Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 468: Level 2 reversal

Li Tianyu’s words caused Thor to fall into contemplation. As Li Tianyu said, Thor actually doesn’t like to be a manager. He is a warrior and a hero. He is warlike and protects the weak, but he is not good at governing the country. On the contrary Rocky is very suitable to be a manager.

In Thor 3, Thor, the **** of Thor, went out to find the flame giant Suerter to prevent the disaster because of the "Twilight of the Gods" event. During his absence, Loki quietly took his father Odin. He drove out and replaced Odin to rule Asgard, during which time Asgard was fine.

After Thor returns, Asgard is gone...

Although there were a lot of twists and turns on the way, it also indirectly proved that Loki is capable of managing Asgardians well. So in Li Tianyu's view, this is the best choice for Thor or Loki.

Loki goes to manage Asgard, and Thor is going to be the hero of his Avengers.

"I..." Thor stood up, looked out the window, akimbo and replied: "I need to think about it. My brother... I can't safely hand Asgard to him. You've seen that too, than As far as Asgard’s safety is concerned, he values ​​his own **** more."

"..." Li Tianyu couldn't object to this. Loki was still the **** of mischief. What he valued most was himself. As long as he was happy, it didn't matter what the country was. This indeed shows that Loki is not a good monarch, but what can be done? Odin has no other sons, so he can only choose one of these two.

"Oh, you decide for yourself." At this point, Li Tianyu shrugged, then turned to Shen Yan: "Shall we go back?"

Shen Yan looked at Thor, hesitated, then gave him a punch: "Do what you want to do!"

After speaking, Shen Yan took Li Tianyu's arm and nodded to him.

But Li Tianyu flashed Shen Yan back to his room, ready to rest.

"Ouch..." Shen Yan threw herself on the bed, then turned to look at Li Tianyu and asked: "Tianyu, what do you think he would choose? In fact, I think it's good for him to give up the throne."

"He won't give up." Li Tianyu shook his head and said, "Because of his sense of justice, he couldn't accept letting someone like Loki take over Asgard, even if he knew that Loki would manage Asgard better than He manages well. This is the most embarrassing aspect of being a hero. They are always bound by'justice', either black or white, and not'gray'."

"Hey..." Shen Yan curled her lips and said, "I think what you said makes sense."

"That's the truth." Li Tianyu said, climbed into bed and hugged Shen Yan. "Although comics always categorize people as decent villains, the truth is not always the case. You always have to meet those People in the gray area. For example, a bad guy is the boss of a company, and arresting him is to serve justice, but it will make a person in the company lose his job. What should I do?"

"Yes, it feels very similar to the current situation." Shen Yan sighed with her chin resting on her chin. "To hand over the country to Loki is to surrender to the evil forces, and choosing to fight Loki against him can't treat him like Loki did. Sgard manages it well. It's really embarrassing."

"So, let him think for himself. Isn't the so-called hero people who try to do the right thing? We are mortals and don't know how to choose in this situation, so let the hero do this kind of thing." Li Tianyu said He buried his face in Shen Yan's hair, feeling the faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus on her body, "Let's do what mortals should do... have a baby."

"I hate it." Shen Yan reprimanded, slapped him back, "wandering around, I just want to do it..."

"No way, it's still early, and I can't sleep while sleeping." Li Tianyu said, kissing her neck lightly.

"Um..." Shen Yan curled her lips, "Anyway, let's take a bath first? I was a little disappointed by what happened during the day."

"It's okay, I'll help you cheer up." Li Tianyu grabbed her waist and smiled.

However, Li Tianyu did not forget that they have been here for two days, and the missions in other areas outside should have entered the middle and late stages. This mode is the end of the mission after all the main missions are over, so Li Tianyu is not in a hurry. Their mission in Area Two has not progressed at all, so the mission cannot be ended early.

And if it is people from other regions, they can only play the role of promoting the development of the plot, but they cannot participate in the main line of the task. Just like Li Tianyu and Shen Yan, they can deal with NPCs after they come here, or they can choose to participate in a certain faction, but they can't join the main mission.

Just like what Loki did, he would take the actions of Li Tianyu and Shen Yan into consideration, and would be affected by their actions, but he would not explain what Li Tianyu and Shen Yan did. They can only promote the development of the plot. .

So, as long as the two of them don't go back to deal with the main task in area 2, this scene will not end. Therefore, Li Tianyu is not in a panic. After they have completed Liu Zihao’s main task and liberated Liu Zihao, then no matter if others have completed their main task or not, they can go to other scenes to engage in trouble and plunder other players. integral.

After a rest for the night, on the morning of the third day, everyone came to Asgard's palace again to gather.

Now, Odin is about to announce the results of what Loki reported to Thor about Thor.

"After my investigation..." Odin replied faintly, then stared at Saul, and said solemnly: "What Rocky said is true. The witnesses did see your horn to Asgard that day. Tricked. In addition, we also interrogated the captured Frost Giants. They confessed that you provided them with this idea to capture Asgard."

This sentence caused a whisper on the scene, everyone behaved extremely shocked, and then Odin turned to Sol and asked: "So, Sol, do you have anything to say?"

"No, father." Sol said with a serious face, "I didn't do these things."

Li Tianyu actually knows that this must be Loki's hands and feet. This guy is best at doing this kind of thing. He can manipulate fantasy and turn himself into another person, so he can completely pretend to be Sol to face Asgar. The Horn of De is doing hands and feet and colluding with the Frost Giant in private. However, this should be easy to distinguish, because the real Thor will always bring Thor's Hammer.

However, at this stage, it is actually reasonable and unclear, because someone can testify for what Loki said, but no one can testify for Thor. Therefore, Li Tianyu was helpless.

"So..." Odin replied faintly, lowering his eyelids slightly, "I declare, Thor, you will be exiled forever, and you will not return to Asgard without consent."

Isn't this connected with the story of a generation of Thor? Li Tianyu thought to himself. Of course, Odin’s decision to make this decision is also forced by the world. He must also know that Loki has caused a ghost, but as the king of Asgard, he must set an example in front of everyone and must uphold justice, even Even his own son cannot be kind.

This is what Li Tianyu said, being bound by "justice" is really ridiculous.

But Li Tianyu felt that the result was actually good. They got the reward, Thor continued to be his hero, and Loki took over Asgard. Regardless of the process, whether Saul is willing or not, the result is actually quite satisfactory...

"If this is your order, father." Thor said, standing up, and then raising his hand, Thor's hammer whizzed from a distance and hit his hand. At this time, a smile appeared on Sol's mouth: "I am still worth..."

The Asgardians at the scene seemed a little uneasy, most people couldn't believe it was true, and Luo Zhan had a gloomy expression on the side, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just when Li Tianyu thought this was about to end, Odin suddenly got up, turned to Loki and said, "Then, I announce, Loki..." At this point, Loki seemed to be waiting for Odin to announce that he would inherit. Throne, however...

Odin suddenly changed his conversation and his expression became stern: "You will be expelled from Asgard forever, and you must not be one step closer! And Sol, my child, you will become our heir to the throne."

"What!?" Loki was a little surprised, then his expression grimace: "Why!?"

"I know it's you, Loki." Odin looked down at Loki and said, "Maybe you forgot, Thor's mother is a witch. And this is the image she extracted from the head of the frost giant. Both eyes widened. See it clearly!"

With that said, Odin released a video showing the communication between Thor and the Frost Giant, which was an obvious flaw.

"Yes, although what the Frost Giant saw was Thor, it was only Thor, without Thor's Hammer!" Odin scolded severely, "You pretended to be, right? I knew it was you from the beginning! The throne was originally just a test. What I want to see is not that my two sons are fighting for the throne, but that one of them can stand up and end this fight!"

As he said, Odin stared at Loki, "You really disappointed me, my child."

"Don't call me like that!" Loki's facial muscles twitched, and he suddenly lost control, who was always sensible: "I know I'm not your son... I was picked up by you from the frost giant's territory, on me. With the blood of evil... I know that you left the throne to your biological son from the beginning, but I am still stupid hope you can see my efforts..."

Although Loki is usually calm, his heart is actually distorted. In two things, he will immediately lose control. The first is ridiculed and despised by people of lower status, and the second is his blood. Seeing this, Liu Zihao covered his face next to him, obviously a little helpless at Loki's impulse: Isn't this equivalent to confessing his crime?

And this sudden change made Li Tianyu a little surprised: I thought he was already winning, but at this point, the wind direction suddenly changed, and the old guy Odin turned his spear on Loki!

But thinking about it carefully, Li Tianyu discovered that there were clues that actually showed the "correct gameplay".

Because of Loki's character, he would definitely engage in some despicable and shameless means to obtain the throne, but as a player, he must know that Odin is most disgusted with this behavior. Then, the correct way is to persuade him to use a fair and honest method when Loki tried to win the inheritance right in the beginning, so as to have more chances.

Bad guys use despicable and shameless methods to win is actually one of the most stupid strategies. Bad guys pretend to be good people is really smart. If Loki starts to compete with Sol in an open and fair manner, then Sol must have agreed to withdraw from the game and hand Asgard to Loki to manage.

It is precisely because of this that Loki only told Liu Zihao what to do, but did not tell him his own purpose. Because in fact, it doesn't matter what Loki asks Liu Zihao to do. As long as he uses despicable means, no matter what Liu Zihao does, the final inheritance will not be Loki's. It can only be said that Liu Zihao chose the wrong route at the beginning.

However, Li Tianyu couldn't blame Liu Zihao. After all, he was just thinking of hindsight now. He was really in the middle of the mission. Maybe he would not have thought that the requirements of this mission were actually such a hint.

It's just that the ending doesn't really affect anything, because Thor won, indicating that the reward will go to Kai's hands. In that case, they can kill Kai and grab the points from him. It's still the same.

Just adjust the points earned by everyone in the follow-up tasks and give Liu Zihao some points compensation, and the problem is not big. But at this time, a roar suddenly came from outside.

"Who dares to expel Sol!?" Kai's voice came Then Kai slammed open the palace gate and rushed in.

At this moment, Kai was covered in blood. After he entered the door, he threw the pair of butterfly wings in his hand on the ground, and said proudly: "This is a gift from Thor to Odin, the wings of the fairy queen! No matter what my brother asks for What mistake did you make, this gift is enough to offset it!?"

However, his words caused an uproar at the scene. Odin also grabbed those wings and said in shock and sadness: "What!? Fairies are a kind and wise race, and the Fairy Queen is our important ally! How can you do this!?"

"But, don't you want to bring a precious gift to this old guy?" Kai frowned and asked in a puzzled way. Then he turned to Loki, and suddenly realized that he was deceived by Loki: "You..."

But at this moment Loki immediately raised his hand and shouted, "Take this traitor!"

Although everyone hasn't understood Thor and Loki's verdict, everyone knows that Kay, who killed the fairy queen, is definitely the sinner of Asgard.

As for Li Tianyu... Two levels of reversal and then reversal have already made him dizzy.