Infinite Replacement

v9 Chapter 86: Angels start the sub-biological engine

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The two angels quickly arrived on the deck of the Jupiter.

Zhixin Xiangyan glanced forward and took a step forward to stand in front of Jingyu, "Nuo Xing Ares, hello, I am the angel of Xinxin, the right wing guard of Holy Kesha. The queen gave it to me before the fall. A message, let me forward it to you... Can you accept it now?"

‘It’s Shaer again for me? Jingyu raised her eyebrows and thought, what would it be if Daier brought it just now?

But he still said: "Can receive."

The burning eyes also entered the state of insight, and a lot of information was linked to Jingyu's channel through invisible circuits. Jingyu opened the channel and copied all the information into his operation interface of Nuoxing God of War.

Yan looked at their eyes with some surprise. She couldn't see the transmitted information, but their eye status indicated that the transmission was still going minute, two minutes, three minutes...what exactly was the message, it took so long to transmit.

It took ten minutes for the burning eyes to return to their normal state and a long breath.

With this information in her mind, she has always been a little worried. Fearing that he is dead, he cannot complete the mission given by Queen Keisha. Well now, I found Yan and forwarded the message.

Jingyu is reading that information.

Zhixin asked Yan Dao: "Sister Yan, you are now taking over the queen."

"Yeah, but..." Yan smiled self-deprecatingly. "My queen is really useless. I can't even open our dark communication system."

"Moganna is using the computing cloud of Demon 1 to destroy the communication. To restore communication, unless you can fight against Demon 1... If Sister Yan's Skyblade is there, it would be nice." Xinxin regrets authentically . Afterwards, "I suggest that Sister Yan return to the Angel Nebula as soon as possible to inherit the throne."

Since Yan was the queen, the heart-warming tone turned to honorifics.

The distinct level represents the firmness of order! Even if Queen Caesar is gone, the angels will continue to follow the justice order.

"This..." Yan glanced at Jingyu.

She was a little bit reluctant in her heart, but she knew she couldn't delay time here.

Jingyu suddenly looked over and collided with her line of sight... Yan froze for a moment and almost avoided her gaze.

"Maybe you can restore the angel-level dark communication system." He said.

Yan's eyes lit up, "Is the message related to this?"

"It's about it. Keisha told me that the biological engine was installed in the two of you. She told me how to start it and let me start it for you." Jingyu laughed.

The sub-biological engine is too much for both of them. The original setting was started after their death.

Keisha knows Jingyu's ability, but he can even gather her body that is broken down into atoms. She believed that he must have a way to help them start the second biological engine without hurting the lives of the two angels.

She said in the message: "Father, I know you are not going to fight for the support of angels in your own identity. So, I put the opportunity to help angels in front of you... you help angels, they, also Will definitely help you."

Well, with Jingyu's character, even if she didn't say that, he didn't plan to let Yan go.

Now add a heartburn. Just looking at that face and the tone and expression when speaking, I knew it was still very young, and Jingyu wanted to take her. After listening to Jingyu, Xinxin was a bit surprised, "If it is Sister Yan, after the secondary biological engine is turned on, it may really be able to restore our dark communication... Morgana’s The method used by Demon 1 to destroy communications is actually a sub-biological engine. That should be obtained from Karl. Well, it may not be more advanced than ours."

She seemed disdainful to Carl, the **** of death.

"Then give it a try." Yan agreed to come down.

She wanted to start dark communication. Before I leave, I want to do something for him... At the same time, it is also helping the angel himself-if the company is an ally, then it is best to not lose this ally.

"Let’s go back to the cabin first... Rena, you need to provide energy; Lianfeng, you will contact you from the side of Juxia City. We will finish it soon. If there is a battle before then, let them cooperate with the brothers. Steady and steady, don't jump in!" Jingyu said with a solemn expression.

Reina and Lianfeng nodded consciously... Both women were shocked after doing so.

He had gone forward with two angels, and they were surprised and complicated to watch his back... because they both wisely realized that this person, if taken seriously, has a personality that makes people unconsciously obey him charm.

Jingyu thought about Keisha's message while walking.

This step of starting the secondary biological engine is not difficult in itself, as long as the algorithm about starting in the message is written into the operation interface of the two women. The problem is that after the secondary biological engine starts, their hearts will not be able to bear it.

Will break during the startup process.

‘So what I need to do is actually protect their hearts before the startup is complete. ’

He thought about what method to use.

For example, the blood of the true ancestors can be temporarily used in their bodies... that can be turned into ash and can be restored immediately; the energy of the huge human body can be turned into a healing energy group that wraps the heart and destroys it in the heart At the same time repair; can...

In any case, it seems that these two angels have to reveal more of his power.

After thinking about it, Jingyu finally decided to use only the ability of imagination.

After letting the two angels sit down in front of him, he touched their vests with his hands, thinking: ‘Define Angel Yan, the heart of the angel’s heart cannot be destroyed... Start the sub-biological engine. ’

As long as he has the strength to support it, the fantasy can be turned into reality.

Rena saw the bodies of the three people glowing next to her. Jingyu's body is glowing, but Yan and Zhixin are just the mouth.

‘What a huge energy... Jingyu, where did he come from such an energy... Ah, yes, if it’s not the case, Morgana doesn’t have to fear him anymore. ‘Leena’s doubts and relief.

This person is her companion, and may still be an intimate protector, so there is no need to delve into what he has and what he will do.

Yan and Zhixin felt protected by a warm power... I don’t know why, even Zhixin, who spoke with him for the first time, could understand the source of this power, that person must be very concerned about them, Hope they are good.

They realized that memory.

The start of the secondary biological engine is just an instant.

When the engine was successfully started, they recovered and immersed themselves in the secondary plane to communicate with the engine. The secondary biological engine is different from Jingyudi, redefining their heart, so that the new heart can adapt to the secondary biological engine.

When Jingyu's hand was moved away from the backs of the two women, "Sister Yan, I seem to have upgraded my **** body, how about you?" Said heartily.

"Me too." Yan stood up and said seriously: "Rena, please give me energy, I will try to start angel-level dark communication again."
