Intergalactic Era of Gossip

Chapter 90: [Twisted twists and turns] Such a develo

"Where did the black bug come from?"

The elder brother’s face was full of coldness. He picked up the "net bag" containing the bugs and asked his brother, "No one will clean up the room for you? There are bugs in the house." It was just a relationship, and even the room was untidy. Needless to say, Sells must have broken his brother.

Naryn stood up: "Brother, give him to me."

Yaming disagreed: "This bug looks a little weird." He made a gesture, "It looks like it's obese, it's heavy."

As he said, he weighed the weight.

The gold-eater screamed dissatisfaction at the right time.

Naryn: "..."

Sigh silently.

He blinked, took the worm in the air from his brother and took it into his arms.

The moment the finger touched the tentacles, Higgin's frightened shout came out.

"Naren, I hate this net bag."

The prince touched the round worm's **** soothingly. Of course he knew that Hijin would not like to surf online.

But...I was tied to a net bag, with my feet shrunk, and it looked like an honest bug, and it felt pretty good inexplicably.

Instead of opening his mouth, he adjusted his posture and held the gold-eater between his arms.

Because of the sudden incident, the gold eater did not adjust itself to the size of a palm, and the huge body of the worm appeared bloated and ugly-this was the worm in Yaming's eyes.

However, the prince who "has become accustomed to Higgin's insect body, and gradually wears the filter over time", did not think there was a problem, and the posture of holding the insect looked quite gentle.

Yaming's heart was greatly shaken, and his gaze towards the insects approached materialization. When did his younger brother who loves cleaning become interested in bugs?

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the messy clutter on the bed. The corners of his eyes jumped fiercely, and his heart felt uncomfortable subconsciously-is this really his brother's room? The younger brother who can sink his face to make a series of condemnations when he touches something dirty?

Yaming maintained a calm facial expression and asked calmly, "Why did you pile all the dirty stuff on the bed?"

Naryn's face turned black: "..."

No, that's rations for gold-eating bugs.

He considered the sentence and gave an ambiguous response——

"Brother, I will pack it up."

Yaming shook his head, deep thoughts in his eyes. If it hadn't happened to pass by and saw that his brother's door was wide open, he wouldn't have seen such a sloppy side of the other party. Maybe time is really an invisible weapon, turning his well-behaved and sensible brother into what he is now.

Facing his grown-up brother, he could no longer gesticulate like he did when he was a child. Yaming could only implicitly remind him of the health problem, and then left in a daze in Naren's darker and darker face.

His midway interruption consumed the sad parting breath of one person and one insect.

After Yaming left, Naron held the bug in front of him, and the two sides looked at each other for a moment, and both fell silent.

The prince who was the first to look away calmly tightened his mouth and said, "In this case, let's stay a little longer."

He took out the terminal and entered the communication interface.

Higgin: "..."

When the emperor's shout came from the loudspeaker, the Gold Eater seemed to have accepted this plastic flower-like false friendship. When he faced Narren, the Worm's face gradually became cold, and his mouth hummed mercilessly.

"You disappointed me too much."

The tone of this questioning didn't have any effect.

Naron had a clear conscience-he didn't deprive the gold-eater's ability to change the size, and Higgin seemed to have forgotten his talent and curled up in a net bag. The gloomy Worm's face was as steady as Mount Tai, and the bottom of his eyes questioned implicitly, as if Naron had done some unforgivable evil.

The prince took the cleaning machine out of the cabinet with an air of composure and began to pack up the bed piled with metal fragments. During this period, the small black eyes behind him moved unblinkingly with his figure.

When he finished cleaning and was about to hand over the bugs to the country, news of Sells came in.

——It is video communication.

The background behind the Imperial Marshal is not his custom sports car. In the past few days, Naron has been familiar with every car in the Monte’s garage. It is still a bit strange: the national emblem of Yasha is hung in the car, and all the precision instruments are working. state.

"Naren." Across the screen, Sells's voice was a little distorted, "I may be away for a while to go to Marginal Star."

At that time, the prince was holding his Chongxing friend, and after hearing the news, there was no expression on his face.

The marshal's eyes flickered, as if he was doing mental construction.

"About six days or so."

Naren motioned to know.

"We can't always be like this." The prince behaved very calmly.

As men with their own careers, it may be normal to be separated, but sticky dates for several days are not normal. "I'm still thinking, when will the Imperial Marshal become idle."

Naryn twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Sells did reduce the number of outings for his own sake. Earlier, the other party had been in a busy state, even Naren, who had been prejudiced against him, had to admit that the other party was a busy person. But recently, Sells suddenly stabilized and stayed in the imperial capital for a long time.

"It happens that I have something to be busy these few days." Naren stroked the worm's head lightly. "We can handle the matters at hand separately."

Sells frowned and looked sad. He called up an image: "What do you see?"

Naryn: "Mountain?"

Sells: "Does it look good?"

Naryn squinted and nodded despite being puzzled.

Sells: "I have prepared luggage for two people, waiting at your door."

Naryn: "..."

Sayles asked: "My qualifications can apply for a place in the army."

The number of military personnel? What's that thing?

The marshal took out the documents with a serious look, and motioned Naren to look closely.

Gray-green eyes quickly swept across the image-this is an official application, and the official seal of the military department and the autograph of the emperor have been stamped on the review opinion column.

In the column of military personnel's name, fill in the prince's name: Naryn Charvey.

"With it, even if we don't have a marriage relationship, you can follow me to the mission point." The marshal explained, "You must have three first-class merits and have been in the military for more than five years to be eligible to apply."

He told that the application was not easy to come by. Seeing that Naron didn’t respond, he added: “Is the matter at hand important? I spent an afternoon going through all the procedures, and I wanted to go outside with you to relax... "

Naren pointed out: "Even without this form, I want to go to the military department, but no one can stop it."

Sells paused for a few seconds before showing off his army quota again, saying, "But the meaning is different."


Many people who are accompanied but unmarried have worked hard to apply for this military form. But in fact, for Prince Charles, it is not difficult to go to the mission point with the military personnel.

In terms of meaning... it's just a table with no practical meaning.

——It just happened to be printed with their names.

Naryn didn't think about it for a long time. He put the bug aside, stood up and said to Sells, "Wait for me."

The marshal's eyes faintly flowed, and he restrained and showed a happy smile.

Gold-eater: "???"

Naren took care of it quickly, and amidst the dissatisfaction of the gold-eater, he picked up the insect and went straight to his brother's strength, and then held his brother's complicated gaze to indicate that he was going to travel.

"Where's your luggage? Where's the travel route?"

The answer to him was a heavy fat bug.

"This is His Majesty's pet. When he arrives, it must be returned to His Majesty."

Yaming: "...Wait, Luye's pet? Why does he have an ugly bug?"

I'm afraid I have to ask the person involved.

At this time, Xijin had vaguely foreseeing the coming and his destiny.

As a dignified noble of Insect Star, he refused the touch of strangers, so he quickly got smaller and got out of the net bag. After landing, the agile gold-eater crawled along the trousers into the pocket of Naren's coat, acting skillfully.

"It's getting smaller." Yaming was expressionless: "It crawled in."

"Oh, it's okay." Naryn took the gold-eating worm out of his pocket as usual, and gave it to his brother again, and said: "Take it away."

Yaming: "..."

Hijin Worm's face sank, and the gold-eating Worm after regaining his memory was no longer weak and deceptive. With a powerful body, he was not afraid of an assassin who had no armed forces. The insect's indifferent gaze swept over the two Charvies present.

"Hiss——" Yaming let go of his hand painfully, his fingers were heavily pinched by the worms.

The gold-eater effortlessly broke free of its hold, and quickly entered the room, putting on the prince's clothes.

"Beard, goodbye."

The baby-faced youth spoke with a serious tone. Although he had solemnly announced his parting a few minutes ago, he was covered by a net bag in the next second... but this time it won't be because he has made up his mind.

From the moment he left the palace, his heart was always shaken. While thinking, "Leave, Asha is not suitable for the worms to settle", and at the same time thinking "at least with the owner alone", even, maybe There are more ambitions, such as "using the hands of Emperor Asha to fight for the rule of the insect star, and then mutual benefit" and other political trends.

——But he found that he didn't even have the courage to say goodbye.

He glanced at Narren one last time and said, "Sell Luye and I separately."

After saying this, the Chongxingren waved his hand, turned and walked out, his back figure determined but firm.

"Dididi-find the intruder and activate the protection system."


Xijin screamed, caught off guard from being covered by the oncoming electric shock net bag.


After a twitch of his thin body, he tilted to the ground.


Naryn stood in silence for a while, thinking: He hadn't expected such a development, really.

Under the comprehensive protection of the Rx3.0 system, the unsuspecting insects were knocked to the ground.

Yaming stretched out his foot tentatively, touched the suspicious person who was unconscious, confirmed that the other person was unconscious, and asked, "What's the matter?"

——This is really a long story.

Naren glanced at the time and confessed: "Luye is about to arrive, I'm leaving first. Brother, I will contact you at that time."

Yaming: "..."

He remembered the rumors he had heard not long ago that his brother was called to the trial court for being suspected of colluding with Insect Star. For this reason, he also ended the anniversary tour with his wife ahead of time. Only after returning, he found that it was just a false alarm. But now...Looking at the comatose Chongxing Man on the ground, he couldn't help feeling that the whole thing was confusing and confusing.

How to do? The younger brother really seems to have a connection with the Chongxingren. As the elder brother, what should he do to cover up the suspicion for the younger brother?