Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 65: Brother, it's called arrogance

"Are you raccoon?"

It seems like I want to confirm but I dare not believe it. Sun Wukong stared at Su Xiaoci's face with nostalgia.

Su Xiaoci blinked her big eyes... If someone on the street talked to her like this, she would think that the other party was going to talk to her. But no matter how, the person in front of you who knows that she is the Monkey King of Monkey King (monkey?), should not be used for conversation.

So she didn't understand, why did Sun Wukong seem to know her?

‘I can’t have watched the video I made? ’

She thought naughtily in her heart, and was very excited to see the legendary Qi Tian Da Sheng.

"It's me, Sun Dasheng, are you really Sun Dasheng?" she asked naively.

He heard it in Sun Wukong's ear, ‘She, don’t know me... didn’t you recognize it? No, right...’

He gradually relieved God from the shock of seeing Su Xiaoci at first glance.

The raccoon he knew could not be alive, this is not her.

Sun Wukong didn't answer Su Xiaoci's question. After glancing at her for a while, he jumped away suddenly as if coming suddenly.

In the eyes of Su Xiaoci and Li Feifei, who are still ordinary people, it's so fast that they don't even know where he jumped... Only Jingyu's eyes can catch up with Sun Wukong, and the guy is still watching here from the heights .

‘Sun Wukong knows Su Xiaoci...No, is it the ancestor of Su Xiaoci? This girl is really only 19 years old. ’

Just like Qilin's ancestors, Su Xiaoci's ancestors should have come to earth from outer space in the distant past, and also met Sun Wukong. However, Sun Wukong later worshipped Tang Seng as a teacher and became a monk. The result with that ancestor of Su Xiaoci can be imagined.

Jingyu thought about this in his heart, and said on his mouth: "That is indeed the Monkey King of the Heavens. There will be the goddess of dawn and the power of the galaxy... I will introduce you to you at night. Let's take it first. You go to the conference room of our Ares group, we will talk to you there if we have something to say."

He and Rui Mengmeng brought four new members into the cabin, let them introduce themselves to each other in the meeting room, and told them about the situation of the formation of the company.

The four new players will temporarily belong to the smaller Ares group.

Jingyu has already received their equipment and armor in advance, and let them go out one by one in the conference room, using the wormhole to help them dress up.

Wei Ying is the power of killing gods, using the crossbow of killing gods as a weapon, sniper;

Li Feifei uses a sniper rifle similar to Qi Lin, tentative sniper;

Zhao uses a horizontal knife, a melee assaulter;

Su Xiaoci does not use weapons. Her genes can help her evoke natural energy, can throw energy groups similar to magic to attack enemies, and can be used as firepower. In addition to this, she also has a weapon, that is, the power of charm that can develop into illusion.

Jingyu doesn't feel the existence of the enchanting power, but his mental strength is too strong and he is naturally immune.

Later, they will give simple answers to the things they are interested in. For example, tell them what is the Shenhe civilization, what is the Dexing Nuoxing they carry genetically, and what is the Super Academy.

After this'conference' lasted for an hour, Rui Mengmeng took them to the dormitory. She will also take them around the Giant Gorge to help them get acquainted with this offshore base for life and training as soon as possible.

At this time, Jingyu went to the Soldiers Activity Center... The Xiongbing Company borrowed it here today to hold a welcome dinner for the new players.

When he arrived, he could see a banner with the words "Welcome to the team" hanging on the door frame. Ribbons have been hung in the center of the room, three tables are paired together, and a long table is put together... Thirteen chairs are placed beside the table.

There are currently three male players and two female players at the pool table. Rena and Qilin both hold billiard cues in their hands, and Qilin is bending over to prepare for a black ball. Because she was facing the door, she saw Jingyu first.

She temporarily stopped, "Come." He smiled and greeted Jingyu.

She looked very happy looking at her expression, and the other four people... the three male players were obviously relieved; while Rena, her lips were full of disappointment.

Jingyu understood when he looked at the billiard table, and said with a smile: "The sniper is best at calculating ballistics. Isn't it to look for abuse when you play billiard with a sniper."

Judging from the performance of Qilin's sniper Liangbing, she not only calculated the trajectory on the straight line, but even the bullets hit the target after multiple rebounds... It's a small case to play billiards.

"What." Qilin snorted. She said fiercely on her pretty face, ‘whose boyfriend are you! ’ Rena’s eyes turned sharply, and she revealed a cunning smile, "I can’t win snipers by playing billiards, can I always win the sniper’s husband? I want to follow You fight!" Girl novel br>She pointed at Jingyu.

It is obvious that he intends to recover the defeat on Qilin's side from Jingyu.

"Is Rose still there?" Jingyu asked deliberately.

He gave everyone the impression that he was changing the subject.

Including Qi Lin, they think that if his "sex" is to avoid, playing billiards is definitely too weak to take shots... Rena even thinks she is "winning".

She generally glanced at Qilin with her eyes, and said to Jingyu, "Why, don't you dare?"

The implication conveyed is, what do you do if I win, your boyfriend is not so good in front of me.

‘Fire! Anger appeared on Qi Lin's face, shaking her fist, "Jingyu, come on, get rid of her!"

Jingyu raised her hand to comfort her, and said seriously: "First declare, I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of winning too much, it's not good to make her cry."

The girls have a uniform impression of him...or have eaten his losses...His expression is largely false.

Rena obviously didn't believe it, "Hah, I really can say, you will make me cry when there is a species!"

"I don't have to do this." Jingyu gave a helpless expression.

"If you don't dare to fight, just concede defeat!" Rena said unwillingly.

"Jingyu, she said that this one is on, how can she not hit it? You go, I will help you." Qi Lin handed the pool cue in her hand to him.

Jingyu, who had taken over the club, "really?" He looked at Reina.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Rena had already stood by the pool table. "Zhao Xin, set the ball for us."

"Good." Zhao Xin prepared to swing the ball with a tripod, and deliberately passed by Jingyu side, whispered: "Brother Long, please accept your fate this time. Lost, the brothers will not laugh at you."

Jingyu smiled secretly, taking advantage of Zhao Xin's time to swing the ball, and said, "Then, let's add some color to the head. I'll lose, and I'll call you Sister Na in the future; if you lose, you will call me Jingyu brother."

Rena froze, and the other four looked at Jingyu in a daze.

If he is not sure to win, will he add a lot to the game?

Qilin was the first to fully believe that he would definitely win.

She halted her eyes and squinted her eyes halfway, ‘bad guy, you’ll really pretend that even I was deceived by you. ’She linked to his private channel and complained to him... who made him cheat that she really worried about him?

For Rena, it is already difficult to ride a tiger.

"Tim, Tim is Tim! Who is afraid of who!" She bravely stared at Jingyu.

The three male players who reacted slowly began to feel that she was a little pitiful... Shortly after this, Jingyu showed inferior Yu Qilin's ball skills and easily won three games.

After hitting the last ball of the third game into the hole, he smiled and looked at Rena.

"Well, from now on, I'm your brother Jingyu... come, let's hear it first."

Reina was a little bit tearful in her eyes, thinking: ‘It’s so perverted, why both of them are so powerful. "At his request, her cheeks turned red and her lips partly opened... "Jingyu Brother" couldn't be called out.

To be honest, if it's an ordinary joke, call him "Brother Jingyu", that's fine.

She's "sexual" and he doesn't care.

However, after losing, she was forced to call, which made her unacceptable.

The male players hesitated whether to plead for her, and Qi Lin also felt that Jingyu's expression was a bit harsh.

Boom... two knocks on the door attracted the six people's attention to the door that was actually open.

Sun Wukong stood there. ..