Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1000: shameless

Qin Hao was not particularly close to the Valente's manor. He was more than thirty kilometers away from the Valente's manor, and he let the driverless taxi go back.

Then the psionic energy in Qin Hao's body turned on. After pouring the psionic energy into his legs, he used the unique operation mode of the Zerg to simulate the light power skills that the warrior had lost. The Valent family rushed in the direction.

Qin Hao has been mastering this kind of pseudo-light work for a long time. At this time, it is already in full swing, and it can't be more suitable for rushing.

The 30-kilometer distance was not much at the feet of Qin Hao. Soon he came near the Valent family estate. As soon as he approached, Qin Hao's psionic energy sharply caught the breath of several practitioners.

"Yes, there are a lot of secret whistle in Mingka!" Qin Hao said secretly in his heart. Generally speaking, these big families would not use practitioners to send out whistle. Some people were on duty near their estate, but these people basically They are all retired special forces, or specialized security personnel, and more of them are like eye-catching, dense cameras.

It is extremely rare for such a practitioner to send a whistle directly, unless it is a top family like the Federal Three Pillars, the average family, even the Qian family, is not so luxurious, let alone a Valent family. !!

Obviously, these people are so nervous because they have a ghost in their hearts and they have failed to harm Qin Hao ’s sister. Of course, they are afraid of Qin Hao ’s revenge. Although I do n’t know that Qin Hao has come to the earth, the Deng family did not treat them as promised Asylum, this has made the Valent family feel like they are sitting on the floor.

"Well ... how to get in ..." Qin Hao frowned. Although these practitioners are not very high-level, most of them are trainee knights, and occasionally there are several third-level guys who seem to be leaders. Qin Hao wants to mix in. These people can't find it at all, but the problem is that there must be surveillance everywhere in the manor of the Valent family. He is here to investigate the situation, not to kill him directly, so he wants to be silent. Mix it in, this is really a technical job.

I do n’t know if it ’s Tianyou Qin Hao. When he was worried, the two guys came out of the manor. It can be seen vaguely that the two guys were a man and a woman, and their behavior was quite intimate. And whispered.

Qin Hao poured psionic energy into his ears, and the powerful hearing he inherited from the Zerg began to work.

"Damn! These Han Chinese are cunning! I have said that they can't be trusted!"

"Do you know? These Han Chinese like to fight heart-to-eye, all of them are more cunning than foxes. If they were not too cunning, they would fight for you all day, and there is room for living in the entire federation. , I am afraid that all humans are left with only these black-haired and black-eyed guys! "

"Ah! It's a pity, we all understand such a simple truth, but the owner just couldn't figure it out, he actually believed those Chinese people's gossip!"

"Yeah, the people in Deng's family obviously want the white wolves without gloves, and they haven't left any evidence yet, but our homeowner actually believed it!"

"Huh! I'm mad at the mention of the Deng family. These guys are really nothing. Before, they secretly acquiesced. Now that we have finished, they will not confess!"

"Hum, people can be smart, what is acquiescence? As long as you dare to make things clear, you dare to deny it on the spot? Say they have no knowledge?"

"Ah! This is a terrible situation. The owner has gone to ask the other big brothers in the Stonemasonry Association, and the Zhao family and the Childe family have sent special envoys. I don't know if they will save us ... "

"Don't count on that group of guys in the stonemason society. These guys who have seen oblivion and righteousness, at this time half of them have turned to that Qin Hao!"

"In that case, our only hope is the Zhao and Childe families?"

"You are so optimistic. I don't think we have any hope at all. Now it is our black hand to kill the sister. We are unreasonable parties. What kind of benefits can we promise to let these two giants take the lead for us? They are notoriously unprofitable! "

"The price we can get, I'm afraid it's Miss Two, right?"

"I said you are naive! For those big families, what beautiful women, what marriages are nonsense! Benefits! What they want is real benefits, and they are angry at the crown? Don't exist!"

"Then we are completely dead?"

"It's up to the housekeeper to deal with it. If he is willing to cut the meat and use a few galaxies as the price, someone should still help us."

"There are only a few galaxies in our family. You are talking about lightness."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, it has nothing to do with us, anyway, we are just small people, let's hurry up and do something serious!"

"What's the matter?"

"Give me this less! Hurry up and touch me, I can't wait!"

"Don't ... don't ... my husband is behind ..."

"Then don't hurry up yet?"


Qin Hao hid in the corner while listening to the information revealed by the two populations, but he did not expect that the man suddenly said nothing, and then flung the woman into the bushes, and then the two began to undress Unwind!

"I wipe! There's such a come out ?!" Qin Hao was dumbfounded, and the family was caught in this crisis. The two were actually not on patrol, but came out to cheat, but Qin Hao was opened. Eyed it.

Eyes squinting behind the bushes, the couple of men and women are ready, and they are about to enter the battlefield, Qin Hao can't stand it anymore.

"噗 ... 噗 ..."

With two muffled sounds ~ ~ Qin Hao did not go forward, the pair of dogs and men spit blood and fell to the ground.

"Om ..." A parasite flew from Qin Hao's fingertips, and it quickly penetrated into the man's body, then stole all his memories while his brain was not dead.

After all this was done, the parasite released the decomposing enzyme, and after getting rid of the man's body, the woman was also injected with the same decomposing enzyme. After completing all this, it returned with two drops of men's blood Qin Hao's hands.

"Yeah!" The amoeba on Qin Hao's wrist absorbed blood, then copied the other's DNA, disguised Qin Hao as a man, and the parasite returned to Qin Hao. When Qin Hao needed, It will transfer the man's memory to Qin Hao.

Soon, with the dissolution of the decomposing enzyme, the pair of dogs and women turned into a ball of blood and water, and then merged into the soil to become the best fertilizer for these shrubs.

With a wave of Qin Hao, the two men's clothing and belongings were put away, and everything was handled as if nothing had happened!
