Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 83: Rena

After Rena walked out of the wormhole, she found that she was in the waiting room when she was taken away that day. But now there is no one here. She pointed her sword and was beside the "hole" of the sun, trying to contact the members of the male company.

No response from Shenhe Channel.

‘Communication has not been restored! ’

Even if she is not from the tactical strategy department, she can understand how difficult it would be to fight against the gluttonous army that is more advanced than earth technology in this situation.

But there is no way. It is already a blessing for the devil not to fight the earth. Can he ask the devil to consider it for the earth?

Rena threw this year out of her mind.

She walked out of the waiting room. On the way to the combat command room, soldiers saw her. So soon afterwards, she saw Lian Feng coming over alone.

"Reina, that's great! The devil really let you back." Lian Feng said first, then looked behind her, "What about the general? Is he not with you?"

"The demon did not release Admiral Ducao. It is said that Jingyu killed one of her subordinates in Ferrese and wanted to leave the headman there as a hostage."

At this point Reina had already thought of it, and the left-wing **** Yan had spontaneously knelt down to Jingyu and used the honorific title... There was no reason why Keisha would treat Jingyu that way. Therefore, Moganna, who was an angel and older than Yan, must have known something.

Rena promised Jingyu, unable to tell the details.

But she comforted Fengfeng and said: "I can see that Moganna was afraid of Jingyu, she didn't dare to hurt Admiral Dukao."

Lian Feng sighed, "Now I can only hope this is the case."

In fact, compared with Ducao's safety, she hoped Ducao would come back to host the overall situation... This can only become disappointed.

Rena asked, "Oh, how about everyone in the company?"

Lian Feng cleared his emotions and turned around. "We said as we went...Yuqin and I were trying to restore communication."

"Can that be done?" Rena looked forward.

"Qilin's genetic engine comes with a p3 type positioning system, you know. We used global spectral scanning and successfully contacted her. But for the time being, we can only do this. We are trying to extend this function. Oh, By the way, Xiongbing Company has been dispatched to Juxia City for the time being," said Li Feng.

"Go to Juxia City!" Reina, who was originally on the side of the wind, heard the words and quickly accelerated two steps, nervously asked: "T glutton has invaded China?"

Li Feng found the subtle parts in her words, and looked at her in surprise, "Not yet...because Juxia City is the closest point on the earth to the Big Insect Bridge, we speculate that the gluttony will invade and will start from there. Now that global communications are paralyzed, we can only act in advance... Rena, do you know what?"

Rena stared at her, "Holy Caesar just died...not long ago. Morgana said that gluttonous food had invaded North America and it was only a matter of time before he came to China."

"This...this is important information." Lian Feng showed a startled expression and accelerated his pace.

As soon as she entered the combat command room, she said to Yuqin, "Contact Qilin quickly."

"Huh? Rena is back." Yuqin said, looking at the screen and "fucking" as the keyboard, "What about the general?"

Lian Feng informed Rena of her and relayed it to Yuqin.

After hearing this, Yuqin just sighed, "That little rogue is so's really nerve-wracking."

Reina grinned secretly at someone in the bottom of her heart, ‘what do you think you are in everyone’s heart? ’

At this time, the communication with Qilin was connected.

"This is Qilin, Juxia, what's the matter?"

Rena had the illusion that she had been away for a long time.

She took the communicator from Lian Feng, "Qi Lin, you... are all okay."

"... Lei, Lena?!" Qilin's volume increased by eight tones, "Hey, everyone, Captain Lena has been put back and is talking to me on Juxia."

Reina vaguely heard other people's voices, and several people called Sister Na, and talked eloquently. There was also a voice of Qi Lin’s dissatisfaction, ‘Don’t yell at me, Reina can hear it, and pay attention to not spitting when speaking, it’s disgusting.’

Rena is nostalgic and sad.

When Li Feng saw her wrist from the side and pointed, she knew she was reminding herself to pay attention to time.

Rena said, "I'm fine, I have three news for you, one good news and two bad news, which one to listen first?"

Some people say they want to hear good news, and some people say they want to hear bad news.

Opinions cannot be unified, and Lian Feng points his wrist again... In the eyes of a woman who grew up in a military atmosphere like Yu Nuoxing, this girl is doing, it is a waste of the lives and possibilities of many soldiers Victory.

Rena had to cough, "Forget it, let's talk about the good news first. Didn't Jingyu go to Ferrese?" As soon as she spoke, she calmed down over there, "The man who successfully sent Moganna Get rid of it."

"Wow, worthy of being Dragon Brother, really give us a long face!" Zhao Xin's voice came in.

"Brother Jingyu is amazing!"

"Then, he, how is he?"

Qi Lin asked with a little worry, so Rena would smile.

"Relax, listening to Morgana's tone, he is okay and scares Morgana. Because of this, Morgana is afraid that Jingyu will hit her and leave Admiral Dukao as a hostage Now... this is one of the bad news. However, don’t worry about Rose, Jingyu is here, and Moganna must not dare to hurt Admiral Ducao."

"...I know." Rose said.

Her voice is low, not as excited or angry as everyone is. But she is such a "sex" style... brought up by Ducao's soldiers who don't know how to raise a girl, and they also don't know how to express feelings.

Reina took a deep breath at last, "The second bad news-Morgana controlled me to destroy the Holy Kesha, and the gluttonous invaded North America immediately after her death... They are about to invade China too."

She didn't know if she said that, the players would not be afraid.

Such a powerful and immortal angel queen was also destroyed by her power.

This is her power. If you can't do it well, it will be enough to destroy the world. And the devil has a way to control her. ..