Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1240: coup

? Since he made up his mind, Qin Hao changed his previous thinking, and he decided to lead the fleet directly to the earth!

You should know that the envoy fleet of the Holy Admiral this time is unprecedentedly huge. In order to highlight the status of Qin Hao ’s body and to protect Qin Hao ’s security, the high priest sent a battleship as the flagship of the envoy.

In addition to this battleship, the remaining more than a hundred battleships are also cruisers. Only a small number of defense ships used for air defense are frigates. The rest are all large warships!

Therefore, although Qin Hao's fleet is not particularly large, only a hundred ships, but the combat effectiveness is not low, and low-level cosmic civilization like human civilization, their fleets can't block this elite. fleet.

What's more, in addition to this fleet, Qin Hao also let Zac send a large wave of swarms into the strategic transport ship of the Holy Admiral. With his current strength, let alone drive the fleet to the earth, even if It's okay to call in the past.

Not to mention that now there is a nail that Qin Hao has already installed near the earth!

You must know that after Qin Hao re-completed the unification of human civilization, he left Batulu on the moon, and after Batulu solidified on the moon, the entire moon will become his swarm base, so even if Qin Hao returned to the earth by himself. As long as he beckons, he can call a large number of insect swarms to land at any time!

"Let's go! Let's go to the earth!" Qin Hao ordered to his fleet commander.

"Yes! Under the crown!" The fleet commander immediately began to execute Qin Hao's order.

When Qin Hao provided the coordinates of the earth to the fleet commander, the fleet of the Holy Admiral began to adjust the direction, and then entered the transition process.

Because the technology of human civilization has not yet reached the level that can hinder high-level space jumps, the Holy Admiral fleet does not need to walk one stop at a time, they can jump directly into the earth's gravity well.

And because the space technology of the Holy Admiral is very developed, even if they have just completed the jump, the shield of the battleship is turned on. Although the conventional power engine and weapon system need a certain amount of time to restart, but relying on human firepower, they want to use the It's not easy to break the shield of the Holy Admiral inside.

After more than four hours of preparation, the fleet of Holy Admiral began the phase jump of this long distance!

"Oh!" With the opening of phase space, the fleet rushed in.

Because the jump distance this time is relatively long, Qin Hao has time to think about what to do next.

After nearly 30 hours of phase transition, all the warships in the fleet began to rush out of the phase departure point. At this time, Qin Hao and his fleet had reached the earth's gravity well.

At this moment, a large number of human fleets are waiting in the gravity well of the earth. No less than two hundred warships are assembled here, and most of them are grizzly-class heavy cruisers. These spacecraft are in the human civilization without capital ships. But the absolute main force.

However, although these human battleships are still waiting, even with their muzzles extended, they have not attacked blindly, because the alien star fleet opposite is too gorgeous!

Unlike the strong industrial atmosphere of human battleships, the Holy Admiral battleships all have a silver-white streamlined structure, which is very beautiful and very sci-fi.

Although in the field of military industry, beautiful is not an indicator of combat effectiveness, but generally speaking, beautiful equipment is generally powerful, because only after you have reached a certain level of technology, you will have the heart to engage in it. Outfitted profile.

In addition, the battleship of the Holy Admiral was too conspicuous. Hundreds of kilometers of giant battleships. This thing did nothing and was an invisible deterrent.

And the most important thing is that human beings have fought with the Holy Angel before. Although the image of the battle is incomplete and hidden by the upper levels, many senior generals have seen it.

So many human senior generals know the strength of the other person at a glance. Before the other person has shown hostility, they don't want to poke the basket on their own. What if the other person is not hostile? Didn't they pit themselves for this shot?

As for what to say to be strong first, in this situation of obvious difference in power, there is no meaning at all.

"The shield is fully opened. All warships must not open fire without authorization. If the enemy attacks first, then destroy the attacking enemy and do not hurt the innocent!" The officers and soldiers of the Holy Admiral under Qin Hao's opponents ordered.

"Yes! Under the crown!" The Holy Admiral believers answered in succession.

"I will land on that planet first. As for subsequent orders, I will inform you." Qin Hao continued to speak to the believers of the Holy Prophet through the fleet broadcast.

"Yes! Under the crown!" These believers naturally obeyed Qin Hao's orders unconditionally.

After explaining everything, Qin Hao stretched out his right hand. His index finger and **** were brought together, and then he clicked on his eyebrow. Qin Hao then launched the jumping ability of the Eye of the Universe.

"Oh!" With the flash of silver light, Qin Hao disappeared from his ship, almost at the same time, a silver light suddenly flashed in a small park on the earth, and Qin Hao appeared on the lawn. on.

Because Qin Hao changed to Earthman's clothes before teleporting, Qin Hao's walking on the street did not attract anyone's attention except for the terrified children who lost the Frisbee.

"According to Zach, the human fleet began to evacuate about a year and three months after I left, so in other words, the human side should have changed nine months before ..." while walking on the street ~ ~ Qin Hao muttered in his heart.

Soon, Qin Hao came to the door of a convenience store. He picked up a handheld computer and took some federal currency from Lingjing Space to pay the bill. These things were brought to Qin Hao before leaving. After the human side has changed, the currency has not been updated, otherwise he will not be able to checkout.

With a handheld computer, Qin Hao quickly connected to the Internet, and began to check what exactly happened nine months ago.

"Grandma! Play this with me?" After half an hour, Qin Haoqi slammed the handheld computer directly, and the vocalization of human civilization made him even more determined to temporarily dictate this civilization!

It turned out that more than a year after Qin Hao left human society, a coup took place at the high levels of humanity. The bureaucrats of the Earth Federation abducted public opinion through various means, and then elevated General Cohen and President Claude and others. Eventually these guys became It was taken away from the military. In order to maintain their notice, they deployed all available troops and used them to suppress those who resisted them. For this reason, they even gave up the defense line of the Z3 star zone ...

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