Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1086: cover

.., Almighty Evolution

Between the attack of the Holy Admiral fleet, the twenty Kika navigators also completed the steering and started the jump engine in preparation for phase jump.

"Alarm! Alert! High-energy warning after a day of cultural units!" A few alarms were sounded from behind the Kika navigators.

Because the distance is super long, even a light-speed weapon cannot be fired immediately. The distance of an astronomical unit, even if the speed of light strikes, takes about 500 seconds. When the alarm sounds, the enemy's main gun In fact, it has already opened fire.

So the real time left for these Kika navigators is only about a hundred seconds!

One hundred seconds sounds long, but for warships in space, this is not enough for them to adjust too many positions, even this small reconnaissance ship!

If the warships are in motion, then a hundred seconds is enough to keep them away from the attack area, but if the warships are stationary, it takes a long time to start from the engine to increase the speed of the warships. This is why the fleet was particularly afraid of being ambushed just after completing its jump.

At this moment, these base card navigators are in a state of transition. One hundred seconds is not enough time for them to jump into phase space. It is too late to turn off the phase engine and then start the conventional engine to steer clear.

"What to do ... What to do ..." All the captains were choosing!


"Uh ..." Several of the Kika navigators interrupted the phase transition, and then turned on their own phase hiding ability. This is a defense mode developed based on the technology of Holy Admirer, which can make the spacecraft in a short time Avoid phase damage by hiding inside phase space.

However, this avoidance does not allow the spacecraft to enter a transition state, but temporarily hides in phase space, which means that it must go where it comes in, and because after entering phase space, its speed will be reduced to relatively If you want to move still, you have to accelerate again.

Although there are various disadvantages, phase hiding can prevent the spacecraft from deadly attacks, so it is also a good way to save lives.

But this is not the time to use this trick, because even if you have avoided this blow, interrupted the phase transition, and then want to make a transition, you have to re-family. At that time, the fleet of the Holy Admiral can watch you leave. ?

The last few kika navigators here have disappeared out of thin air because the phase is hidden, and the beam weapon, after its first target disappears, it will continue to impact forward, so Subsequent Kika Navigators became the target.

"Several, good luck to you! Be sure to complete the mission and bring the enemy into the encirclement! If you have a chance to be promoted in the future, kill a few extra aliens for us!" The fleet's commander sent to the several ships ahead After the fleet broadcast, he also released the phase transition state, but did not let the spacecraft enter the phase hidden state, but strengthened the shield output power of the hull, apparently intending to resist the attack for the friendly forces!

"Brother, kill a few more aliens for us!" Four other Kika navigators made the same choice, and they could not escape. Even if they hid in phase space, they just flashed this wave of attacks. It was the same fate that they were destroyed by aliens when they reappeared.

So at this time, five Kika navigators, including the fleet commander, made such a choice. They used their hull to help the friendly forces in front to block the attack and gave them time to complete the jump!

"Relax! Master Commander! Rest assured brothers! We must complete the mission and we will help you kill the enemy for revenge!" The officers and soldiers in the front of the Kika navigator are in tears, but they can only choose to escape at this time.

As a reconnaissance ship, these Kika navigators have very weak firepower. They are also killed when they fight back, and they also have missions on them. They need to introduce enemies into the encirclement!

So the dozen or so Kika navigators in front could only watch the friendly forces be destroyed by the enemy, and they jumped into the phase space.

"Boom boom boom boom ..." After dozens of seconds, beams of light hit the commander's and others' ships, blasting these Kika navigators into dust in the void, although incorporating Zerg biometal technology, However, the size of these spacecraft is still too small, and they are still vulnerable to the main gun attack of large battleships.

But the sacrifices of these warships are not ineffective, they have given their allies time to evacuate!


"Die to death! Being a martyr is better than being a coward!"


The ships that had originally entered the phase-hiding state were also released from phase space. Their previous choice was completely subconscious. In the face of enemy attacks, these captains instinctively chose the best evasion method.

But immediately afterwards, the captains of these spaceships realized that after they interrupted the jump, they had fallen into a state of mortal death. At this time, it was a shame to sell friendly forces to the enemy for a few seconds. Behavior, they took the initiative to escape from the phase space, after the commander and other battleships were destroyed, they continued to block attacks for the forward battleships.

"Boom Boom ..." One after another the Kika navigators were destroyed. In addition to the spacecraft left behind, they were also prepared to escape.

In the end, only seven of the twenty Kika navigators successfully entered the phase transition state!

"Escape! Escape! Do you lower creatures really think that they can slip away from us? Huh ~ ~ Bring us back to your hometown! I will be new to Miboshka Discoverer! "Said a man with long silver hair in the distant Saint Admiral fleet, sneer.

At the same time, the fleet commander named Mi Poshka said to his deputy directly through mental force: "Calculate the opponent's transition path! Then chase!"

"Sir, don't you need to report to the Holy Ghost?" The lieutenant asked, of course, their communication was done through spiritual power.

"No need to report, my fleet is enough to deal with this lower civilization!" Mi Bosica said arrogantly, he had previously destroyed a large fleet of this lower civilization, this civilization has a very low level of technology , With the strength of his fleet enough to destroy it!

After the destruction of this lower civilization, the star area of ​​this civilization will become his trophy. At that time, he can dedicate these planets to Archbishop Adelin. I believe that at that time, Archbishop Adelin will definitely He looks amazing!

(End of this chapter)
