

A thin layer of frozen air is created on the body surface, making any spider silk that comes close to it instantly freezes. When the skin is really touched, there is no ice flakes sticking to the skin.

Jingyu felt satisfied, and her consciousness returned to her eyes. It's been a while since I entered the mountain, but I didn't encounter an enemy... When I helped the strange swordsman cut the thread that controlled him, the ghost in the mountain should know that another enemy was coming. Up to now, no attack has occurred, so he can only give him one answer-the enemy is preparing the battlefield.

He asked, "Shan Yi, have you heard anything useful?"

"No, there are spiders all around. The rustling noise they make when they crawl around keeps ringing."

For people with good hearing, hearing what they don't want to hear all the time will cause inner irritability. Shanyi intentionally lowered his concentration a little...Of course, this was because Jingyu was nearby, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to do this when ghosts might appear at any time.

Then he asked, "Jingyu, how about you? Did you smell anything?"

"Very smelly." Jingyu said lightly.

Shan Yi suddenly felt balanced. But if he knew that Jingyu was after that, he would have dissipated the energy that strengthened the sense of smell, and now it was just a normal sense of smell, he would definitely be angry.

Shan Yi asked again: "Then what should we do now? This mountain looks very big, and it will be even more so after we enter it. It is too difficult to search with the four of us alone."

"It's okay." Jingyu confidently said: "Now it's time for the sixth sense! That is intuition..."

He pointed to the left, "Here, there seems to be a stronger ghost."

‘Intuition...’ Shan Yi endured the desire to vomit, but thought of something else, "Wait, wait, you say ‘here’, are there ghosts in other directions?"

"Yes." Jingyu pointed to the other side, "The ghosts here are really weak, I don't want to go."

"I'm going here!" Shan Yi said immediately.

"In such a dangerous mountain with many ghosts, is it okay?" Jingyu asked with a smile.

Shan Yi put on a handsome expression, "Leave it to me with confidence! After all, I have been tempered by you for a long time." In fact, I was slandered, "I am often thrown by you alone into the mountains with many ghosts." , Give me a bit of self-consciousness! ’

"Well, then you go." Jingyu said that, "As for the stronger ghost..."

"Whoever does it first!" Inosuke ran out without waiting for him to finish.

Shan Yi thought, ‘why am I not surprised? ’

"Yeah yeah..." Jingyu shook his head, before Shanyi was about to step out and leave on the other side, "Fortunately, I didn't say on purpose, there is a stronger ghost here..."

Shan Yi speeded up and ran away. He was really afraid that he would be stopped. ..