Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 421: Insider

When he came to the airdrop box, Li Tianyu immediately checked the box. The box has been opened, but the materials inside did not seem to have been passive, except that there was no tracker in it, but compressed biscuits and water. These bioshocks certainly did not come for food and water. There were so many materials in the city that they didn't need to come for airdrops.

So the only explanation is that these bioshocks came at the tracker in the airdrop supply box.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing: "Little girl, have you dealt with the two of them?"

"I... It's absolutely okay to delay time." Zheng Nanxing hesitated and replied.

"Well, you're delaying here, I'll go to the last airdrop supply box first." Li Tianyu immediately ordered, and then remembered the current location, and then flashed to the last airdrop supply box. At this moment, there was no enemy at the side of the last airdrop supply box. He immediately landed on the side of the supply box, and a lightning nova shook all the zombies around him.

Then, he opened the airdrop supply box and looked at it, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: finally found...

Li Tianyu grabbed the Dragon Ball Detector-like thing and put it in his arms, and then used the flash to return to the place where Zheng Nanxing and the two BioShocks were before, but what surprised him was that the little girl had actually put these two BioShocks. solved.

"Aren't they mutated?" Li Tianyu asked, looking at the two corpses on the ground with some surprise.

Zheng Nanxing shook his head: "I broke their necks, and they can't mutate. Dr. Wang said before, right? The virus carrier is on the spine. Even the resurrected corpses must be resurrected. Only a complete spine can move. Brother Tianyu, do you remember the resurrected corpses?"

Li Tianyu nodded, and Zheng Nanxing continued: "It was in the restaurant in the sky before. In fact, the brainstems of those corpses are dry and rotten, but they are still active, because it is the spine that supports the movement of the whole body."

"Meaning, even if you have a headshot, you can't kill these zombies, but you will have their necks broken?" Li Tianyu asked curiously.

"Yes, if the spine is destroyed, the virus will die if it loses its vector. So, as long as their neck or spine is twisted, these zombies will stop moving." Zheng Nanxing explained, "To be precise, the virus stops moving, because It is not the muscles that support them to move, but the virus, so if the virus is gone, the zombies can't move."

However, although Zheng Nanxing said very clearly, Li Tianyu does not have this ability. He doesn't know how to twist a person's neck. Although it looks like he is holding a person's head and twisting it on TV, how to do it? I don't know at all, I can only rely on thunder and lightning. Fortunately, if it was in the tide of corpses, even if the opponent mutated Li Tianyu, he could quickly kill him.

"In that case, just leave the task of killing these Bioshocks to you?" Li Tianyu said, and handed the detector in his arms to Zheng Nanxing, "This stuff can be found when the Bioshocks contact each other. Their location."

"All right..." Zheng Nanxing muttered with his cheeks puffed up, as if a little unconvinced.

Then, Li Tianyu grabbed the airdrop supply box and returned to the base with Zheng Nanxing.

Because the detector was already in hand, Li Tianyu went out again to take the last airdrop supply box back to the hospital. In this situation, the supplies are still relatively important. Since they have all gone out and found the airdrop, it is better to bring them back along the way.

When Li Tianyu went back, Shen Yan and Liu Zihao were still outside, and they didn't know what happened to the military base. But since Shen Yan didn't ask him for help, it means that the situation there must be going well, so he stayed in the hospital honestly, silently waiting for the return of Shen Yan and Liu Zihao.

The rain outside is getting lighter and lighter. It seems that it will stop in these two days. These three airdrop supply boxes have made the hospital's supplies a lot more abundant, enough to support another three days. Now we wait for Shen Yan and the others to come back Up.

However, while waiting, the detector Li Tianyu brought back reacted, and eight light spots appeared on it.

"Meaning that there are still eight Bioshock Soldiers left?" Li Tianyu thought secretly, but today he does not plan to go out anymore, because now Shen Yan and Liu Zihao are already outside. If he and Zheng Nanxing also go out now, just in case these biochemicals It's dangerous when the auspicious soldiers come to the door. To be safe, it is more appropriate to keep two players in the survivor camp.

Because Shen Yan and Liu Zihao didn't show up, and they took the survivors with them, they had to travel back and forth by vehicles. It was normal that they were slower. It wasn't until about six o'clock in the evening, when it was almost dark outside, that the two of them came back.

"Oh, how did it make it so late? It's almost dark." When Shen Yan came back, Li Tianyu greeted him anxiously, grabbed Shen Yan by the shoulder and asked: "If you don't return, I will go out to find you... How is it going?"

"It's amazing. There are a lot of weapons and tanks!" Shen Yan said excitedly, "But none of us can drive, so we just left it alone. We only drove a military off-road vehicle back. That's the kind of roof. The military off-road vehicle with heavy machine guns is super powerful! Then there are a lot of weapons, which should be enough for us to arm the survivors of the entire survivor camp."

"What about that thing?" Li Tianyu asked, Liu Zihao lifted his visor and said: "In the car downstairs, the NPC is moving into the elevator. There are more things, and the weapon is heavy. It is estimated that you will have to go back and forth many times. Before it can be shipped all the way up."

"Even so, it wouldn't take so long, right?" Li Tianyu touched Shen Yan's head and said, "Did you have any trouble at the military base?"

"One thing, the code over there is locked." Shen Yan complained, "The code given by the officer on the helicopter can only be used to open the door. After entering, each door needs a different code. We looked for it for a long time. One of the zombies found the key card on his body, opened the key to the weapon storage, and then brought back all the weapons."

"What about you? Did you find the detector?" Liu Zihao asked rhetorically.

Li Tianyu raised the Dragon Ball detector in his hand and shook it, then threw it into Liu Zihao's hands: "In this way, the current situation will be very advantageous to us. Let's get rid of the remaining Bioshocks first. "

"Brother Zihao, were you followed when you came back?" Zheng Nanxing asked at this time, and Liu Zihao shook his head: "No, it should be. There is too much poisonous fog around and I can't see it clearly, but I think since we are If they can't see them, they shouldn't see us. Unless... they use thermal imaging."

The body temperature of zombies is cold, but human body temperature is hot, so the difference between humans and zombies can be judged by thermal imaging. But BioShock is a special infected person, equivalent to a human being modified by a virus, so their body temperature is also cold, just like a zombie. In other words, thermal imaging can see them, but not the Bioshock.

"That's it." Li Tianyu replied, "The man told me today a secret to fighting the Bioshocks. Just breaking their necks can prevent them from mutating. Zihao, your bloodline is Batman, you should have strong melee combat. Is the ability right? You should know how to break a person's neck, right? Yan'er, you should also have this kind of skill, right?"

Shen Yan and Liu Zihao nodded, and Li Tianyu said with satisfaction: "Then, Nan Xing and I will be guarding the base to prevent the bio-shocks from sneaking in. You two go out and fix these bio-shocks. It’s okay, right? ?"

"I can do it alone." Liu Zihao said confidently, "Leave it to me!"

"Oh, I'm not welcome if you say that." Shen Yan clapped her hands happily and said, "It just so happens that I hate getting wet in the rain. I just washed my hair last night and I have to wash it again today."

After the division of labor was clarified, this batch of weapons was also brought up one after another, and it was indeed a batch of very objective weapons.

Pistols, rifles, shotguns, and sniper rifles have 20 or 30 firearms, and there is a considerable supply of ammunition. At the same time, there are also plenty of grenades and flash bombs, and there are even two RPGs! RPG can be described as an artifact in the Resident Evil series, any final BOSS can't escape the bombardment of such an RPG. These weapons can fully arm the entire camp of survivors.

After the weapons were distributed, what Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing had to do was to stay in the survivor camp and wait for Liu Zihao to kill all the Bioshocks. He didn't dare to leave before that, of course, just in case, he still asked Dr. Wang for the research data on anti-drugs, and then carried it with him. As long as this research material is in hand, the other party will not dare to act rashly.

For the next two days, everything went smoothly. With the support of weapons, the survivors were able to collect materials at an amazing speed, almost twice as fast as before. In the past, each team of survivors could only go out once a day, but now they can go out twice, and the chance of getting injured outside is even lower. After all, there are a few more explosion-proof suits.

As long as one person in each team wears an explosion-proof suit and walks in front to attract the attention of the zombies, ordinary zombie attacks cannot penetrate the explosion-proof suit. Others can quickly clean up an area of ​​zombies by shooting at the back with guns.

In addition, because having weapons also gave some survivors courage, those who stayed in the survivors camp were willing to go out to collect supplies after they got the weapons, which made their current accumulation of supplies much faster.

Not only the supplies in the supermarket, sometimes survivors can bring back an airdrop supply box.

In contrast, the tasks of Li Tianyu, Shen Yan, and Zheng Nanxing are not too easy, as long as they stay in the survivor camp and wait for the NPCs to collect supplies to support them. Only Liu Zihao was looking for the Bioshock and killed it all by himself. After two days, Liu Zihao solved all the remaining eight Bioshocks.

Although they solved all the Bioshocks, the military side of the society still did not contact them, which made Li Tianyu a little puzzled. Considering that it may be because the process of the main mission has not yet reached that stage, Li Tianyu decided to continue looking for survivors to expand the scale of the survivor camp.

At present, the speed of collecting materials has increased significantly after the weapons are available. The four players do not need to go out to collect enough materials, so that the hospital has more and more stocks, so it is time to increase the number of survivors.

On this day, Li Tianyu took Shen Yan and the three of them to a place outside where the radio came to check.

The radio had already sent a distress signal four days ago, but at that time it was raining heavily, on the other hand, they had no weapons, and the consumption of materials was too fast, so Li Tianyu did not respond to the distress signal.

After all, even if these survivors are rescued, they won't be able to feed them, so it's better to just wait.

However, after arriving at the survivor camp that sent the signal, Li Tianyu realized that they were too late. The survivors here should have been without supplies for too long, so that the first person died. As for the cause of death, it may be due to starvation, or it may be due to long-term lack of food, which leads to weakness and virus poisoning.

In short, the first person will become a zombie after death, and then kill the second person, which triggers a domino effect, so that the survivors in this entire survivor camp die.

Although it is a pity, I can only try my luck elsewhere.

Therefore, Li Tianyu took Shen Yan and the three back to the hospital with a flash.

Just when they went back, they saw that the little nurse was talking to a man.

Li Tianyu didn't care either. After all, the survivors basically communicated with the little nurse, but at this time...

"Who are you? Why are you a face? I haven't seen you before?" The little nurse looked at a limping woman passing by her in a medical suit and asked At that time, Li Tianyu was shocked and turned his head quickly.

But at this moment, the limping woman took something out of her chest and threw it on the ground.

At that time, Li Tianyu's brain exploded with a "buzz!", he instantly lost sight and hearing, his brain was blank, and he sat on the ground shaking with no resistance. Although it lasted less than two seconds, when he opened his eyes again, the previous woman had disappeared from the scene. But Li Tianyu knew the woman's goal.

"No...Where is Dr. Wang?!" Li Tianyu turned to the little nurse and asked. The little nurse covered her ears and pointed to the corridor in front of her with difficulty, " the office, edit...research diary..."

Li Tianyu rushed forward at full speed, but before he ran a few steps, a scream came from the office in front, followed by the sound of glass breaking.

When they broke into the office, Dr. Wang covered his chest and fell to the ground, lying in a pool of blood, with the windows wide open. Apparently, the assailant had fled the scene.