Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1151: Ready to shoot

"Oh!" Iraga, whose eyes were soaked in blood, had clearly entered a state of rage. Although he had killed Tatarstan, he was still attacking wildly.

"Uh ..." Several giant anesthesia needles were shot on Elaga's body. This was an emergency method for the arena. They hoped to calm down Elaga with anesthetic, and then a special trainer would go. Guide it back into the cage.

But at this time, Ilaga had apparently gone violent. The threat of death made it completely violent, so a few shots of anesthetic did not seem to calm it down. This ensuing attack actually made it even more violent.

"Boom boom ..." Ellaga released the lightning wantonly. Not only was the external wall at that location just penetrated, but also the external wall close to Qin Hao in this direction was blasted out of a large cave.

"Brother, you have to evacuate quickly, and I will invite you to dinner again!" Luke yelled at Qin Hao, and then stood up, he also joined the emergency response of the arena.

"Run away! The monster is out of control!"

"Ah! Mom!"

"Quick! Here! Here, the exit is here!"


At this time, there was a mess in the arena. Qin Hao sat on his seat. He was not in a hurry.

Through the instinct obtained by the Zerg gene, Qin Hao can feel the fear of Ellaga. Its madness comes from fear, and this induction between beasts is one of the abilities that Qin Hao obtained from the Zerg gene.

Through this ability, although Qin Hao cannot directly communicate with the beasts, he can feel their emotions very clearly.


"Boom boom boom boom ..."

Iraga growled, and was also attacking indiscriminately. Under the leadership of Luke, the arena began to try to control this ancient monster by various means.

In this process, Luke tried anesthesia needles, power grids, and other means, but Elaga was too strong. Under anger, the anesthesia needles did not work at all, and control methods such as the power grid were even used by it. Just shredded.

"Come on! Master Yuka, please!" Luke shouted to a staff member. Master Yuka was the strongest mental warrior of the Bernstein family. When he went to Wallace to capture Ellaga, There is his participation.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The staff nodded, and immediately set off.

"Boom!" At this moment, Ilaga, who had slightly recovered her sight, actually started walking outside the arena along the damaged exterior wall.

"Stop him!" Luther shouted.

"Yes!" Several mental warriors rushed up, and at the same time, many people began to attack Ellaga with scientific and technological weapons.

"Boom boom boom ..." The beam cannons hit Ellaga again and again, but because it was in the city center, the power of the beam cannons could not be fully turned on, otherwise the beasts were knocked down and the entire Leviathan city It is estimated that it will be completely scrapped.

It may be that the gun cannot dare to fire fully, and its power cannot effectively kill Elaga. Although each energy cannon attack makes Elaga's bombed skin open, but this kind of skin trauma can not stop it. Instead, it will irritate it even more.

"Oh!" With a roar, Elaga's attention was drawn to those energy cannons.

"Boom boom boom ..." A series of lightnings passed, and several self-propelled beam guns were all destroyed. If not all of these weapons were self-driving, the Holy Prophet's already scarce population was estimated to have suffered heavy losses this time.

Qin Hao looked back. At this time, the people in the arena were almost evacuated. Except for himself, there were basically no spectators. Except for a few sporadic people who were not afraid of death, he hid in the corner to watch it. In addition, most of the audience evacuated to a safe place.

At this time, several mental warriors have rushed up. They are equipped with the standard war armor of the Holy Admiral's spiritual warriors and begin to fly around Iraga to disturb its attention.

"Hey ... hey ..." Iraga was annoyed by these fly-like guys, but this military-grade warframe has a stronger flight control system, which is more flexible, making Ilaga unable at all. Easily hit these mental warriors.

Although the strength of these mental warriors is far worse than that of the dead Tatarstan, these guys still hold back Elaga with their flexible maneuverability.

"Roar!" At this moment, Ilaga seemed to be completely enraged. It roared, and the mental warriors actually appeared a short tadpole, which was very surprising. After all, the Holy Admiral family was right Those who are particularly specialized in mental power can be short-lived to be deterred. How strong a mental attack?

At this moment of ecstasy, Elaga waved with his front paw, and two mental warriors were swept away by him. They slammed into the far wall, Qin Hao clearly Seeing these two guys spit out blood, then they passed out.

"Oh!" A flash of lightning was released immediately after Ellaga. The guy who had not been hit by a fly changed from a lucky man to a bad guy. Although he was not beaten to half death, he was directly turned into a Scorched!

"Damn!" Luke slammed the table anxiously. Now this is already a major accident. If Ilaga rushes out of the arena, it will be a big deal. The other two will be holding on to this ~ ~ Boom! boom! "Ilaga didn't have any precise purpose at all. It was attacking so wildly. Any moving object would become its target.

"Hmm ..." With heavy footsteps, Ellaga started to walk outside the arena, and as its footsteps fell, rows of seats were stepped on to waste products, and this guy looked at him Qin Hao came over.

"Hoo!" Qin Hao took a deep breath. He had just made up his mind and wanted to get rid of this trouble!

It was n’t Qin Hao ’s upsurge against Illaga, but it was the result of his thinking, because for Qin Hao, if he can kill Illaga, it ’s definitely a good thing. First, he This is a big help for Luke and the Bernstein family, they will definitely remember Qin Hao's favor.

Secondly, Qin Hao remembered the fascia in Ellaga's head. This thing is a treasure, of course, he can't miss it!

Finally, after being defeated by the divine body, Qin Hao once again gained powerful power. He also wanted to check how his combat power was through actual combat. This universe giant Elaga was the ideal training target.