Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 52: Jingyu's morale

The formation of the aircraft carrier Juxia sailed on the high seas.

At the corner of its huge deck, Qi Lin and Rui Mengmeng walked arm in arm.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Rui Mengmeng looked at the setting sun that was about to fall to the sea level and issued a sincere sigh.

She used to be a waitress in a restaurant. Where did she think she could board the aircraft carrier one day and watch the sunset with her good sister on the aircraft carrier?

Life is like a dream to her.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Qilin is calmer than her... Jingyu always finds many beautiful things and has seen Qilin more than once. This time Qilin took the initiative and wanted Mengmeng to take a look before bringing Mengmeng over.

Rui Mengmeng watched the setting sun and turned his face to ask curiously: "Sister Qi Lin, why don't you go shopping with Jingyu today?"

"Are you going to joke about me too?" Qilin's face froze.

"Ah, isn't it, how dare I." Mengmeng quickly waved her hands to deny.

"It's almost the same." Qilin smiled, and she reached out and hooked the hair that was blown by the wind in front of her face. "I'm good with him, but it's not just my own lives. Is it strange to get tired every day?" "

"This," Mengmeng boy scratched his head angrily, "I haven't been in love, I don't understand it. I used to watch TV and watch those girls always want to be with their boyfriends... Boyfriends are too little to accompany , Get angry."

"You also believe in the things on TV!" Qi Lin felt that the child was too simple and wanted to tell her about her understanding of getting along with each other in love. At this time, a command was passed to their channel.

Coincidentally, Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Cheng Yaowen chatting in the cabin also received the same instructions.

The order required them to put on dark alloy armor and assemble on the deck.

This is a precursor to the task.

Qilin and Mengmeng both escaped from the casualness and nodded to each other seriously. They summoned their dark alloy armor to change into...Mengmeng is a melee faction, and the metal structure of the armor is more; Qilin, who is sniping long-range, is mainly leather armor... and quickly walks to the center of the disguise.

As they approached, they saw Ge Xiaolun and they ran up from the cabin.

As soon as the two met, "Sister-in-law, did Brother Long not come with you?" Zhao Xin asked with a throat.

"You're begging!" Qilin said a little embarrassedly, staring at her eyes. Yesterday morning Jingyu publicly said, "I want to upgrade my family Xiaolin's fourth-generation **** body." This is good. The "Longsao", which was considered a joke, had a tendency to spread.

And Zhao Xin is the number one communicator.

"Don't, don't! I dare not fight you." Zhao Xin waved his hand to show his weakness.

"Over there!" Cheng Yaowen pointed to the side, "Jingyu they are here."

When the five people looked, they saw Jingyu, Rena, Rose... and even Sun Wukong, all wearing their dark alloy armor, and came over with Ducao.

"Warriors," Ducao said after standing still. "According to the information provided by Jingyu, the gluttonous advance team is about to attack Tianhe City. You will be the main force to fight this enemy and protect our land and people."

Qilin and the five of them were all stunned. It seemed to no one in advance that this would be the case. So fast on the battlefield, the war is coming!

"Then, that," Ge Xiaolun raised his hand hesitantly, "No, is the information accurate?"

"Angel Yan assisted in the investigation, and even the armor equipped with gluttons was also identified." The armed part is an extra gift from Yan, Jingyu will not be bad, "This part, we said on the road."

He pointed up.

The Dark Metal Transporter of Light of Dawn has flown over the Juxia and is landing vertically.

Ge Xiaolun glanced up, still a little uneasy and said: "Jingyu, angels can't... help us gluttonous?"

"I'll answer this," Ducao said. "The angel did say that he was willing to help, but we refused. The earth still has to be protected by the people of the earth. For this reason, the country has formed a company of soldiers. The soldiers encouraged morale. I won’t say much more, remember one thing, you are an unbeatable company!”

He raised his arm and raised his fist.

"Leina, Goku, Jingyu, it's yours! Let's go!"

The Light of Dawn landed nearby and opened the cabin door. The team members nodded or ‘um’ and ran towards the cabin.

Ducao stood at the door of the cabin and solemnly saluted a military salute to everyone.

The hatch closed slowly.

The Light of Dawn engine started and flew inland.

The cabin was very silent. It is different from the silence of recuperating and rejuvenating, it is brewing an uneasy atmosphere.

Jingyu sat in a row with the four girls. He stood up and clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention.

"Here I want to discuss the experience of battle battles, I still take it as my top. Reina, don't say I'm taking your job."

Rena raised her hand and shrugged to make a gesture of asking.

Jingyu smiled. "Admiral Ducao didn't say anything to encourage morale. I won't say the same thing. I will say something else... Let's review their respective genetic "sexual" abilities."

Ge Xiaolun sat at the end of the boys' group.

Jingyu was the first to walk to Ge Xiaolun, "Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, the undefeated body... is similar to Sun Wukong's King Kong body, and it is very special. It is known that the universe can kill both of them with weapons. It basically doesn't exist. So, Xiao Lun, don't look down on it, you don't have to worry about hanging out here."

Ge Xiaolun scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Brother Long, what about me?" Zhao Xin raised his hand and asked.

"To describe you, we must mention the weapons that gluttons possess. They have some sacred weapons, and more are equipped with anti-material weapons, that is, beam weapons."

Jingyu walked to Qilin.

"You should have all heard that Qilin is equipped with the killing God No. 1 armor-piercing projectile! That thing is actually a relatively low-powered killing warrior, specifically used to decompose the genes of the super warrior... I said Xiaolun, did not listen to what I just said , Can't you basically kill you? Don't be afraid again, killing God can pierce you, it's okay, it's a pain."

Zhao Xin raised his hands again and again.

Jingyu smiled, "Shen Wu Ji is a more precious weapon, so the commander Reina is the first to be used, or I and Sun Wukong, who are more prominent. The rest of you, be careful, it is the killing armor of No. 1 God. ...That is sniper!"