Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 66: The monkey is gone, the Shura field is c

Sun Wukong is also a member of the Xiongbing Company. Therefore, this dinner was also an invitation to him. It's just that he didn't promise to come... Now he suddenly appeared at the door, which surprised several people.

While others didn't pay attention to her, Rena glared at Jingyu, who had broken her, and changed her mood.

"Sun Wukong, figured it out, would you like to come to the dinner?" she asked in a brisk tone and smiled, "We welcome you anytime."

Sun Wukong was expressionless... There was a little emotion in what he insisted on saying.

"Aren't the two girls here?" He walked in. "Forget it, that's okay... I'm coming, I want to tell you something."

"Say what?" Rena asked curiously.

Sun Wukong looked at her first, "I said before, aliens can't be my captain. But I have to admit that you are very brave, and the Tianhe campaign lost you because of you to block the blow, and did not cause great damage."

He seemed to be complimenting, which made Rena's eyebrows unexpected.

Immediately, Rena laughed and said arrogantly: "I am a goddess, isn't bravery necessary?"

Sun Wukong didn't take her seriously and looked at Jingyu again.

"I have always regarded you as a rogue, thinking that you are not suitable for a military company, and it will become an uneasy factor for the military company. But this time I also looked away... I can inspire the morale of the army and the people to that point. It can't be summed up by talent! It's amazing, better than me."

‘Monkeys can see my eyes, are they irritated? Jingyu was secretly funny and nodded to him.

Sun Wukong then looked at Ge Xiaolun, "The power of the galaxy, you must be brave, there is more room for you to play on the battlefield; Zhao Xin, yes, a brave warrior; Cheng Yaowen, very good at commanding, and will help Rena in the future. With Long Jingyu; Qi Lin, uh, you have him, without me saying..."

Everyone mentioned it.

Rena asked suspiciously, "Sun Wukong, what are you doing here?"

Sun Wukong replied: "Besides him, you are all children, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Don't be complacent with a little achievement, you are far from there." After a pause, "Rena, Long Jingyu, can the company be handed over to you?"

"Isn't that of course?" Rena said with a straight chest: "I'm the captain, Jingyu is my consultant!"

"That's good, my grandson has nothing to worry about." He turned around and walked straight to the door. "I've been out for a while, and I have to go back to Huaguo Mountain. If there are more enemies, I will also work with You fight side by side!"

He turned his backs on them.

"Qi Yue without clothes, with the same robe!"

Sonorously chanting "Yin" and walked away without looking back.

"...For a long time, let's say goodbye!" A few seconds later, Rena murmured.

Others also recovered.

"How did Brother Monkey suddenly go?" Ge Xiaolun scratched his head.

"I don't know." Zhao Xin shook his head.

"Maybe the monkey brother really wants the monkey monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain." Cheng Yaowen said: "But it doesn't matter, the monkey brother didn't say that, if he comes back gluttonously, he will fight alongside us."

This means meeting again!

If you have any questions, you can say them later.

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and even Qilin heard them all nodded.

At this moment, Rose walked in, "Sun Wukong...has he been here?" It seems that she and Sun Wukong met in the corridor. 12 fiction network br> "He is here to say goodbye." Rena explained, and asked: "Is the kitchen over ready?"

"...Ready." Rose's expression was a little unhappy.

But she still kept everything in her heart as usual.

Reina didn't even think about it, she said casually: "Jingyu, let Mengmeng bring them. Let's adjust your mood and welcome the new team members. Use a smiley face."

Jingyu connected to Rui Mengmeng's private channel to make a notification, and then entered Rena's channel, ‘hey, why don’t you call me Jingyu brother? ’

'not called! Reina replied very firmly, and grunted her lower lip childishly.

‘Isn’t that ridiculous? Is this still the sun goddess of the sun? 'Jingyu runs her deliberately.

‘Goddess is not right, in short it is not called! Moreover, if you want to say scorn, you have to slap it first. ’

She looked at him and said in a lip: "Liar!"

Jingyu smiled and shook her head.

A few minutes later, Rui Mengmeng’s voice came in, “It’s here, go in.”

Su Xiaoci entered first, followed by Li Feifei and Wei Ying, and finally Zhao.

The rest of the male company stood in a semicircle and clapped to welcome.

Rena stepped forward, "I am the captain of the company and your goddess, Reina, the light of the sun." She turned sideways and waved her hand, signaling the new players to follow her, "Jingyu!"

She intentionally smiled provocatively after calling his name.

"My advisor is also the leader of the Ares group... not much to say to him. The red "colored" hair is Rose, the member of the Ares group, the captain of the male company and the small team; the remaining four members are our goddesses Group... Qilin, sniper, and Jingyu's girlfriend..."

"Lena, needless to say so carefully." Qi Lin muttered. She thought Rena was teasing her with that.

To her surprise, the three girls on the opposite side looked at her at the same time... and their eyes were a little strange. Among them, the one with the fox ear card is the most obvious, as if she is very disappointed with her.

'what! Am I afraid of you? "Originally speaking to Rena, she was dissatisfied and took a step forward. "My Jingyu is your captain. If there is anything unsatisfactory, I ask you to be more forgiving."

Jingyu was happy.

Rena stayed, just like him, and raised her lips in a funny way.

Rose blinked her eyes and opened her lips halfway.

Zhao Xin and Ge Xiaolun squeezed beside Cheng Yaowen.

"Nima, Shurachang! That must be the legendary Shurachang!" Zhao Xin whispered.

Ge Xiaolun nodded energetically.

I saw that among the girls on the opposite side, the one who had the most trouble for the country and the people took a step.

"The one at your house, I'm fancy. I might take him away and ask you to be more forgiving."

Qilin was smirked, and she lowered her lower lip humbly. "If you can, you can try it!"

She and Su Xiaoci made a terrible confrontation, and the confrontation created a terrible atmosphere, which made some three male players tremble...