Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 85: Come here

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Keisha opened her eyes again, still reading the surrounding information habitually.

"This is... the Milky Way... a superstar."

"It is exactly a star in Aquarius, 990 light-years from Earth."

The pleasant answer came from the woman on the side wearing a red suspender dress.

Keisha also found her, but could not read her information.

When she turned her head to look at the woman, Keisha secretly lamented that she is the most beautiful living body known in the universe, but this woman is absolutely not inferior, because Keisha also thinks she is really beautiful.

Daier smiled softly at Keisha, "I am the embodiment of your father, Long Jingyu, who replaced the system bust. It doesn't matter if I am a human or a system elf."

"You helped me recover? Father he..." Keisha actually wanted to see Jingyu.

Daier can understand her mood and regretfully said: "The host still needs some time to complete the trial, and I can't go away for the time being. And although I have received many permissions, I can't approach the earth with the entity before the host completes the trial, let alone Use Chiwu stars to supplement your energy... I have to choose here."

She looked at the star... in fact, it was very far away, but because the star was so huge, it was as if it was close at hand.

"The host once replaced a Saint Aquarius, and Aquarius became the guardian constellation of the host. There is no problem here. I have the sun authority that the host gave me in advance, and it is the energy of this star. In addition..."

She raised her hand and hit a light into Keisha's body.

"This is what the master told me to... you should be able to know its effect."

Caesar's slightly closed eyelids widened because of her loss. What she got was a wonderful algorithm similar to the one she placed in the shrine behind the palace.

This new algorithm allows people to recognize that she is Keesa even if she sees her now. She can also use this algorithm to arbitrarily assign herself an identity.

‘Father’s power is really amazing. ’She is experiencing the magic of the algorithm.

Daier said: "If you want to see him, you can use this to go to the earth. Even if you stay with him, no one can find it."

Keisha's eyes slipped a longing, but soon calmed down.

"No, I willfully'dead' again, not for a short-term meeting...I'm going back to the Angel Nebula. You, you are..."


"Dear, please tell your father, I will not be capricious anymore."

"If the host hears it, he will be super happy."

Daier smiled softly at her. Although it was the first time for Dai Er to appear in front of Keisha, Dai Er looked at Jingyu at all times. Keisha's birth, childhood, growing up and becoming a queen...... Jingyu saw it, and Daier saw it.

For Daier, the owner’s child is his own.

Keisha is no longer a queen. She let go of the Queen's dignity, and as a woman, she responded to Delle with a smile. Then he turned around and fluttered toward the dark insect bridge in the universe.

Daier watched her go away and disappeared from the constellation of Aquarius. After returning to replace the main hall, she contacted Jingyu. Returned the sovereignty of the sun to the owner, and also conveyed Keisha's words.

Her master stood in the command room of the Juxia, and no one noticed that his lips slightly curled up in a pleasant arc.

At this time, Rena put her hand on Yan's shoulder and was injecting energy into Yan.

"Stop when you have enough, otherwise I'm not responsible for pushing you up." Because of Yan's and Jingyu's attitude, even if she compromised, she still muttered with a good face.

"Explode my explosive energy, the Juxia is over. I know you must be very careful." Yan Xiao said with a narrow smile.

Reina whined in her heart, and was really hit back to the utterance.

She couldn't help but increase the injection of energy. Yan's body surface soon radiated a layer of gold, and it became more and more flourishing.

Yan did feel the fullness of energy. Reina's energy seemed to be endless, so she could not help being secretly surprised. But she was up against Rena, even if it was full, she would not stop.

The two looked at each other and wanted to stop each other's hands first.

"You..." Jingyu looked back at this scene and was really amused by them. He walked over and pulled Rena's hand away, "Are all kids?"

"You are!" Yan Bai glanced at him.

"Humph." Rena turned her pretty face.

Jingyu shook his head with no help from them and asked Yan Yan: "How are you doing?"

"I want to go outside." Yan said. There is still too much energy in her body. Although it does not prop up the body, the golden light on the body surface cannot be suppressed.

She felt that she needed some room for adjustment.

After speaking to Jingyu, he left the command room.

Jingyu, Rena and Lianfeng all followed her out of the cabin. I saw Yanfei flying into the air, a wave of energy suddenly spread out from her body, and the sea level shook slightly.

After this, the golden light on her body finally disappeared.

She shook her fist in the air, ‘Rena’s energy is really powerful, and I feel it’s not surprising that I am even advancing to a divine body at any time. ’

She did not return to the ground immediately. He bowed his head to Jingyu and told him that he was fine. Then his eyes entered the white state of the angel's eye of insight.

"Open the angel-level dark communication system..."

This state lasted for a few seconds, and Yan exited the Eye of Insight and flew back to the ground.

Her brows are frowned.

"Moganna's communication obstruction is really bad, I can't open our angel's dark communication system."

This shows that she could not contact the angels who were on the earth, could not know their status, nor could she tell that she had returned and took over the queen.

In this case, there is only one way.

"Jingyu!" She looked at him and wanted to tell him that she should leave.

Hoo! Li Feng took the intercom in his hand to communicate, and the fleet also sounded an alarm.

"Li Feng, the radar caught a high-speed moving object approaching."

Lian Feng hadn't had time to give instructions yet.

Jingyu grabbed the wrist of the hand that held the walkie-talkie, and pulled the wrist firmly to her mouth. "Cancel the alarm and let the units not attack... It was an angel."

"...Okay." Yuqin should be off.

Jingyu pointed to the north side and listened to the sound of all things to capture the angel's position.

Yan, Rena, and Lian Feng looked at... nothing was visible to the naked eye. But Yan believed in Jingyu's judgment and she immediately spread her wings and flew in that direction.

Soon she saw one of her younger generations, the right-wing guard angel of Sacred Caesar.

"Sister Yan." Zhixin kept her short blond hair, and her childish face showed a smile and relieved, "Sister Yan, I finally found you."

"You have worked hard." Yan An stroked her. "Other angels... are you not with you?"

Shaking his head stunned, "Queen Caesar seems to have a premonition that before she was sniped, most of the guard angels were sent out, leaving only four angels including me and Leng sister. We were demons After the attack, it also dispersed. I have a message from Queen Keisha, let me go to the Nuo Xing God of War, so I have been looking for China’s South China Sea Fleet at sea... I just felt your strength, Sister Yan, just take a look . By the way, Nuoxing Ares, is he still with you?"

"Yes, come here." Yan turned around, beckoning to keep up, and asked, "Queen Caesar... Do you want me to take care of him?"

"No! The message is not left for me, it is for the Nuo Xing God of War... Let me convey it." Zhixin obediently said.

"For him?" Yan was a little puzzled, not knowing what the queen would say. ..
